Posted on 02/20/2022 11:26:08 PM PST by Eleutheria5
A New York Jewish advocacy group blasted Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) Sunday, after she accused Israel of putting Arab children in cages in Judea and Samaria.
Last week, Ocasio-Cortez spoke at an Austin, Texas gathering of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Following comments by pro-Palestinian protesters at the event, Ocasio-Cortez accused Israel of putting Arab children in Judea and Samaria in cages, saying: “I don’t believe that a child should be in a cage on our border, and I don’t believe a child should be in a cage in the West Bank.”
On Sunday, the Queens Jewish Community Council responded to Ocasio-Cortez’s comments, accusing her of smearing the Jewish state.
“The Queens Jewish community is concerned when a local elected official makes spurious and reckless suggestions aimed at Israel,” Michael Nussbaum, president of the Queens Jewish Community Council, told The New York Post.
“Bombastic suggestions and lies are dangerous when spewed by sitting politicians anywhere on the political spectrum. When the far left mimics the far right in lies and exaggerations, democracy and dialogue suffers.”
“AOC is always asking for the `other side’ to understand her positions and that of the DSA and the BDS followers who wish to eliminate Israel from the Middle East map.”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Lost me right there.
But other than that, he did sock it to AOC.
The FACT that her remarks are not (and will not be) condemned by her fellow Demwits shows what the Demagogic Party's real agenda is. This DNC front organization is going to find out they've transgressed a boundary and there will be retaliation by their fellow so-called Democrats.
When Worlds Collide.
More like a direct implication or bald-faced accusation than a mere "suggestion," I'd say.
“Bombastic suggestions and lies are dangerous when spewed by sitting politicians anywhere on the political spectrum. When the far left mimics the far right in lies and exaggerations, democracy and dialogue suffers.”
Name a single sitting far-right elected official in the U.S. who has made any such hateful and false allegation, Mr. Nussbaum! I dare you!
How about that "most hate-filled right-wing politician of them all," Mr. Nussbaum? President Donald Trump? When has he ever said anything comparable to this about Israel?
WTAF is wrong with this woman? Is she a little touched in the head or what?
“When the far left mimics the far right in lies and exaggerations,”
Would love it if Mr Nussbaum shared exactly which “lies and exaggerations” of “the far right” that he has in mind. Otherwise, this just seems like a gratuitous slap at conservatives intended to establish his bona fides as a mainstream liberal.
The American liberal Jewish community needs to wake up and realize that they have been supporting the very types of people who led to the Third Reich.
I am also very, very tired of hearing the phrase ‘far right’. Define ‘far right’ in the context of American society.
- People who believe that America is a special nation that is worth preserving?
- People who believe in God and that there is meaning beyond ourselves?
- People who believe in preservation of the nuclear family as the bedrock of our society?
- People who believe in personal freedom?
- People who believe that life can be both difficult and wonderful and that each of us needs to do our best to make our own way (i.e. personal responsibility)?
- People who believe that biologically there are only two sexes?
- People who believe that those in government serve at the privilege of the rest of us, and that their power in society should be limited and their tenure short?
- etc. etc.
Are these sins? Are these radical positions?
There are no far left and far right. Communism and Fascism are just different forms of totalitarianism.
She’ll still get 80% of the Jewish votes, if not 90%.
The Queens Jewish Community Council equates AOC with the far-right? THAT is what will upset her people.
AOC. The @$$hole Of Congress.
I think the meaning of the term “nuclear family “ by necessity needs adjustment. It should include any grand and great grand parents living and immediate aunts and uncles and 1st cousins.
Otherwise I’m all for the importance of the “nuclear family”.
We’ve let social scientists whittle down the term “family” to “nuclear family” and then let them turn the term into a pejorative with which to bash conservatives.
No I’m not for “two mommies” families...not talking about that sort of thing. I’m talking about the horror that we’ve allowed families to become too “distended” in their relationships with grand parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Sometimes splits do happen because of politics or divorces...lots of reasons. Still, I’m all for efforts to support strong nuclear and extended family relationships. Nuclear and immediate level extended families are our first line against tyranny!
He would still vote for her over a Repub.
But he did call her out, however mealy-mouthedly.
Everything that Trump says that the far left refuses to admit is true, in spite of the evidence. For example, the election was stolen, the Hillary campaign spied on him, criminals and terrorists come across an open border, etc., etc.
If Trump claimed the sky was blue in the day time, they’d call that an exaggeration and a lie, and heaven help him if it’s cloudy the next day.
What’s wrong with her?
She is a Democrat is what’s wrong. Five’ll get you ten that she will never actually switch parties over Dem anti-semitism.
Woah. No bias there!
You hit it right on the head.
You’re falling into a trap. President Trump is NOT far right. Not even close. Neo-Nazis and similar groups are. If he was referring to them, he was right. But that’s probably not what he was referring to.
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