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Scientists Demand Climate Revolution with Promise of Civil ‘Disobedience’
Breitbart ^
| 04/03/2023
| Simon Kent
Posted on 04/03/2022 7:38:26 AM PDT by ChicagoConservative27
Scientists are mad as hell and demand their claims of looming climate catastrophe are taken seriously. That’s the message released Sunday by a loosely federated global network of scientists and academics who plan “high levels of disobedience” to highlight what they say is a planet in decay.
Members of Scientist Rebellion told AFP their non-violent actions are timed to coincide with an upcoming report from the U.N.’s climate science advisory panel laying out options for slashing carbon pollution.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Government; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: 202304; 2030; breitbart; carbon; carboncredits; climate; climatechangefraud; climatecult; demand; disobedience; doomsdaycult; extinctionrebellion; globaltax; globalwarminghoax; greatreset; greennewdeal; hoax; insurrectionists; netzero; nutzero; panicporn; scam; scientist; scientistrebellion; simonkent; unitednations
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I see we have a new thing. It went from BML riots to climate riots! Everybody on Facebook will change their picture to climate change!
To: ChicagoConservative27
When scientists go mad, they become mad scientists.
To: ChicagoConservative27
If everyone who believes CO2 is an existential danger would personally stop emitting it this problem would be solved overnight.
posted on
04/03/2022 7:40:18 AM PDT
( (Natural born citizens are born here of citizen parents)(Know Islam, No Peace-No Islam, Know Peace)
To: ChicagoConservative27
I guess they aren’t getting enough grant money for their “studies” and “surveys”. They need to go see the Swedish meatball. I’ll bet Greta can help them out with a few bucks.
posted on
04/03/2022 7:40:46 AM PDT
(Don't blame me, I voted for President Trump. Let's Go Brandon! FJB!)
To: ChicagoConservative27
Scientists Woketardians are mad as hell and demand their claims of looming climate catastrophe are taken seriously."
There. Fixed it.
posted on
04/03/2022 7:40:57 AM PDT
Carl Vehse
(A proud member of the LGBFJB community)
To: ChicagoConservative27
I got yer “civil disobedience” right here, perfesser.
Come and get it.
posted on
04/03/2022 7:41:02 AM PDT
E. Pluribus Unum
(Depopulate the depopulationists. --FJB)
To: ChicagoConservative27
I no longer believe anything coming from "climate scientists."
They have become chicken little, predicting the sky is falling (incorrectly) far too many times. It is obvious their warnings - aka "message" is more about politics and power than science.
There may be some people still in the field for the science, for the knowledge. The are obviously very few and far between. The left adopted climate as an issue to use to attempt to gain power and control. In typical leftist fashion they have corrupted and ruined it.
posted on
04/03/2022 7:44:58 AM PDT
(Vaccine mandates: they are not about health, they are about obedience.)
To: ChicagoConservative27
“Scientists!” All of them!
An astroturf group thats most likely a Russia-Putin front, making trouble just now because - of course.
posted on
04/03/2022 7:49:02 AM PDT
(Strategic imperatives )
To: ChicagoConservative27
Good, have them start in carbon friendly China.
posted on
04/03/2022 7:49:46 AM PDT
To: E. Pluribus Unum
I bet the group will be funded by a George soros organization. They will use the money to pay a bunch of losers to commit violence in the streets. They will also receive assistance from corrupt governments like Joey Diapers administration.
posted on
04/03/2022 7:51:09 AM PDT
(Democrats are the new Nazi's. They think they deserve total control over the people)
To: ChicagoConservative27
“What??!! They don’t believe us? Now we get mad!”
To: ChicagoConservative27
Civil disobedience? Hmmmm Do they mean something like people against perversion suddenly becoming ill at the entrances to the rides at Disneyworld?
To: ChicagoConservative27
These “scientists” had better have underground bunkers should they start shutting off our power. We have had enough, and we WILL come and get them.
To: Cold Heart
posted on
04/03/2022 7:56:53 AM PDT
To: ChicagoConservative27
The people behind the Great Reset are hoping to Blind Us With Science.
posted on
04/03/2022 7:57:50 AM PDT
(It's hard to "Believe all women" when judges say "I don't know what a woman is".)
To: ChicagoConservative27
Climate change is about saving the planet the same way CoupFlu policy is about protecting public health.
I have more faith in used car dealers.
posted on
04/03/2022 8:02:40 AM PDT
(We need to repeal RCV wherever it's in use and go back to dumb voting machines.)
To: ChicagoConservative27
This is why we need a real pandemic, not a fake political one, but the real McCoy that kills 2 out of 3 worldwide.
posted on
04/03/2022 8:04:55 AM PDT
To: ChicagoConservative27
All these religious zealots claiming man made global warming is going to kill the planet and all life on it should start by explaining how our pollution from petroleum products mysteriously and suddenly reversed itself from the Catastrophic ICE AGE we were experiencing in the 60’,70’s and early 80’s, which was destined to Freeze the Planet, suddenly turned in to runaway Global Warming threatening spontaneous combustion on a planetary scale.
posted on
04/03/2022 8:05:49 AM PDT
(founded in cynicism, wrapped in sarcasm)
To: ChicagoConservative27
posted on
04/03/2022 8:09:11 AM PDT
(So may we start? When can we start?)
To: ChicagoConservative27
These so-called ‘scientists’ aren’t even bright enough to understand basic data and analysis. What makes anyone think they’re bright enough to succeed at civil disobedience.
posted on
04/03/2022 8:09:27 AM PDT
(Capitalism is what happens when you leave people alone.)
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