This really is a mental disorder.
TRANSLATION: “The jig is up unless we ram it through!”
What a load of crap!
Is the Times saying he faked his flop-sweat to try and make his point that the globe is getting really, really hot?
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
Early predictions made by climate scientists are coming true even more quickly than expected.
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
Our Bank ,Obama needs a DISTRACTION
At least the Times is doing their part by not selling as many papers (snicker)
LA Times
But the $100 million vacations.. and their carbon footprint .. will continue.
The Queen wants vacations and shall have them.
Here’s what gets me about global warming:
1. The earth’s climate has changed many times in history. During the last ice age, Chicago was buried under a mile of ice. Clearly we have had global warming since then, which was part of a natural cycle. It had nothing to do with man, since Cro-magnon Man did not have coal fired power plants.
2. We don’t fully understand the natural cycles involved with climate. And we don’t fully understand how much man may have contributed to this. But we do know that climate has changed many times prior to the Industrial Revolution.
3. Even if we want to say, for sake of argument, that man is significantly impacting the climate, what exactly should be done about this? Doesn’t there have to be a cost/benefit review of any proposed actions? How does cap and trade help, for example? The same amount of “evil” CO2 is allowed to be emitted. It just that now somebody is paying for the permission to emit same.
4. Even if enlightened liberals take control of governments in western countries and adopt policies to cut back emissions, what exactly do they propose to do about China and India emitting such high levels of pollutants as those countries industrialize? We have no control over policies adopted by other countries.
Early predictions made by climate scientists back when much of the nation was still dubious about any kind of greenhouse effect and many denied it existed are coming true even more quickly than expected.
Pitiful Wag The Dog attempt.
This, with the coming instant amnesty and citizenship of 25 million illegals, along with the precipitive drop in the economy once QE is stopped...
Gosh.. what could go wrong?
Man made global warming isn't happening.
Man could do nothing about it even “if” it were.
Mankind is a molecule on a pimple on the earth's arse.
God is in control, not man.
Fine, everybody that believes in man-made warming can lead by example and live without AC and walk to work.
somethign insidious just occured to me-
The left is desperately tryign to increase the price of energy, fuel, heat etc- by blaming us for ‘global wamring’- but the FACT is that we arep oised to run into another COLD period on earth very soon, which means that peopel will need fuel and heating much more than we do now wich means we will be payign hte higher prices which the govenrment is cuaisng to energy prices i nthe name of global wamring
I think these criminals KNOW that global warmign is coming, and so are goign to ram through high energy prices in the name of global wamring so that when global cooling hits us i nthe not too distant future, we’ll be saddled with energy prices we cvan’t afford
What the hell is wrogn with the left? Will they not be happy until they’ve compeltely destroyed thsi country and everyopne in it?
They should contact The Economist about how the planet has continued to get warmer. The Economist a few months ago came clean on the subject and admitted that although CO2 has continued to climb, there has not been a significant temperature increase in over 15 years.
The thing about riding a dead horse (climate change) - whipping it doesn’t make it go any faster.
No, they aren't.
For right now at least, the world is not getting warmer. They said it would. They were wrong. Probably because rather then study the climate they started using computer models where anything they don't understand is put in as a static number. And there is a lot they don't understand.
Something like you.