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CNN Republican Presidential Debate (kiddies at 6:30ET, main event at 8:30 post 1001 ) LIVE THREAD
| December 15, 2015
Posted on 12/15/2015 2:31:26 PM PST by Jim Robinson
GOP candidates debate for first time since terror attacks.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Business/Economy; Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: New York; US: Texas; War on Terror
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To: Eddie01
To: sockmonkey
posted on
12/15/2015 8:30:27 PM PST
(Trump Towers Above them ALL!)
And he quit using Vialis on his hair....
To: County Agent Hank Kimball
But what did his father do?
posted on
12/15/2015 8:30:37 PM PST
(Amnesty for aliens? Will the Roswell critters get to vote?)
To: JohnBovenmyer; so_real; Jane Long; The Ghost of FReepers Past
Cruz's Plan
"Enforce the law: Restore our commitment to enforcement and public safety and the Rule of Law by rededicating DHS to fully enforcing the law, including through deportations and returns."
And his plan goes into further detail.
To: mylife
Thank you for voting!
TRUMP 47.33% (56,371 votes)
CRUZ 24.36% (29,013 votes)
PAUL 12.39% (14,759 votes)
RUBIO 7.43% (8,846 votes)
CHRISTIE 2.48% (2,952 votes)
FIORINA 2.09% (2,487 votes)
BUSH 1.66% (1,977 votes)
CARSON 1.46% (1,734 votes)
KASICH 0.8% (962 votes)
Total Votes: 119,101
To: Paleo Pete
"the best joke of the night when he said heâd build a wall and have Donald pay for it."It was genius. It is the joke of the night that will be repeated, and it encapsulates a key policy position (Cruz = build wall).
posted on
12/15/2015 8:31:06 PM PST
(A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.)
To: altura
Actually, I wish we could just stop the GOp debates and go straight to debating the democrats. The GOP will need time to get their message out and educate the zillions of nincompoops out there who think Hillary is the best choice.
I’m ready to allow Trump and Cruz that chance sooner than later ....
To: LesbianThespianGymnasticMidget
CRUZ will be POTUS. He’ll hire Donald to build his big beautiful wall.
To: gwgn02
I hope so. Cruz did not pull punches in attacking Rubio’s record and his lies.
posted on
12/15/2015 8:32:25 PM PST
(Cruz for our country)
To: UnwashedPeasant
To: Rebelbase
&168Jeb? is doing fine. Just remember he has Karl Rove as his mastermind, and we *know* how well that worked out for Dubya and the GOP. (Dubya barely one his first term against Gore, and barely squeaked out a win against Kerry...while the GOP bled seats in the House and Senate...)
posted on
12/15/2015 8:32:52 PM PST
(The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
To: altura; dforest
I think that maybe the generosity TRUMP demonstrated with Cruz has more to do with winning Iowa than with Rush. Iowa voters may like that there, and Cruz’ negative coverage may have its effect and throw a closer race to TRUMP, there.
Jury is out on that chess play between them, but Cruz looked bashfully grateful for what TRUMP said about him.
posted on
12/15/2015 8:32:59 PM PST
( VIVA CRISTO REY / Public education is the farm team for more Marxists coming)
To: traderrob6
LOL. He’s not political at all and will not vote period. Says he earned the right to not vote with 20+ years in the military. Also 20+ years in various law enforcement, he did NOT like Cruz at all.
posted on
12/15/2015 8:33:25 PM PST
("One day I will leave this world and dream myself to Reality" Crazy Horse)
To: GilGil
I am impressed that Trump listened to Rush. I wasn’t sure he would.
posted on
12/15/2015 8:33:27 PM PST
(Cruz for our country)
To: cookcounty
>>>Drudge is unscientific bogus poll, measures anger, not number of supporters<<<
So, your guy is at the bottom? LOL
Just funning you, we all know it isn’t scientific.
I guess that means that the Trump and Cruz folks are angrier than the other Candidate’s Supporters.
Very interesting.
To: Pelham
ISIS does not include a claim on Israel.
ISIL does
posted on
12/15/2015 8:33:50 PM PST
(Trump and Cruz are not attacking each other. Why don't their follows take note)
To: FreeReign; nopardons
They still have got to leave the country. And the legal way is the tightened control of entry at the border and their will be legal hoops they have to go through to gain access. US citizens come first before an employer gets to hire a temp foreign worker. It’s in his Immigration Reform position paper if you want to read it.
posted on
12/15/2015 8:33:59 PM PST
Red Steel
(Ted Cruz: 'I'm a Big Fan of Donald Trump')
To: RitaOK
posted on
12/15/2015 8:34:10 PM PST
(Man the sour grapes are strong with the Crewz...)
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