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CNN Republican Presidential Debate (kiddies at 6:30ET, main event at 8:30 post 1001 ) LIVE THREAD
| December 15, 2015
Posted on 12/15/2015 2:31:26 PM PST by Jim Robinson
GOP candidates debate for first time since terror attacks.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Business/Economy; Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: New York; US: Texas; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 2016debates; 2016election; alienculture; alieninvasion; aliens; babaganoush; barbarians; borders; buildthewall; capirotada; closethemosques; conquest; convertordie; cruz; cultofdarkness; cultureclash; debates; deport; deportthemall; dhimmitude; domination; election2016; elections; endanchorbabies; endsanctuarycities; enforcetheborders; enforcethelaw; holywar; illegalaliens; illegalimmigration; immigration; infiltrators; iran; isis; islam; israel; jihad; koran; livegopdebate; moratotrium; mosques; musliminvasion; muslims; nationalsecurity; nevadagopdebate; newyork; nukes; princessbuttercup; referendumonsecurity; refusetoassimilate; religionofdeath; religionofhate; religionofthesword; religionofwar; russia; sanbernardino; satan; satanic; sataniccult; saudiarabia; sealtheborders; securetheborders; securethenation; sendthemback; sharia; shiia; sunni; syria; tcruz; tedcruz; terror; terrorism; terroristattack; terrorists; texas; trojanhorse; trump; trumpwasright; turkey; war; warofcivilizations; waronterror; wartime; wartimefooting; wwiii
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To: CASchack
Have not missed it but I admittedly do not pay much attention. Its a three man race and there should only be three up there. Cruz, Rubio and Trump. But I like the the Cruz /Rubio exchanges because they really do represent two schools of thought on the right where foreign and border policy are concerned. I’m not a Trump fan, his platitudes bore me. But I will vote for him if he wins the nomination. Reluctantly.
To: Fernet Branca
“I think itâs amazing that we are casting the current political dialogue in terms of what Trump says.”
That’s it, in a nutshell!!!
posted on
12/15/2015 7:40:20 PM PST
To: FreeReign
Actually Cruz did say the word “deport,” just not directly in the Trump context. He pointed out just how many people Clinton and Bush deported and said that if you build the wall and follow the law the problem will be solved.
posted on
12/15/2015 7:40:21 PM PST
(Obama been Liberal. Hope Changed)
To: BigEdLB
“Hugh did not ask Donald Trump who the Foreign Minister of Dirkastan was, thank goodness. Irrelevant at this time.”
Maybe Hewitt had been mocked too many times to still believe that it was a brilliant question when he asked it the first time.
Although considering how self-impressed he is Hewitt may not be capable of believing any criticism.
posted on
12/15/2015 7:40:24 PM PST
(Muslim immigration...the enemy is inside the wire.)
To: cornfedcowboy
“Former Federal Prosecutor” drinking game
Thank G-d I picked up a six pack.
posted on
12/15/2015 7:40:27 PM PST
(uh oh)
To: kjam22
I think after Cruz he’d be my second choice. Distant second. But second.
To: The Ghost of FReepers Past
Fiorina..... we’re gonna bully china to get them to help us on korea??? Okay... whatever.
To: nopardons
Stop! Stop! Dad, Dad...I didn’t mean it..honest! Please, I’m so sorry really!
I’ll be good...I promise!!!
To: RitaOK
Did Carly have her lips botoxed? Something is different about that face.
To: RitaOK
Did Carly have her lips botoxed? Something is different about that face.
To: LibsRJerks
Probably going to school and majoring in something useless on the taxpayers’ dime.
To: Albion Wilde; All
Yup. I switched to Big Bang.
posted on
12/15/2015 7:40:46 PM PST
(Common sense isn't common anymore.)
To: so_real
Well done again, Cruz. And Rubio fires back more lies about Cruz. Keep shaking your head, "no", Cruz. We are watching, and we believe you. You shouldn't. Cruz telling blatant lies on national TV. Doesn't want to get outed on the stage next to Trump. The media will remind him that he's been telling media outlets that he wouldn't rule out legalization.
To: Blue Turtle
Yep...exactly why he’s resonating with the entire country.
Look at Snarly talk down...and others...compared to Trump.
posted on
12/15/2015 7:40:55 PM PST
Jane Long
(Go Trump, go! Make America Safe Again :)
To: ClearCase_guy
Carly’s just taking up space.....what was it that she kept looking like she was about ready to fall asleep?
posted on
12/15/2015 7:41:05 PM PST
To: eyedigress
To: LostInBayport
posted on
12/15/2015 7:41:13 PM PST
(Prejudice and generalizations. That's how Collectivists roll......)
To: Girlene
Drudge poll now - Paul #3
TRUMP 51.54% (21,922 votes)
CRUZ 23.17% (9,857 votes)
PAUL 10% (4,255 votes)
RUBIO 7.34% (3,120 votes)
FIORINA 2.17% (923 votes)
CHRISTIE 2.05% (873 votes)
BUSH 1.58% (672 votes)
CARSON 1.31% (558 votes)
KASICH 0.83% (355 votes)
Total Votes: 42,535
posted on
12/15/2015 7:41:13 PM PST
(Barry Hussein Soetoro-0bama=The Complete Destruction of American Capitalism)
To: dragnet2; Jane Long
Cruz wouldn’t say DEPORT.
I noted that.
There’s several words he doesn’t use. He’s a very good lawyer. Put him in the judicial branch where a lawyer belongs.
posted on
12/15/2015 7:41:21 PM PST
(Illegal immigration is simply more "share the wealth" socialism and a CRIME not a race!)
To: matginzac
So, instead of her being the A Cupp, she's the B Cupp? Something like that. :-)
posted on
12/15/2015 7:41:23 PM PST
(The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
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