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CNN Republican Presidential Debate (kiddies at 6:30ET, main event at 8:30 post 1001 ) LIVE THREAD
| December 15, 2015
Posted on 12/15/2015 2:31:26 PM PST by Jim Robinson
GOP candidates debate for first time since terror attacks.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Business/Economy; Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: New York; US: Texas; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 2016debates; 2016election; alienculture; alieninvasion; aliens; babaganoush; barbarians; borders; buildthewall; capirotada; closethemosques; conquest; convertordie; cruz; cultofdarkness; cultureclash; debates; deport; deportthemall; dhimmitude; domination; election2016; elections; endanchorbabies; endsanctuarycities; enforcetheborders; enforcethelaw; holywar; illegalaliens; illegalimmigration; immigration; infiltrators; iran; isis; islam; israel; jihad; koran; livegopdebate; moratotrium; mosques; musliminvasion; muslims; nationalsecurity; nevadagopdebate; newyork; nukes; princessbuttercup; referendumonsecurity; refusetoassimilate; religionofdeath; religionofhate; religionofthesword; religionofwar; russia; sanbernardino; satan; satanic; sataniccult; saudiarabia; sealtheborders; securetheborders; securethenation; sendthemback; sharia; shiia; sunni; syria; tcruz; tedcruz; terror; terrorism; terroristattack; terrorists; texas; trojanhorse; trump; trumpwasright; turkey; war; warofcivilizations; waronterror; wartime; wartimefooting; wwiii
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To: tuwood
Very strong opening statement and first question by Trump. So far so good.
Jeb wanting to show Muslims act of love.
To: St_Thomas_Aquinas
“I think Trump should be declared the debate winner right now. No, he should be declared the president right now.
Agree 1000%
To: 4Liberty
To: LeoWindhorse
posted on
12/15/2015 6:00:26 PM PST
(Prejudice and generalizations. That's how Collectivists roll......)
To: Jane Long
Ahh, we need a no fly zone. That will show them ISIS thugs who is the boss.. /facepalm
To: AllAmericanGirl44
Jebbie sweating.
Wants to re engage with Muslim countries. Yeah we saw your bro getting to first base with that Saudi Prince.
posted on
12/15/2015 6:00:34 PM PST
(Since PC is not actually "correct," it should be renamed Political Pandering.)
To: eyedigress
CNN does not want a Democratic President. CNN wants Hillary to be President.
To: nopardons
Trump strong comeback to Wooooofie. To the point.
posted on
12/15/2015 6:00:36 PM PST
Red Steel
(Ted Cruz: 'I'm a Big Fan of Donald Trump')
To: tflabo
Bush needs to ask his Saudi friends to take in the Syrian refugees.
posted on
12/15/2015 6:00:47 PM PST
Jane Long
(Go Trump, go! Make America Safe Again :)
To: SomeCallMeTim
Stupid enough to NAME Trump... giving him time
posted on
12/15/2015 6:00:51 PM PST
( The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would hire them!)
To: jennychase
Says a trump fanboi. Predictable.
posted on
12/15/2015 6:00:51 PM PST
(May Christ be exalted above all.)
To: meyer
I think Trump watched a lot of Shatner as a kid
To: 4Liberty
Audience is stacked with Rubio/Jeb fans....
To: tuwood
Does Drudge have his poll up yet? He always puts it up way before the debate is over. lol Trump won!
To: All
Trump got first question, then right to Jeb. Come on CNN, the top billings are Cruz and Trump not GOPe Jeb.
posted on
12/15/2015 6:01:09 PM PST
("Let us do evil that good may come"? ....condemnation is just - Romans 3:8)
To: Jane Long
Yup. Bang. Good answer Trump. And Bush responds with ... yada yada yada ... wait for the Trump smack down.
posted on
12/15/2015 6:01:13 PM PST
( "The Congress of the United States recommends and approves the Holy Bible for use in all schools.")
To: Red Steel
Trump takes JEB to the woodshed.
To: angelcindy
Trump: "They are leaving. They're going. They're gone."
Gotta love that Lol!
posted on
12/15/2015 6:01:17 PM PST
( Pray for our nation. Thank the Lord for everything you have. Don't wait. Do it today.)
To: Jane Long
posted on
12/15/2015 6:01:26 PM PST
("If you follow the crowd ,you get no further than the crowd!")
To: Yaelle
Is Jebbers on his tiptoes, yet?
posted on
12/15/2015 6:01:33 PM PST
Jane Long
(Go Trump, go! Make America Safe Again :)
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