I could support that. Add Siberia and it would be even better.
This’ll drive the media out of their minds.
I wonder if Americans can buy land there. Get in before the price goes up.
I’m sure the inhabitants will be more independent and productive than our other USELESS LAZY territories like Puerto Rico..
Greenland would be the 51st state and the largest state, even bigger than Alaska.
It’s a great idea.
I have heard that Greenland has minerals like crazy under the ice cap...................
Ron White had a bit where he said the US should buy Mexico and then sell it to Israel, “we’d flip it,” he said.
That would be freakin’ awesome. Love the idea!!
So, this tells me that Trump secretly believes in global warming, and is looking for a new place to put a hotel, given the rapidly warming global climate. It’s all about the Benjamins, baby.
You can never own land here, Mr. Mortensen said, as all land is owned by the government. In Greenland, you get a right to use the land where you want to build a house, but you cant buy.
Well, that’s the current system. Once Greenland is part of the U.S.A., you’ll have private property rights.
The Drive by Media will question if President Trump is expecting to own the inhabitants too. White slaves.
This is going to be enjoyable.
Good plan! Then we’d have Canada surrounded!
Absolutely love this idea....
Now I see it says you cant buy land in Greenland. I guess its similar to Hawaii in that respect.
Make Greenland Great Again
Lordy the WSJ has devolved into a useless rag
Actually, Greenland is potentially a rich rich place. We should colonize it ourselves and call it Freepland.
It would become a MASSIVE capital idea IF “climate change” whatever it becomes is not (as we expect it will not be) a massive global catastrophe, even if Greenland becomes much more warmer on average than today. The possibilities could be huge.
But, what will they do to get the money? Sell a special edition of U.S. bonds with the dividend rate variable to the economic possibilities with Greenland? Would the bonds then be paid off out of royalty revenue on federal leases of land for mineral and fossil fuel exploration, development and production in Greeland.
And if all that is true and possible, then would Denmark even want to sell Greeland?
I think the idea is on one level great, and on another level impractical.
Nice idea but since US debt is larger than the economy forget about it.
Make it part of Maine