[What is puzzling to me is the Democrats, by not bringing this out earlier, after having had this information for more than six weeks, have managed to cast a cloud of doubt on both the professor and the judge, Sen. Collins commented. ]
Wake up idiot. This is war. You don’t know how the scumbag Dems/left operate by now?
What is puzzling is that this accuser was no where to be seen when Kavanaugh was in the Bush Administration or when he he was nominated to the DC Circuit court. Why now, and why some 30 years later? These Dems should be sent to Leavenworth!
Collins seems to be signaling she’s still good to go, so let’s vote.
Very good signal.
What is puzzling to me is the Democrats, by not bringing this out earlier
Tell me shes not that naive. The best we can hope for now is a delay. I think its probably a kill shot and the Rats get another scalp because the GOP let them do this to Roy Moore.
Why did they wait until the last minute? Because they are trying to delay the nomination until after the elections. It has been the obvious ploy since day one!
Collins want’s to know why they waited until the 11th hour to bring this info forward!?? Really Sen. Collins!!?? How can you still be that flippin naïve? They brought this info out at the 11th hour precisely because it was the 11th hour. Anything to delay and defeat? Come on Man!
FAIR??? Expecting RATs to be "fair"? Dream on!
If even *Collins* is sick of this bullshit, looks like Kavanaugh will get approved.
Shoot, even RBG is criticizing the way the Rats are behaving. At least I’ve heard that.
i read this as a good sign that Collins will not be easily swayed by this accusation. She is setting up the reasons she can claim plausible doubt about the accusation, enough to allow her to vote yes.
They waited because it will take some time to subject this accusation to proper scrutiny, and once that is done, it will be seen be be false.
Why do republicans always seemed surprised at democrats nefarious tactics?
What is puzzling is that she is puzzled.
Is Collins finally coming around?
Because they know Ford’s accusations are false and were hoping something else would defeat him during inquisition.
Susan Collins saying doubt has been cast on the judge is as believable as John Wilkes Boothe saying he doesnt know where Fords Theater is.