1 posted on
01/10/2017 6:02:14 PM PST by
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To: tcrlaf
2 posted on
01/10/2017 6:02:45 PM PST by
(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either satire or opinion. Or both.)
To: tcrlaf
Ugh, listen to that music.
What an attention whore.
3 posted on
01/10/2017 6:03:03 PM PST by
(Toni Preckwinkle for Ambassador to the Sun)
To: tcrlaf
Speaking in front of the only crowd that gives a damn about him leaving, in Chicago
4 posted on
01/10/2017 6:03:18 PM PST by
(They told me it could never happen in America. And then it did....)
To: tcrlaf
Thanks for posting a thread. I like watching and reading along here.
5 posted on
01/10/2017 6:03:40 PM PST by
To: tcrlaf
I have to put some spackle on a door frame.
6 posted on
01/10/2017 6:03:40 PM PST by
(Gun owner. Christian. Pro-American. Pro Law and Order. I am in the https:// basket of deplorables.)
To: tcrlaf
State of the Union?
SAVED from destruction.
And we remain alive.
7 posted on
01/10/2017 6:03:52 PM PST by
(God bless Israel and all who protect and defend her! And please, God, bless the USA again.)
To: tcrlaf
Lol ... freepers don’t even care enough to set up a drinking game. Good riddance, Barry.
To: tcrlaf
There is someone screaming something during Obama’s speech. What are they saying? Is that a protestor?
9 posted on
01/10/2017 6:05:10 PM PST by
To: tcrlaf
He’s still the president. Let’s listen to what he has to say.
To: tcrlaf; All
$5,000 a ticket to get in
Protester trying to disrupt
11 posted on
01/10/2017 6:05:21 PM PST by
(They told me it could never happen in America. And then it did....)
To: tcrlaf
12 posted on
01/10/2017 6:05:40 PM PST by
( sleep with one eye open (<o> ---)
To: tcrlaf
In Chicago? What are the odds someone in the third row gets shot over a drug deal gone bad?
13 posted on
01/10/2017 6:05:49 PM PST by
To: tcrlaf
14 posted on
01/10/2017 6:05:50 PM PST by
(the end of Obama plague is near........ rejoice)
To: tcrlaf
... And the idiotic masses still want “four more years”. I don’t know if I can stand four more minutes.
16 posted on
01/10/2017 6:05:56 PM PST by
GCC Catholic
(Make America Great Again!)
To: tcrlaf
The title needs a “Fake News” Warning Statement.
To: tcrlaf; All
18 posted on
01/10/2017 6:06:06 PM PST by
( Liberals/Progressives have diseased minds.)
To: tcrlaf
What, he is not declaring martial law and sending his private army out to round us up into concentration camps so he can stay in office forever? How can this be? It was a sure thing only weeks ago.
19 posted on
01/10/2017 6:06:08 PM PST by
(For the sake of His sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world.)
To: tcrlaf
What's the over/under on the number of Chicagoans that will be shot during Obama's speech?
20 posted on
01/10/2017 6:06:20 PM PST by
Major Matt Mason
(Those that can, do, those that can't, work in the Beltway.)
To: tcrlaf
Wondering how many people will be shot in Chicago while Barry is yapping....
21 posted on
01/10/2017 6:06:22 PM PST by
(I'll vote for the first guy who promises to mail in his SOTU addresses.)
To: tcrlaf
I would only watch if he were going to perform seppuku on live TV as penance for deceiving America and usurping the Presidency.
No chance of that.
22 posted on
01/10/2017 6:06:26 PM PST by
(Natural Born Citizen Means Born Here Of Citizen Parents)
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