Should be one of Prez Trump’s first acts. Either get rid of U.N. entirely and off our soil, or defund it until it goes away or reforms, which it will never do. So buh bye, U.N., either way.
ESSENTIALLY defund but continue to make TOKEN contributions (very small) -— and stay in so we can USE OUR VETO POWER to cripple the anti-American, anti-Western civilization UN.
Time to kick the UN out of America and to quit.
Every one will benefit.
Trump just may do that and no doubt the left will flip out, but let them, what does he care, theyve had their 8 years and proven themselves time and time again to be enemies of the US and our allies. F them and F the UN.
UNamerican UNadmired UNamiable UNamusing UNbalanced UNbeloved UNcapable UNclean UNcouth UNcurable UNderwear UNdesired UNearthly UNelected UNenjoyed UNethical UNexcused UNfavored UNfreedom UNfounded UNhealthy UNhelpful UNinvited UNkind UNknowing UNlikable UNmanaged UNmoral UNnatural UNorderly UNreal UNrefined UNruly UNsavoury UNcaring UNchosen UNcomely UNctuous UNhinged UNionist UNliked UNkosher UNlawful UNneeded UNsavory UNseemly UNshaved UNwieldy UNworthy UNwanted UNwise UNcivil UNgodly UNarms
US out of UN. UN out of US.
Can Trump pull us out himself, or does Congress have control of that?
There is NO reason for such an evil, unelected, bureaucracy to exist. It is evil and only evil people will aspire to hold office in the UN-—baby-rapers, child and drug traffickers, and control freaks, who will take positions so they can manipulate and control other people and steal other people’s hard earned money to bribe others.
It is like the IRS and CIA—bureaus of evil appointed people who are malcontents and incapable of earning a living in a free society and who only want to control others and get a steady paycheck to do inhumane, unconstitutional things to others.
We need to be FREE in this country (Go to pre-Wilson times)——have NO illegitimate organizations/bureaucracies controlling and stealing our resources and private property for their pockets and their propaganda to destroy the minds of the masses.
All these organizations do, is steal money from true producers (middle classes) and use it to destroy and control perceptions of the masses (as Solzhenitsyn and Bradbury stated).
Look at that most evil brainwashing department of so-called “education”. As Socrates stated-—NEVER let the State control education of the children, for it will only make them into slaves for the state-—make them dumb and ignorant of Truth (God). They” killed God” in Europe and we have seen the suicidal acts the ignorant, irrational masses allow now. Trained like Pavlov’s dog to be slaves (bots) for the State.
We have generations of programmed/brainwashed “bots” being forced into godless/satanic worldview through the skool system and with the programming (MTV/music and other mind-numbing, artificial, worthless cr@p so children are incapable of “critical thinking” and have nothing but mush (lies/artificial reality) in their brains to “think” with. All Common Sense and Natural instincts totally destroyed (and parents assist in this they are so programmed and controlled). Emasculated, puerile, self-hating males (homosexuals/trans) and women who hate their own genetic offspring and males. That is INTENTIONAL—by the evil Malthusian sodomite elites (souless Marxists) who want to have Spirit-Cooking Parties 24/7, orgies and torturing “parties” like Epstein, Jimmy Savile, GHW Bush (Franklin Coverup) to celebrate their He/She Goat god (Freemasonry/secret society occults) and destroy the Natural Family which will create their utopia (destroy all biological connections for total dehumanization (removal of Natural Law/common sense in children, etc.).
Many of us here have been advocating just that for many years now. The U.N. would wither like a grape on a vine when that happens.
Whenever I hear that we should withdraw from the UN, I recall to mind - for whatever it’s worth - the old saying by Vito Corleone via Machiavelli and Sun Tsu: “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.”
Don’t know why....
We should nuke it.
Americans have been saying that the U.N. should go for a half century. It is a front group for world Communism and a enemy of freedom that is the cornerstone of America. It is a parasitic body that lives in the splendor found is such bodies occupied by an elite class benefiting from great wealth with no accountability. They live like Communists and other tin pot dictators.
UN out of USA!
What are we to make of an organization in which the racist butcher Robert Mugabe gets the same vote as the country of Japan?
Like the mosques in this country the UN is a body of antI American enemies who are being supported by us the American people, NO MORE!
The original purpose for starting a membership organization is often rational and conceived for the common good.
However, to use a good analogy: HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATIONS seem to be beneficial, until the power hungry, superior ‘know it alls’ get in office and run your life. Even though you bought a home with your money, pay taxes, pay fees and landscapers - the bossy ones dictate paint color, plants and fountains etc.,
Just like the United Nations = it takes our money and makes the rules for our sovereign nation - what could go wrong?
US out of the UN
UN out of the US