The office of Houston Mayor Annise Parker confirmed the migrants' arrival, according to Click2Houston. It appears that the immigrants coming to Houston are the same individuals who were rejected in Murrieta, California. On Tuesday 140 illegal immigrants were transported via plane to San Diego and then bussed to a federal housing facility in Murrieta. A large crowd of angry U.S. citizens protested the migrants' arrival, which prompted agents to turn the bus around. Patrice Lynes, the organizer of the Murrieta protests, told Michelle Moons of Breitbart News that she and others want the U.S. to repatriate illegal immigrants to their home countries. On June 4th Breitbart Texas' Managing Director Brand Darby broke the news that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) was relocating illegal immigrants from Texas to Southern California. Within moments of that article being published, the official Twitter account of the San Diego CBP tweeted at Darby, insisting the report was erroneous and asking for it to be removed from the internet. Days later--after National Border Patrol Council Vice President Shawn Moran came to Darby's defense--the San Diego CBP deleted the tweet from their official account. Subsequent reports, outlining plans to fly immigrants to Southern California, proved CBP had indeed planned the relocation. Thousands of illegal immigrants--many of whom are children and "family units"-- continue to cross the border and enter Texas' Rio Grande Valley each day. Instead of transporting the migrants back to their home countries in Central America, authorities are utilizing tax dollars to fly them to facilities around the country, where they enjoy benefits such as food, housing, education, vocational training, and legal counsel. At this time it is unclear how many migrants will ultimately be sent to Houston or where they will be housed. The office of Mayor Parker did not return Breitbart Texas' calls--it is easy to imagine the city is attempting to keep the news of the immigrants' arrival quiet, as to prevent protests similar to those in Murrieta.
1 posted on
07/03/2014 2:20:26 PM PDT by
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To: reader25
Look for a false-flag operation soon.
2 posted on
07/03/2014 2:21:36 PM PDT by
E. Pluribus Unum
("The more numerous the laws, the more corrupt the government." --Tacitus)
To: reader25
3 posted on
07/03/2014 2:21:37 PM PDT by
To: reader25
Face Obama is going to win ,American Citizens will lose
4 posted on
07/03/2014 2:21:59 PM PDT by
To: reader25
Hussein claims they are going to be sent back — but they are going to set free in America 9all they have to do is promise to contact ICE at some later date.)
5 posted on
07/03/2014 2:22:08 PM PDT by
(This is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion or satire; or both.)
To: reader25
Don't we have immigration laws?
Obama has apparently dropped his pen and opted for "They came...what am I to do??" Nasty plot.....
To: reader25
Reminds me of the Mobro 4000.
7 posted on
07/03/2014 2:25:06 PM PDT by
(ObamaCare IS Medicaid: They'll pull a sheet over your head and send you the bill.)
To: reader25
Swell. The Katrina hordes weren’t enough.
9 posted on
07/03/2014 2:28:33 PM PDT by
Paine in the Neck
(Socialism consumes EVERYTHING)
To: reader25
Houston is Sheila Jackson-Lee’s congressional district IIRC.
Bunk them all in at her house, they’ll be screaming to get out of America.
To: reader25
Put them on a one-way flight to Cuba.
12 posted on
07/03/2014 2:29:36 PM PDT by
Jim Robinson
(Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God!!)
To: reader25
Watch out for the crabs in the carpet! IBTEwwwwwww...
To: reader25
I read that it cost the taxpayers $70,000 to fly those 140 illegal aliens to San Diego on Tuesday..
that’s $500 a pop...first class..
and if some of those children were on laps then those seats cost even more...
must be nice...
meanwhile our own American heroes have to travel much further by bus when they return from Afghanistan...
To: reader25
Why are they being transported ANYWHERE in the US?
To: reader25
Send them to Chicago and the Bush ranch!!!
18 posted on
07/03/2014 2:33:59 PM PDT by
(Impeach Obama NOW.)
To: reader25
What IDs did TSA accept from the ‘undocumented?’
19 posted on
07/03/2014 2:34:50 PM PDT by
(It takes a politician to declare a settled science.)
To: reader25
Infecting more planes with lice and scabies and God knows what with every flight.
To: reader25
I hope Houston was smart enough to say no.
29 posted on
07/03/2014 2:55:20 PM PDT by
(Leftist totalitarian fascism is on the move.)
To: reader25
Where is the Center for Disease Control now that so many infectious diseases have been entering our country attached to the bodies of tens of thousands of illegal immigrant children?
The poor immigrant children have not been vaccinated. In the U.S., our children are only required to be vaccinated when they enter school. Which means that whatever typhoid, tuberculosis, or smallpox viruses may be spreading among our busloads of new arrivals, they present a danger to our own unvaccinated children under five.
How can this possibly be acceptable to the president? Apparently, Democrats are only enthusiastic about gun control, climate control, and birth control, but as for disease control, they’re on the side of viruses and bacteria against the American people.
To: reader25
Do they perform a thorough decontamination of those conveyances (planes, buses, etc.) afterward?
Sadly, many of those kids are carrying all kinds of little critters and vermin and diseases.
There have already been some reports of border agents suffering medical conditions.
33 posted on
07/03/2014 3:03:05 PM PDT by
To: reader25
The people of Murrieta need a nationwide applause for standing up against the buses.
As the mayor of Murrieta said, they would have had to foot the costs associated with housing, feeding, educating, etc. The city would, of course, bill the FED, but he doubted the FED would pay them later.
34 posted on
07/03/2014 3:06:28 PM PDT by
To: reader25
Texans need to storm the airport, and demand the invaders be sent to DC. Don’t let them land in red states. It’s a blue state problem.
39 posted on
07/03/2014 3:18:49 PM PDT by
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