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Rep. Ilhan Omar Supports Group That Produced Child Beheading Skit
The Federalist ^
| May 7, 2019
| By Patrick Poole
Posted on 05/07/2019 6:02:07 PM PDT by jonatron
Shocking footage uncovered by the Investigative Project last week shows a skit produced by the Muslim American Society (MAS) in Philadelphia showing children calling for martyrdom as soldiers in the army of Allah and threatening to behead their enemies and subject them to eternal torture to wrest Jerusalem from Jewish control.
The horrific MAS-Philly childrens skit was posted to their Facebook page and shows a choreographed production as part of the groups April 17th Ummah Day pageant dedicated to supporting jihad to control Palestine. A MAS statement on Friday said the songs and poems the children recited exhorting violence and terrorism were an unintended mistake and attributed the incident to a vetting error.
MAS has 42 chapters across the United States. A 1997 FBI file obtained by Judicial Watch identifies MAS as the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States controlled by Hamas sympathizers known to conduct firearms and other military type training. A Justice Department filing (p. 58, fn. 13) in a terrorism-related case states that MAS was founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America. A September 2004 Chicago Tribune investigative report revealed that MAS had been founded by Muslim Brotherhood leaders, adopted the groups strict code for secrecy, and promoted Islamic supremacy.
The article interviewed one former MAS member who explained the groups vision for Islamic rule in America: It would convert Americans to Islam and elect like-minded Muslims to political office. Even more shocking is that freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (DMN), of other recent controversies, has openly supported MAS...
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TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Front Page News; Government; US: California; US: Maryland; US: Michigan; US: Minnesota; US: New York; US: Pennsylvania; US: Vermont; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: berniesanders; california; deaththreat; facebook; facebookbias; facebookhate; facebookviolence; fakebook; farleftextremist; genocide; hatespeech; ilhanomar; islam; islamicimperialism; islamonazism; jihad; jihadi; judicialwatch; jw; maryland; mas; mediablackout; michigan; militantleft; minnesota; muslimbrotherhood; muslimchildren; muslims; nancypelosi; newyork; nothingtoseehere; ocasiocortez; omar; pennsylvania; philadelphia; radicalleft; rashidatlaib; sappersinthewire; stenyhoyer; unamericanactivities; usjihad; vermont
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posted on
05/07/2019 6:02:07 PM PDT
To: jonatron
Kathy Griffith found a new appreciative audience?
posted on
05/07/2019 6:04:07 PM PDT
Oscar in Batangas
(12:01 PM 1/20/2017...The end of an error.)
To: jonatron
Of course she does, she supports freedom of religion for her religion only.
posted on
05/07/2019 6:04:18 PM PDT
(Spearhead - 3rd Armored Division 75-78 & 83-87)
To: jonatron
Rep. Ilhan Omar and those who voted for her should be regarded as suspected enemies of the United States of America.
To: jonatron
Of course she approves of it. She is a fundamentalist Muslim. This is what is happening in the democrat party
To: jonatron
Sounds like our domestic enemies are going to start pimping out a kid with AOC’s “real” message on youtube.comm.
To: Carl Vehse
Suspected enemies? It is quite clear...
posted on
05/07/2019 6:08:40 PM PDT
("And the fact that I haven't put a gun in my mouth, you pudding of a woman, makes me a winner!")
To: jonatron
It is only all B Hussein Obama’s murderous coreligionists,: Death to all who don’t submit to Ialam,
posted on
05/07/2019 6:09:40 PM PDT
A strike
(Import third world become third world)
To: jonatron
The longer we wait, the harder it’s going to be.
posted on
05/07/2019 6:15:27 PM PDT
(America without Christ is like a Chemistry book without the periodic table.)
To: Carl Vehse
She should serve out her term at Club Gitmo with other enemy combatants.
posted on
05/07/2019 6:18:30 PM PDT
(Byzantine Troparia: The "praise choruses" of antiquity.)
To: realcleanguy
Gays don’t stand a chance. It’s muzzies uber alles.
posted on
05/07/2019 6:20:41 PM PDT
Ken H
(2019 => The House of Representin')
To: upchuck
The horrific MAS-Philly childrens skit was posted to their Facebook page FIE ping.
posted on
05/07/2019 6:28:11 PM PDT
(Byzantine Troparia: The "praise choruses" of antiquity.)
To: Ken H
The MOTHER of all ironies: today they stand together, arm in arm, singing “we too shall overcome”. Some day soon the Muslims will be singing a verse from Van Morrison “ You LIGHT UP a FAG, say life is a drag....”
posted on
05/07/2019 6:33:49 PM PDT
To: realcleanguy
To: jonatron
Why did Muslims hate dogs?
Answer: Dogs are smarter!!
posted on
05/07/2019 6:45:37 PM PDT
Deplorable American1776
(Proud to be a DeplorableAmerican with a Deplorable Family...even the dog is, too. :-))
To: jonatron
A MAS statement on Friday said the songs and poems the children recited exhorting violence and terrorism were an unintended mistake and attributed the incident to a vetting error.
It is a "unintended mistake" that the video made its way to the public.
posted on
05/07/2019 6:47:09 PM PDT
("The media is the enemy of the American people." Democrat Pat Caddell)
To: jonatron
Muzzie's gotta do what muzzie's gotta do.
They call this "religion" the Religion of Terror (i.e., The ROT) for good reason, y'know!
posted on
05/07/2019 6:49:45 PM PDT
To: Carl Vehse
Rep. Ilhan Omar and those who voted for her should be regarded as suspected enemies of the United States of America.
Partner, this piece of work Omar is just like the "America Hating Piece of Work Obama".
We have no tolerance for folks from that "Gutter Religion of Islam"saying what they do all for the "Gutter Religion of Islam".
The reason we like President Trump is that he will not tolerate any Bravo Sierra from groups or individuals saying he is not doing the job of POTUS. I say a big Bravo Sierra to the DemonRat party and MSM who are constantly criticizing our POTUS.
President Trump always looks to the Constitution of the U.S., period and end of story.
President Trump knows that the Constitution of the U.S. was written by men of God and they were all Christian.
To: realcleanguy; All
Of course she approves of it. She is a fundamentalist Muslim. This is what is happening in the democrat party
Partner, I could not have said this any better than u just did!
They say a pic paints a thousand words well we have it in your pic.
Thanks for the pic.
To: lightman; a fool in paradise; acapesket; Baynative; beef; BullDog108; Califreak; cgbg; ...
Thanks for the ping lightman.
This is the Facebook Is Evil ping list.
If you'd like to be on or off this list, please click Private Reply below and drop me a FReepmail.
posted on
05/07/2019 6:53:36 PM PDT
("Bloggers" is the most abused forum on FR. Most posts made there should be in chat.)
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