Facts are not condescension. If you willingly continue vote to elect the people that are causing this fiasco, Please, spare me the false indignity.
Riddle me this Batman, If you K N O W I N G L Y vote in a RINO / Let me repeat it so you can read it clearly/ K N O W I N G L Y vote in a RINO and I don’t, exactly who is to blame when that RINO siding with the dems? That’d be you. Not me. Not those of us who stand on principle. YOU and those who follow your proven disaster of a method. Because simple math shows that if you do not give the dems another ally, he’d not be in office to assist them from the...ahem...”Right” from doing what they do anyway.
If you refuse and vote for a conservative, regardless of the odds, they don’t get an automatic partner. And if we ALL ignore your proven disaster of a political idea, follow mine and the rest of us who have woken up to reality then we win.
You lesser evil types were warned. We will not join you. Side with us and win or side with lesser evil without us and lose.
Your choice. Choose wisely.
You really blew your final word, Norm.