In Pivot to Messaging, Ron Johnson Looks to Purge Staff (GOP-E Looking to purge Johnson)
And yet some of you vow to “hold your nose” and vote Romney. That is a duplicity with those that would kill Conservatism.
The Romney Campaign is trying to force Tommy Thompson down the throats of Wisconsin voters.
“The Senate GOP establishment is trying to disenfranchise conservatives”
Judging by the propaganda coming out of Fox News, it isn’t just the Senate GOP establishment- its the whole thing.
Where does Hatch stand on this purge?
Dern it, I need a transcript.
I don’t have time to listen to audio at a tiny fraction of the speed of reading.
This is why Romney and the GOP have to lose. We are not going to solve the overwhelming problems we face if they win. Sorry to you folks who are so damned afraid of Obama that you can’t think straight.
Rebellion is brewing! We need patriots, not pantywaists!
The majority of conservatives, seriously, need to plan what to do for the long-term, when their enemies list involves: leftists (of all political parties-major political parties and minor political parties and all Independent candidates who are leftist), some moderates, some Libertarians, RINOS, Establishment Republicans, and Elitist Republicans, combined! It’s, also, important to understand that this is a world war between the political left and the political right, and this isn’t, just, a problem that’s, only, from within the U.S. and U.S. territories. Leftist politics and all of political correctness must be defeated, everywhere in the entire world, asap!
I will certainly be gagging if I have to cast a vote for Romney THIS TIME. AGAIN, I’d vote for an orange-butted orangutang to get that trash out of the White House. I agree that we need to start getting rid of the establishment-types that think reaching across the aisle and ‘compromising’ with the radical left is good for the country. I think it’s just as important and possibly more to take the Senate with true conservative candidates so it won’t matter what Romney wants. We need to make sure that they can’t shove another Romney down our throat in the future. I’ve got to start researching who’s going to re-place Kay B-H in my state. If anybody has any insight on the candidates please help me. I’ve got to get up to scratch on that race fast.
Ron Johnson endorsed the RINO socialist Romney....let him deal with his own friends.
Actions have consequences. I won’t lift a finger to support those who have capitulated and endorsed Romney.
The senate is the bastion of aristocracy. They even like choosing their own members (the national republican and democratic campaign committees) instead of letting the people in the individual states choose them.
Hatch was forced into a primary yesterday and hopefully, Lugar will be a lame-duck senator in a few weeks. Time to clean house, one election at a time.
Duh, Hey Mark, we have kown this for a coule years now, why don’t you reort on the NBC issue, coward.
Post CWII, the New Confederate Senate won’t have this problem.