Posted on 10/09/2013 5:35:37 AM PDT by IbJensen
Last week the king declared it illegal for a large number of Catholic priests to enter upon HIS royal military bases and celebrate mass which is the central ritual of Catholicism. According to His Majestys edit, priests who have been hired as Contract workers to minister to the 25% of our military forces, who are Catholics, were declared non-essential workers the same as the goat herders who guide their hungry weed eating animals around some government lands.
With this edict the king has again reminded us of just how over his head he is as he runs around our house shredding our Constitution. Contrary to what many in the rank and file and pulpits of the Catholic Church believe, King Barack is every bit as much an enemy of the Catholic Church as Henry 8th was.
He has a demonstrable record of reminding us how much he hates Catholics and our doctrines. His royal edict commanding Catholic hospitals to commit abortions is among his most egregious attacks.
Because the king and his courtiers have deluded themselves into believing they would be lauded for sticking their finger in Catholic eyes he made this attack with dreams of a general out cry of All Hail the King! from his subjects. That didnt happen.
Even his flunkies in the House recoiled from his his vicious and blatant attack on the Constitutional rights of those who risk their lives for our safety. The Democrats gladly joined the House Republicans and quietly voted 400 to 1 (a Democrat of course) to fund the contract priests.
So what did the King accomplish? Those he was playing to, the ones who hate the Church, were disappointed by his inability to command the flunkies to hold fast against the Catholics; and now the Catholic Bishops who helped elect him and pushed Obamcare on us have had their noses rubbed in his hatred for everything they stand for. He could have used them again to break the will of the House conservatives; but now? Not a chance.
The King and his flunkies cant even hate straight. Vicious vindictive stunts like this are why we are winning.
How much longer will Americans put up with this most anti-American who pretends to be our president?
In a proper patriotic time, this cretin and his gaggle of leftists and assorted queers would be tarred, feathered and tossed into the Potomac!
we need to have a million man demonstration demanding his resignation
Biden may be a fool but he gets Americans
Their hate is visceral, and it’s a hatred of God and His people.
So the House voted to fund the Priest on Oct. 5th.
What has happened in the Senate?
Priests still banned as near as I can tell!!!!!
I think what is becoming more evident is this twit’s hatred for anything traditional in this country. It is also becoming increasingly apparent just how petty and how vindictive he and his ilk can be: throwing seniors out of their homes; stopping death benefits for soldiers’ families; closing monuments, parks, and public areas.
There is nothing out of bounds for this maniac - nothing at all, except keeping entitlements for his peeps, and DEMANDING more money for them year after year.
Obama hates the military as well, hence the withholding of death benefits to fallen warriors' families.
Denial of access to public lands also plays to the gun control freaks.
Step back and look...this is a massive assault on this country by the Socialists! Whether we like it or not, I am afraid that the American Civil War II has started. Harry Reid fired the opening salvo at 1159 PM on 30 September 2013.
What part of
“...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...”
Does THIS government NOT understand???
People, it’s time to get rid of these CORRUPT politicians.
This picture makes me think that Kerry and Sebelius look like they could quite possibly be frternal twins. Or is that just me?
"As I stand here before you today to introduce our Commander
in Chief, please permit me to paraphrase the late, great HL Mencken.
"The office of president represents the inner soul of the people.
On Nov 2008, the plain folks of this land reached their heart's
desire. At long last they voted to adorn the White House with a
downright moron.
The Senate has rejected all of the partial funding bills sent to it.
I think the House also voted to permit non-paid, priest volunteers from outside of the military to say Mass at the bases, since Obama refused to permit even that. But I don’t know where that stands.
Prolly the results of a weird Democrat sex
act practiced only in Chicago City Hall.
It is my feeling the the President really had no thing to do with the turning away of the priests.
I would guess that the toady Major Frank Burns was sucking up to his commander when he made the decision.
“priests who have been hired as Contract workers to minister to the 25% of our military forces, who are Catholics, were declared non-essential workers”
So, does this really mean they are “banned” from celebrating Mass? Or does it just mean they won’t get paid if they choose to do so?
Were nobama’s favored moozlum imams allowed on bases?
“So, does this really mean they are banned from celebrating Mass? Or does it just mean they wont get paid if they choose to do so?”
They weren’t allowed to do so. There was a thread here last week or over the weekend on this. Priests were volunteering to come in without pay to say Mass and minister to their faithful on bases and were told no, they couldn’t.
hmmm. 400 to 1. Shows that all this crud is originating in the administration.
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