Posted on 07/29/2020 6:21:25 PM PDT by RandFan
Former senior adviser to President Barack Obama Valerie Jarrett talks to FOX Business Maria Bartiromo about the Trump/Russia investigation.
"I have a high degree of confidence in our intelligence community, investigators comported themselves responsibly," Jarrett said. "Lindsey Graham is the one that encouraged Sen. McCain to turn over the dossier in the first place to the FBI."
"I do know that its nearly four years ago and I dont understand why our focus isnt on whats happening right now and today. Thats the investigation Id like to see," she said.
Bartiromo asked about the origins of the Steele dossier: "Whats happening right now is we are learning the details of what took place and we are getting official confirmation that the FBI knew that the dossier was garbage and made up in a bar because the sub-source of the dossier told FBI officials in early January."
"I was not involved in any of those conversations," Jarrett replied. "But the question I really want to put to you is, what are we doing today?"
"If people want to have an investigation about what happened four years ago, they should do that. But arent you concerned about whats going on right now? Arent you worried about the integrity of our upcoming elections? Arent you worried about how were going to have a safe and fair election?"
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
He can sue Valerie, but we all know that Reptilians tip the...scales of justice toward themselves.
And she’s shrewd enough to take advantage of the tendency of many such as yourself that are only too willing to believe betrayal by Graham.
It’s possibly what she says is true but it’s also very possible she is stoking embers of the thinly veiled distrust of Lindsey Graham by faithful Trumpsters.
Someone who is ac tively working to defeat LG
Back in 2019—
Trump ally Lindsey Graham says HE told John McCain to share ‘dirty dossier’ with the FBI but late senator’s aides used ‘piece of garbage’ to unfairly hurt the president
I've never trusted this guy. For awhile, with all his appearances on Hannity and so forth, it appeared he found a backbone. Perhaps even found some conservatism.
NOT! He’z nothing but a slimy deep state politician.
Consider the source and the timing. Polls in South Carolina are showing (to what degree of accuracy is questionable) that Graham’s Democrat November opponent is gaining on him, and there’s absolutely no track record of Valerie Jarrett making regular media appearances or telling the truth when she does.
Yes, Graham is a snake, but DC is filled with snakes and his opponent would be worse in every category that matters.
About a year before every primary opportunity, he turns his sabotage efforts and political favor machine on his primary opponent and acts like a rock ribbed conservative just long enough to get reelected. I don’t know if the voters in SC really get hoodwinked each and every time or if they just go off name recognition, but the way to defeat him is in the primaries and nobody has had a answer for his tactics yet.
McCain had something big over Graham.
after McCainiac died, Graham has been a different man.
What ever Graham did isnt as relevant today. Jarrett has flushed herself out and she is hearing footsteps. If Graham actually does the right thing now so be it. This is the second time in 10 days Jarrett couldnt control herself. The truth no longer matters its time to destroy them. Nobody gave a rats ass yesterday with Barr. This is going to be a cage match with any luck.
Well,any question you put to that Iranian whore will be answered with a filthy,dirty lie.
Normally, I would not believe a word this Reptilian says. But concerning the perfidy of Grahamnesty, I do not discount her accusation.
PDJT knows this and has not yet thrown Linda into the chipper-shredder. I trust his judgment in this. Sun Tzu, not cage match.
That's what Iranian agent Jarrett wants. You stand with her?
Well,any question you put to that Iranian whore will be answered with a filthy,dirty lie.
I would do a better job than the Fox host!
Thanks, mom.
My above comments are not accurate. If I could rewrite it I would.
If Graham goes down he only has himself to blame.
I do not believe he will lose however.
This is Valerie Jarret, a lying, power-hungry, Muslim admirer of Mao Tse Tung and the power behind the Obama throne. Maybe she’s telling the truth. And maybe she’s just trying to make sure the D’s take the Senate.
“As long as the GOP holds the Senate, I hope Linda loses as well.
His moment of glory was his tirade at the Kavanaugh hearing.
Otherwise, hes been an utter failure as Judiciary Committee Chairman. Not one subpoena!
I guess he just doesnt want to upset any of his uni-party buddies.”
You nailed it.
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