In 2016 the GOPe are going to see plenty of turned backs.
Might be time to march on Washington
Remember, Republicans are better than Democrats.
Because being stabbed in the back is better somehow. And it doesn’t hurt the brand. Which doesn’t hurt the long term chances of turning the country around.
Nope, nosiree. Keep voting Republican!
It’s probabaly a safe bet that there will be no bills pushing conservative reform of legal immigration. A sane GOP would be looking to reduce legal immigration. They would end extended family chain migration. They would abolish Ted Kennedy’s absurd Diversity Lottery Visas. They would severely restrict refugee and asylum visas. They would try to halt or at least slow the immigration-driven demographic shift of the United States towards the left.
But a sane GOP would have done all of this long ago, so there really isn’t much to hope for now.
I am for change in the on-going system:
1. physically seal the Southern border
2. Give the Border Patrol authority to do the job as set out in the US Code.
3. Enforce the current law forbidding employers from hiring illegal aliens.
4. Allow State and local law enforcement officers to enforce the immigration law as they do the federal criminal law.
5. Pass legislation prohibiting “anchor” babies. If a child in born to any foreign national, legal or illegal, that child is a citizen of the country of the parents.
If these go into effect, a deportation program will not be necessary. They will self-deport.
Re-establish the old migrant farm worker program whereby they arrive from a foreign country for a season and return home at the expense of the farmer’s associations - withhold part of their pay until they return to home country. Illegals cannot be part of the program, only those residing foreign.
They whom bankroll our “representatives” are more important to our “representatives” than we the people the “representatives” represent.
I see dead elephants! Zombie Elephant Robots, to be exact, under remote control of O’s White House!
They will be kicked out of office in the next election.
I wish the RINOs would just change parties and be done with it.
In 2007, the McCain/Kennedy bill sought to increase “legal” immigration as a pressure release valve, to lessen illegal immigration.
That bill allowed annual increases to legal immigration from Mexico, that could in ten to twenty years allow massive numbers of it’s citizens to come into the U. S. legally.
One thing they are doing now, is allowing visas for visits to remain valid for much longer periods of time.
We have problems now, with something like 3 to 6 months on a visitor pass. Imagine the problems with evasion if a visitor gets to stay, obtains a job, and refuses to comply.
This would be a nightmare to enforce. Ah yes, but that’s the idea isn’t it.
Round two in ten years...
This nation is being capsized on purpose.
They need to seal the damn border, stop invaders with Visas from disappearing here after the Visas expire, THEN talk about how to deal with illegals already here.
As for “temporal guest workers” SCREW THAT!!!
If they can’t stop holders of temporary visas from jumping ship here, HOW THE HELL WILL THEY DEAL WITH HORDES OF “TEMPORARY” guest workers??????
If we need more people here, raise the immigration quotas and get those SPECIFIC workers we need. Pick ones who want to learn English and BE AMERICANS! !!
Don’t create massive unassimilable ghettoes of hostile foreign third class residents like the idiots in Europe did with those damn Muslims just so certain segments of corporate America can have a cheap source of peon labor.
We will see many more soon.
And this time with the primaries and election over they might just get something passed on this.
Next year Bohner will have more GOP votes that he can lose on a vote and still pass something.
I don't expect anything good to come of this.
Who here is involved in their local GOP? Speaking strong on the conservative issues? Informing the local ranks? Challenging the elite’s path?
VOTERS WHO VOTED FOR REPUBLICANS THIS MIDTERM: "Et tu, Boehner?" Referring to how Speaker Boehner betrayed and stabbed midterm Republican voters in the back with his passage of the recent traitorous spending bill.
BOEHNER: Who is Judas? Why do people keep calling me Judas as I walk down the street? Why did someone recently leave 30 pieces of silver on my doorstep? I only want what is best for America. As my new secret friend Obama likes to say: "It was the right thing to do.God bless America!"
The Republican wing of Uniparty is getting ready to start doing its part to destroy America.