Nutsy would tell a negro family that the war on poverty was a beautiful thing also. 70% of the babies not having a father in their life and virtually all having no grandfather is the price that these children pay for Nancy's "beauty" of her spouting progressive garbage.
Our money that could go to healthcare will go to feed the IRS and HHS bureaucracy. THAT is Nancy's "beautiful thing"
Nancy used her position to make her husband successful in business. Left on her own, she would be on food stamps and in line at the Salvation Army overnight lodging.
How ignorant does one have to be to become a Democrat or Socialist or even a Communist?
Dishonesty, greed, and lust for power work as well as ignorance, maybe better.
Yea Nancy just as beautiful as you and Helen Thomas. . . . and Alan Grayson, Mr. KKK
Just as beautiful as you are, Nancy.
Keep talkin’ Nancy, no paid conservative spokesperson could do a much damage as you are flapping those jaws.
...and neither is Palomino therapy...../snicker
She has no frigging clue other than pulling some trouble Alinsky statements like these. She is a total tool.
No wonder she praised OWS and wore a shador. She just marvels in this.
liberals are completely lunatic. Politics is all they got.
If it’s so great, Nancy, why don’t you want it for yourself?
“It was to an initiative for affordable quality healthcare to all Americans”
I didn’t see all Americans represented when she marched to the Capitol with the gavel.
What planet does San Fran Nan live on?
I remember when she first came out with this nonsense, while they were trying to get Obamanation Care passed. She claimed that “artists and writers” would be free to pursue their dreams because they didn’t need to work at a certain job to get health insurance.
I have news for her. I’m now more chained to my job than I ever was, because I don’t dare trade my (for now) reasonably-priced group insurance for an insanely high exchange premium plus sky-high deductibles. Or risk being thrown onto an already overwhelmed Medicaid system that fewer and fewer doctors are accepting.
She’s nuts.
From a woman who thinks satan is god.
having her husbands money to pay the bills would set people free, she is a clueless snob for whom an extra $6000 tax bill is a shopping trip
want to bet no HHS clerk is going to tell Nan’s doctor what medical treatment she can’t have?
“Obamacare, she said, is going to be “a beautiful thing.”
Hey Nancy there is an Italian saying, “A beautiful thing is a joy forever”. Obamacare is not what I had in mind.
Just another comment that can be added to the book “Nancy Pelosi’s Delusional Statements.”
If Obamacare is going to be so beautiful then WHY ARE YOU EXEMPT FROM IT?
I’d pay good money to see somebody knock the crap out of her.
And, the only ones, other than us, fighting against it is Ted Cruz & Mike Lee!
How is it freedom when government chains you to an insurance program that you don’t want?
Democrats are delusional. I pray that God saves them and changes them, or if they refuse to be changed, kills them before they cause any more trouble. Pray for the democrats Psalm 109:8-9