Posted on 10/05/2021 9:14:48 AM PDT by FryingPan101
There had to have been an audio component to the CGI too. I was two blocks away and heard the second plane go in.
Maybe there were giant loudspeakers set up nearby broadcasting the sound of a jumbo jet flying perilously low overhead. If so, the plotters did a great job. The audio was really convincing.
Anyone who’s stuck by Wood on his election trutherism despite his flirtations with QAnon and assorted insanity probably won’t cut him loose upon discovering that he’s a 9/11 Truther. But I offer the clip anyway in the spirit of hope.
The crowd is quiet during his spiel, which I imagine is uncommon for him. Maybe they were caught off-guard by this digression from the usual ramblings about “The Storm” or Xi Jinping changing the vote totals or whatever. But it must have been unnerving for a demagogue who was trying to whip up his audience to be received with silence.
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Another real winner representing Trump. /s
Ya, he’s lost it.
Once Lin Wood worked to hand the Georgia Senate Runoffs to the Democrats, our side SHOULD have gotten suspicious of him...but far too many here agreed with him, and that doesn’t bode well, at all, for this country.
Perhaps he’s attempting to lay the foundation for an insanity plea in his defamation case. (sarcasm)
I don’t know what to think of Lin Wood myself, but I sure know what to think of never-Trumper Allah’s Pundit.
There are live videos from numerous television stations of the second jet hitting the tower, not to mention hundreds of eyewitnesses on the ground. There is also at least one live TV video from the ground (station was covering an unrelated story) of the first plane flying into the building above.
This is simply insane, the ‘theory’ he’s espousing. CGI is done in a film editing room, not on live TV. The poor man needs some medication and therapy.
Lin Wood is right.
As a suburban New Yorker, a third generation Irish person from a long line of both firefighters as well as finance people many of whom worked and lived in and around the Trade center, and whose parish buried 32 victims including childhood friends, I have to say wow this guy is out of his mind. Really. If this is what he said.
He needs to be in a quiet room with soft walls and no sharp objects.
He’s right about what?
Yep. Some kind of documentary or simple story needs to be put together by an unbiased reporter.
I can’t help but wonder how people get themselves into these predicaments and drag others down with them. He’s an achiever. He won big cases and settlements. He was credible at some point in time. That said, even people he made wealthy rejected him eventually. I never understood why.
He’s a character and he still has a devoted following.
Throughout the history of mankind, people have been thought to be nuts for how they thought, the ideas they had, and for the words they spoke. I sometimes wonder what major difference there is in the horrific rhetoric of one Barack Hussein Obama and that of Lin Wood. Just sayin.’
That was one of Trump’s biggest problems, and it really wasn’t just because of him or anything he did. But the Dems absolutely persecuted any legitimate legal representation he had and drove them off…not with guns, but through investigations, unfounded charges (which still had to be defended), destruction of personal reputation, etc.
So all he was left with was the loonies. He should have refused them but I guess he didn’t feel he could.
Shut this twit up, stop posting his drivel
“Perhaps he’s attempting to lay the foundation for an insanity plea in his defamation case. (sarcasm)”
“Perhaps” that’s not as sarcastic as you think. Sounds rather plausible to me.
Lost his marbles.
I don’t quite know how to shut it down.
Could you send me a list of what I can post drivel about?
I didn’t post his drivel. I posted an article.
Nobody cares, he’s a full blown retard
If Wood is serious, I’ve lost all respect for his intellect and reasoning capability.
Next he’ll be promoting those flat earth videos.
Therefore, I wonder why he’s putting on this show … and why now.
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