Posted on 11/08/2016 3:25:24 PM PST by rodguy911
2016 election thread for authorized thread
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NYT Dashboard: 51% Trump probability!
You can’t call Virginia due to the late amount of votes from the northern cities. As much as I want to though. Really hoping Trump holds.
Trump up 1% in New Hampshire.
I work at home, such as my “work” really is.
Sure wish I could drink, right about now.
Stuff just makes me sick instead of ‘happy’.
Just saying, things may look insurmountable , but Faith wins the race. God can overcome any fraud.
Having said that, Gods will is Gods will.
The Bushes failed to swing TX to Mrs. Bill!
The Bushes are clowns. None of them will never receive another of my votes.
Joining you in prayer, Fawn.
I can even go there.
Who the hell can vote for a child molester,child rapist,someone who accompanies bubba and Epstein on the Miss Lolita at least 6 times to a private island where child rape is featured.!!
And hillary goes for the gals too make no mistake about it and this b_tch is running for president? Give me a break!!
Scotch for me. Pinch since earlier, but when we win I’m opening a bottle of Bunnahabhain 18. Go Trump!
Not calling Georgia is a YUGE joke.
They don’t want to start suppressing California and Hawaii votes. lol
Palm beach county 97 reporting...expect net gain on top of all ready reported of net 6600 votes for hillary there...( that counts the votes that Trump will get from there that is a net number)
Broward is only 65% reporting and Hillaru is taking 67% of the vote there...expect her to garner another 120,000 votes (for net gain of 90,000 votes.
Panhandle must carry trump over the top....someone else must do that math
That’s a very real possibility.
Wikileaks has exposed just how much big media collaborates with Hillary and Obama.
Holding at +143K in FL.
I believe in most states the recount rule of thumb is one half of one percent (paid by the state).
Hope you have a spreadsheet handy. :-)
I just turned on the TV to see what the Talking Heads are up to...
ANY state that is trending Trump is, ‘Too Close To Call.’
HalleluYah !
NH and MO just flipped back to light red.
MN just flipped to light blue.
I just HATE that Colorado’s light blue. It was a deep red state when I moved here in 1993. Now infested with liberals from the coasts and illegal aliens.
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