Posted on 02/01/2015 7:22:30 PM PST by george76
The absence of strong Western leadership against the Boko Haram terror state has created an opportunity Iran seems ready to exploit.
The Premium Times of Nigeria reports that Iran is stepping forward to offer assistance to the African Union against the savage caliphate spilling out of northern Nigeria into Cameroon and menacing the entire region:
Abdollohian said the activities of the Boko Haram militants and that of Al-Shabaab in the Somalia were similar to that of Al-Qaeda and the ISIS and other terrorist groups in the Middle East.
Iran was willing to share its experiences on terrorist activities it gathered over the years in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and other parts of the Middle East with Africa, particularly Nigeria and Somalia
Abdollohian accused the Western intelligence apparatus of supporting ISIL.
Iran has a history of supporting Islamist militants in Africa, but naturally its less enchanted with militants who dont hold Shiite ideology
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Oh ...were there a way to get all these sects into a final tumultuous battle..with no infidel casualties
How? Print up a bunch of leaflets and drop them?????
Well, on occasion we could accidentally "lose" a shipment of weapons to whichever side is losing...and every once in a while, one side or the other would have a lucky "direct hit" and blow the crap out of the opposing bunch of murderers.
That would probably be relatively cheap, and provide great entertainment.
We could do an "Ollie North".
Did Erdogan of Turkey arm / aid and abet his Sunni Moslem pals = the Nusra Front in Syria, al Qaeda , the Islamic Maghreb in Mali, Boko Haram in Nigeria, Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and the Islamic State of Iraq.?
The leadership of the state-owned Turkish Airlines was upset with having to smuggle arms into Nigeria, to be utilized by insurgents, read Boko Haram.. Turkish Airlines seemed to want assurance that those arms would be used only to kill Christians, and not Muslims.
Ya, Turk Hava Yulari .... THY .... Fly THY and die ....
“From your Lips To God’s Ear”
We should be doing everything possible to foment discord between Sunnis and Shias, and shipping weapons to whichever side is currently losing.
There is a way — right now the Sunnis overwhelming outgun the Shias. We supply weapons to the Saudis. We should stop — let the Iranis get closer to the Russians and fight the Saudis. In the meanwhile we drill Alaska for oil and conserve what we have so that the Middle East can keep their own oil
Very alarming suggestions, but very much to the point.
Turkey was also a big player in the overthrow of Gaddafi, and since Libya fell, arms and militants have gone into Africa. The rise of Boko Haram could be dated to Gaddafi’s brutal overthrow.
Almost a million students are enrolled in “imam hatip” schools this year, up from just 65,000 in 2002 when Erdogan’s Islamist-rooted AK Party first came to power in Turkey
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