Posted on 02/11/2014 9:20:24 AM PST by servo1969
WASHINGTON House Speaker John Boehner, in an abrupt shift, announced Tuesday that the House would vote on an increase in the nation's borrowing cap without any strings attached.
A senior House GOP leadership source told Fox News that the vote is expected Tuesday night.
Boehner's decision to proceed with a "clean" debt-ceiling bill amounts to a capitulation by Republicans to President Obama and Capitol Hill Democrats who argued that the GOP should not attempt to use the bill as leverage to extract concessions from the administration.
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Not at all kooky.
As it stands there isn’t a dime’s worth of difference between the GOP Establishment RINO and a RAT, other than we know that the RAT isn’t going to piss on our boots and then tell us it’s raining.
Personally, I don’t see a downside to replacing Boehner with a RAT. At least the replacement will NOT have the Seniority nor the Speakers Gavel and can easily be jettisoned in 2 years.
I say, go for it IF y’all can’t muster the votes to defeat Boehner in the Primary.
No people like you are dumb, blind, deaf and stupid. They push for something that ain’t gonna happen.
A government shutdown is unpopular in this country. It doesn’t matter if we’re right. The truth is nothing is going to pass the Senate with strings attached!
And I’m a conservative who wants to avoid a pointless humiliating defeat. I don’t want a vote I know I’ll lose anyway.
A surrender sometimes is the only thing you can do. The Democrats are going to win anyway but folks you want to help them by branding the GOP as toxic to common sense and good governance.
I want to cut spending. But I also know that as long as Obama is President, good luck with that happening!
Its impossible to achieve any of the goals we want. The Democrats hold the White House and the Senate and they have the full backing of the MSM.
But some conservatives refuse to be chastened by experience.
There's a third choice: work to stop the motor of the world. The bad guys already have the field: they're called Republicans and Democrats. Thanks to both of these groups, we have an ever-growing federal debt of over $17 Trillion, and the elected leaders are now open about which laws they choose to uphold, and those they will simply ignore.
Boehner must be held accountable for his 180 turn on the debt ceiling. In six months, he's gone from talking about a "whale of a fight" to complete capitulation.
America cannot be saved until Washington DC has crashed and burned.
You know as well I do that a debt bill that reduces spending will die in the Senate.
Again, what is the point of losing? Every one is going to blame the GOP for being reckless with the economy, with people’s jobs and for shutting down the government when in the end it will be forced to cave to the Democrats anyway!
I want to win but I’ll take a pass on this one for the greater good.
I want to cut spending. But I also know that as long as Obama is President, good luck with that happening!
I was fooled by Dubya, too. Taking a page from The Who, "I won't be fooled again."
GOPe is toxic to common sense and good governance. Boehner just proved that today. Was he lying when he said last August there was going to be a "whale of a fight" when the debt ceiling was up for renewal?
The only man in America with any real power to push back against this tyranny just rolled over and played dead.
With “friends” like this, who needs enemies?
America 2014 is a police state. It is run by and for the benefit of 535 masterminds in congress, nine justices, one El Presidente, and millions of self serving bureaucrats.
Get over thinking the DC leadership thinks a twit about our freedoms. Until the states take back their sovereignty, re-federalize the government via a senate of the states, you can pound your pud all day long thinking your vote means a damn. It doesn't.
Facts are not condescension. If you willingly continue vote to elect the people that are causing this fiasco, Please, spare me the false indignity.
Riddle me this Batman, If you K N O W I N G L Y vote in a RINO / Let me repeat it so you can read it clearly/ K N O W I N G L Y vote in a RINO and I don’t, exactly who is to blame when that RINO siding with the dems? That’d be you. Not me. Not those of us who stand on principle. YOU and those who follow your proven disaster of a method. Because simple math shows that if you do not give the dems another ally, he’d not be in office to assist them from the...ahem...”Right” from doing what they do anyway.
If you refuse and vote for a conservative, regardless of the odds, they don’t get an automatic partner. And if we ALL ignore your proven disaster of a political idea, follow mine and the rest of us who have woken up to reality then we win.
You lesser evil types were warned. We will not join you. Side with us and win or side with lesser evil without us and lose.
Your choice. Choose wisely.
Just a rhetorical comment here, sent your way. Nothing accusatory.
As a people, we have become inured to politics as sport.
Instead of concern over the condition of our rights, politics has been reduced to airhead analysis of which party is on offense/defense, which is ahead/behind, and what next year’s player draft looks like.
There are going to be big changes very soon, for Marx cannot be indefinitely grafted on to Madison.
You are correct with that, and with the rest of your post. Please bear in mind that my argument is limited to our choices on election day (that the less damaging of two choices is the less damaging choice that will buy us essential time). With that in mind, you will probably agree that there is no 3d choice. I think Norm's problem with my argument is that he also wants to argue we have other more definitive choices. We do, but not via the ballot box on election day.
As for holding Boehner accountable...the only mechanism appears to be to vote him out of office (see BJ Clinton) and many of us don't even get to vote on that. Of course, it is particularly galling that after acting in so many instances as a non-Republican, he will retire comfortably on our tax monies.
This is not “backing down”. This is taking the decision out of the hands of the Republicans and putting it to the Democrats knowing he’ll get all the dems and only needs 15 republican rinos.
It is siding with the democrats and the liberal republicans. It is the rejection of a republican coalition and turning to a democrat+15 coalition to rule the way he wants.
UNLESS someone whips every single republican into line and makes it impossible for Boehner to get the +15. If that were to happen, it would send the message that the House intends to fight. That’s why I don’t expect to see it.
We need a new speaker.
They can’t figure out how to combat Obama’s “held hostage” line. Amazingly dim light bulbs over there.
1. Our Constitutional job is to be responsible on spending. Have everyone say that. All the time. Everywhere.
You really blew your final word, Norm.
Of course you have a choice. We all have a choice. There was a choice on the 12 ballot on election day that included more names than Obama and Romney. There will be more choices on each and every single ballot in Nov. than RINO and Democrat.
You either vote for one or you dont. But they are there. But what you will not find, contrary to a number of idiotic assertions I have seen Freepers make, it a choice to vote AGAINST a candidate. There is no check box that says against. When you check the box for someone, you vote FOR them. And do not complain when you get what you vote FOR.
You can SAY you are against what/whoever till the cows come home. It matters not at all if you voted FOR them. We don’t get a line item veto.
Nope. I explained the reality of the situation. Pretending otherwise won’t help.
Quite accurate. I have been waiting for some time to hear a Republican politician declare that the problems with Ocare are what is to be expected with the introduction of communism to the capitalistic marketplace. Higher wage earners pay higher premiums for the same policy. If spread throughout the marketplace, we all share the same lifestyle (except the elite).
You have to wonder what is in Boner’s closet that he doesn’t want released.
Obama, Reid or Pelosi play him like a fiddle.
The spending issue was not the only issue they could have attached. There is a trade issue and there is the old XL pipeline among others. The point is they do not wish to make a distinction between themselves and the dems. Mark my words, they are relying on winning solely on O care and the dems will find a way to flank them, as usual. Boehner et al are only interested in picking fights with the tea party and like groups. The “moderates” and dems in GOP attire.
Boehner and the rest of the French Republicans want to ram this through this debt limit preemptive surrender before the negative reaction to the business mandate waiver gets bigger.
There would have been growing momentum to insert the Democratcare fight into the debt limit bill and they want no part of that obviously.
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