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CNN Republican Presidential Debate (kiddies at 6:30ET, main event at 8:30 post 1001 ) LIVE THREAD
| December 15, 2015
Posted on 12/15/2015 2:31:26 PM PST by Jim Robinson
GOP candidates debate for first time since terror attacks.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Business/Economy; Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: New York; US: Texas; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 2016debates; 2016election; alienculture; alieninvasion; aliens; babaganoush; barbarians; borders; buildthewall; capirotada; closethemosques; conquest; convertordie; cruz; cultofdarkness; cultureclash; debates; deport; deportthemall; dhimmitude; domination; election2016; elections; endanchorbabies; endsanctuarycities; enforcetheborders; enforcethelaw; holywar; illegalaliens; illegalimmigration; immigration; infiltrators; iran; isis; islam; israel; jihad; koran; livegopdebate; moratotrium; mosques; musliminvasion; muslims; nationalsecurity; nevadagopdebate; newyork; nukes; princessbuttercup; referendumonsecurity; refusetoassimilate; religionofdeath; religionofhate; religionofthesword; religionofwar; russia; sanbernardino; satan; satanic; sataniccult; saudiarabia; sealtheborders; securetheborders; securethenation; sendthemback; sharia; shiia; sunni; syria; tcruz; tedcruz; terror; terrorism; terroristattack; terrorists; texas; trojanhorse; trump; trumpwasright; turkey; war; warofcivilizations; waronterror; wartime; wartimefooting; wwiii
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To: volunbeer
To: LeoWindhorse
Kim Jung Un.
What? Just him a damn basketball and let Rodman or the SOS deliver it.
posted on
12/15/2015 7:41:38 PM PST
((Old storm chaser from the west))
To: LostInBayport
Kung Fu Fighting should be Kasich’s campaign song with video.
posted on
12/15/2015 7:41:42 PM PST
(Support Free Republic and Keep FReedom ALIVE!)
To: Irish Eyes
Heartbreaking but true. I remember the sad day. Broke my heart.
posted on
12/15/2015 7:41:47 PM PST
( VIVA CRISTO REY / Public education is the farm team for more Marxists coming)
To: RitaOK
He’ll win it. I don’t think it’ll even be very close.
To: Albion Wilde
To: georgiegirl
She is on Xanax, just relaxing, little bit tipsy.
To: The Ghost of FReepers Past
Cruz’s positions are just too nuanced for this forum. Trump is winning the debate by just being blunt. Even if you disagree with Trump, you have to admire his ability to make a point quickly and directly.
posted on
12/15/2015 7:41:59 PM PST
(Tagline pending.)
To: Irish Eyes
I’ve said that exact same thing for years.
To: Jane Long
Cruz was supporting a wall and more border patrol agents and electronic surveillance all along the border before Trump even thought about running. Remember,Cruz is from Texas and for years was the Solicitor General in Texas with Attorney General Abbott and Gov. Rick Perry, striving to seal up our Texas border with Mexico. In spite of Obama, Texas put multimillions of dollars into securing our border - everything they could do without Obama's help. Obama refused to do anything.
There is no one in government who knows more about that border than Cruz. Trump made one trip there, big deal. Cruz knows every part of that border, Trump only knows what he saw for one day. Granted, Trump knows how to use concrete to build a wall so make him the contractor to gather up the concrete and yell at the men while they build it. Then, he can go back to New York City.
posted on
12/15/2015 7:42:13 PM PST
(CRUZ (Prepping can save your life today.))
To: CCGuy
you forgot....GET RID OF FIORINA.
Can’t stand to listen to her...and Trump was sooo right about her face!
posted on
12/15/2015 7:42:26 PM PST
Recovering Ex-hippie
(Bush won the War in Iraq, Obozo lost the peace..and gave Iraq back to the Terrorists!)
To: Blue Turtle
One could very well apply that doctrine to our ridiculous rules of engagement currently in place.
To: Albion Wilde
I know. I was blown away that they are using Trump’s words even confirming Trump’s positions.
To: kjam22
Yeah. Fiorina laid an egg on the China issue. Some of what she says is fine, but she used a tone that just did not work.
Carson much better.
posted on
12/15/2015 7:42:33 PM PST
The Ghost of FReepers Past
(Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light..... Isaiah 5:20)
To: Cheerio
but that poll is a popularity poll
posted on
12/15/2015 7:42:33 PM PST
(Save western civilization and save the world....lose it & it's a dark ages unknown to human history)
To: Albion Wilde
That is the straight truth.
To: TigerClaws
I was thinking the same thing. Too many candidates on the stage.
To: All
Lost my connection altogether for a while...
Christie is surprising me, several really strong answers, especially that last one. He looks intense, focused, doing better than I thought. a wall and let Donald pay for ass remark of the night so far, and Trump got a good laugh out of it too. Good one
posted on
12/15/2015 7:42:52 PM PST
Paleo Pete
(I'm with the bomb squad. If you see me running, CATCH UP!)
To: grey_whiskers
Kasich, Bush , fioRINO and lower 4 need to quit tonight
To: E20erer
-—Donaldâs wife is an immigrant too, loser Rubio.
We need more Ivanka immigrants and fewer burkha babes.
posted on
12/15/2015 7:42:58 PM PST
(Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy)
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