Posted on 07/15/2016 8:57:10 PM PDT by Behind the Blue Wall
Islam is at war with Kafirs, i.e. "unbelievers" who reject Islam. A cursory look around the globe will see Muslims slaughtering non-Muslims in not only Europe and America, but also Africa and Asia. In fact, they've killed far more Christians in Nigeria and Hindus in India than they have atheists in Europe. And of course they've killed far more Muslims who are "Kafirs" because they don't subscribe to the right particular interpretation of Islam.
By casting it as "Islam versus the West" it allows the SJW types to make it seem as though this is just another chapter in the war between Western colonialism and imperialism, i.e. white people, against the rest of the world, i.e. people of color. Stupid way to frame it, especially when it's absolutely untrue.
The actual truth is that Islam is at war with everyone on planet Earth who has not yet submitted to the will of Allah as they see it, and has been so for 1400 years and counting, and they will not stop until they are either defeated or victorious. "The West" is an irrelevant distinction.
You have to kind of spot Newt a clue, sometimes...
good point
Semantics. Go away.
Our time is coming.
Let it be remembered that Obama didn’t just let them into the US; he enabled and encouraged it.
The left is at war with Western Civilization. Islam is just a tool to distract people from the real threat, and people are being hooked in.
Get their complete attention, look them in the eye, and say:
So why do Muslims kill other Muslims? Boredom?
The murder of the 3rd caliph, Uthman, the 4th, Ali, and Ali’s two sons, especially Hussein, led to a permanent parting of the ways-Sunni vs. Shia (of which there are 3 ‘sects’).
This was a war of succession that has never actually ended. People just went their separate ways for a long time.
Because death just means so very much to them. They get off on it.
Obama and Congress built an Islamic Trojan Horse and wheeled it right into our neighborhoods.
Believe me I’ve tried many times, should be obvious, but we all know it’s completely not, and the not wanting to be “racist” against Muslims lies at the bottom of why we’re unable to mount a defense.
The only problem is Islam sees the West as their biggest prize. You’re blowing smoke to make Newt look foolish.
yup, they are the NWO lol , them and the marxists.
(The most backwards people on the planet)
“The West” is an irrelevant distinction.”
Then why do they, Muslims, Islamists declare they are at war with the West. They said it. I’m quoting them.
They declared war on us in 1979. Isn’t it about time we took them up on it?
Insofar as we are part of Western Civilization, it is Islam’s war against western civilization that matters most to us.
You are correct based on history. Islam encourages converting or killing ALL kaffirs. Muslims kill even Buddhists, who arguably belong to the most peaceful religion on earth. Muslims invaded India 1400 years ago, and have slaughtered more Hindu’s by orders of magnitude than sum of all Christians murdered by Muslims in Western countries.
Deal with it.
Because they are sub human genetically defective savages.
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