she is really a smart aleck
Just the thought of having to physically spank her big ass is making me sick.
Anyone got a barf bag, supermarket sized?
The Canckle Institute of Higher Political Aspirations
HeadMaster Hillary Rodham Clinton
Coming Soon to a Hood near you
The quote, “He can run, but he can’t hide” was from Joe Louis regarding Billy Conn.
I will never forgive Peggy Noonan for her snobbiness about Sarah Palin, but she had a great description of Hillary!’s campaign: “She’s trying to run a silent movie of a campaign.”
Remember the story about the guy who was working on a Ph.D.? He sat at the typewriter, going “Typity, typity, typity. Thinkity, thinkity, thinkity. Typity, typity, typity.”
That’s how Hillary! is campaigning. She “listens” to people, and she “talks” to people. The people are all Democrat operatives, and we never get to hear what any of them “say” to Hillary! or what Hillary! “says” to them.
But it “looks” like a campaign. It’s boob baits for the morons who couldn’t follow a discussion of any issue, anyway.
True story:
Eleanor comes home from the doctor. As they are sitting down to lunch:
FDR: Did he say what you can do about that fat ass of yours?
ERR: No, my dear. Your name never came up.
Knowing what type of people the Clintons are as well as the people who surround them, are you as trusting of your neighbors or co-workers who say, "Yeah, she has troubles, but they all do ...and I still think it's time for a woman in the White House" ?
Sombody should create a meme:
The Great Silent Stars!
With photos of Gloria Swanson, Mary Pickford, Garbo, and Hillary! Clinton.
She’d probably enjoy a “good spanking”, providing it’s done by a women in tight black leather leotards.
What does this guy have against cornbread?
She’s turtling up. Good move, she can stay that way for 8-9 months. What ever griping the media is doing will become a mere footnote once she starts campaigning, as all of that becomes old news.
What happens to the scandals between now and then? Well the media will make sure we all suffer from Scandal amnesia brought on by Scandal fatigue.
Then the Clintons start Yucking it up again in public and claim exoneration when the Progressive controlled DOJ, State Department, IRS, DOD, FBI, and CIA all basically clear her from their own internal investigations.
That’s their long con in this game. They’ve grifted their way to the presidency, before.
The real way to hurt her is to leave her be and start isolating her from her political lieutenants, the ones with co-employment between Government agency XYZ and the Clintons, or News organization EFG and the Clintons. Stephanopoulos is a good start, Candy is already a stuffed and cooked goose .. keep the pressure on Stephanopoulos and ABC until something breaks. Then I bet you’ll start seeing disclosures cropping up everywhere.
She is not going to have to do anything. She believes she has a big lead in the 4th quarter and can just run out the clock. It would not surprise me if she calls off debates because she cannot agree to terms. Like seeing all her questions first.
Janet Reno said that hildabeast liked being spanked.
I’m really into spanking. One of my favorite pastimes. Watching that ass turn red at my efforts, what a turn on.
But Killary? Uh, NO!
First, please, no more mentions of “Hillary’s ass” at suppertime, thanks.
But the problem for Hillary is taking any position: if she’s against, then she’s declaring war on Obama and his legacy; if she’s for, then she confirms to everyone in the Dem party that she’s a right-wing mole.
Either way, she’s hooped.
Don’t worry, the media will be back to dandling her by tomorrow, latest...
I love when she goes owl-eyed—her eyes bug out like she is taking a ride on Old Sparky..but it’s great practice for her when she comes face to Face with the Living God.
Many of the people supporting HRC are simply afraid of her. Their scared to say anything negative about her for fear she becomes President & retaliates. The donations to their foundation are as much “protection money” as support & influence buying.
A Clinton presidency will make the criminality of the Obama presidency look like the JV team from a tiny, remote Siberian village.
Democrats will rue the day they elect Hillary.
Hilary has BRAIN DAMAGE is barely coherent and can not concentrate for long periods at a time. She has balance issues and is on MEDS.......
This alone should disqualify her from even CONSIDERING RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT
She is unable to funciton in any decision making process and is essentially an AUTOMATON....BRAIN DAMAGE