Posted on 02/22/2015 8:17:07 AM PST by george76
members of the Arizona National Guard, including military recruiters were discovered working as muscle and traffickers for Mexican drug gangs .. About 12 National Guard were identified as suspects in one of the FBIs biggest government corruption cases ever, which was almost totally ignored by government officials in Washington and major national news outlets
On Friday in federal court, a non-commissioned officer (non-com) with the border-state Arizonas Army National Guard was sentenced to federal prison for his role in protecting drug traffickers by using his military position to provide security for shipments of cocaine being transported from Mexico into the United States...
Sgt. Raul Portillo, who listed Phoenix, Arizona, but was suspected of living in Mexico, entered a guilty plea to one count of conspiracy to commit bribery and interfere with commerce by attempted extortion. U.S. District Judge James A. Soto of the District of Arizona imposed a sentence of only four years in federal prison.
Once the November elections were over, resident Barack Obamas program appeared to be replacing American citizens, who are being terminated from their military units with illegal aliens in all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, and the Pentagon is once again seeking to attract so-called undocumented recruits
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Obama’s new army..
They were probably just casing out how they could get their hands on some very serious weaponry. The kind you see in movies criminals find it so easy to get. Not as easy in real life.
Correction , undocumented mules. Let’s be politically correct.
Dreamer Mules.
Sounds like a vetted individual.
Will they be Shot or Promoted ?
If they haven’t murdered anyone, aren’t they entitled to walk and pursue a pathway to citizenship under this pos, poseur president and his administration of thugs?
Seems to me the ‘home arsenal’ concept isn’t such a crackpot idea after all.
Last time I looked CRIMINALS weren’t allowed to enlist in the military. Calling them ‘undocumented’ doesn’t change that fact.
As a US citizen in the Armed Forces for 20+ years, I rec’d a rectal examination of my personal life and history every 5 discrepancies of any kind were permitted...I even had to report any traffic citations of $300 or more.
Here, we have illegals (CRIMINALS) who’s background CANNOT even be remotely verified being granted waivers to enlist. Once in the service, they gain access to security methods/tactics, possibly weapons and not least, positions of authority.
What could possibly go wrong? /r/s
Same here, I had to prove I was a citizen and the background check for my security clearance checked my entire childhood neighbors, friends, etc.
I also had to pledge an oath to protect and serve my country at all cost to include my life. How can an illegal alien make a pledge to a country that he wasn’t born in?
Mmmmm, mmmm, mmmm.
This is happening - and it's an outrage.
Same can be said about certain politicians.
Namely, 0bamahole.
If an illegal alien can be President then why can't illegal aliens be in the Arizona National Guard?
Obamas amnesty program appeared to be replacing American citizens, who are being terminated from their military units, replaced with illegal aliens in all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces
And Congress turns a blind eye.
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