And he mentioned several times he was drafted into the US Air Force. The Air Force does not nor ever has - drafted.
I remember his antimilitary rant letters about the use of bulldozers and tank plows to clear trenches. He was on the morning talk shows at the time elaborating on his position.
The racial crud is likely the same.
I wonder how fast the Paulbots will attack this thread?
Cool, Paul is polling what 10-20% in the GOP primaries? I think yall are doing a great job of pushing votes to Obama, keep up the good work.
If Paul allowed his name to be put on a publication without knowledge of what was being put in that publication, it shows he is irresponsible and not a good choice for president.
If he knew what was being published, and didn’t make a move to stop it, then he was tacitly approving it.
If he is lying now, which I suspect, then that is a problem as well.
There is no way to spin this so it doesn’t make Paul look bad, and considering some of his more recent anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist statements, that supports the idea that he had full knowledge and also fully approved the objectionable content.
As good as he is on fiscal matters, Paul should never be president, nor will I ever vote for him.
Its not just the newsletters of years ago. According to Adam Taxin of the NY Jewish Examiner, Pauls website has been publicizing and distributing the infamous anti-Semitic forgery The Protocols of the Meetings of the Elders of Zion for the last three years! Writes Taxin: The website for Campaign for Liberty, an organization started by Republican anti-Israel Presidential candidate Ron Paul, has, since late 2008, been featuring a page offering the opportunity to purchase the notorious forged anti-Semitic book The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. As word spreads of this, inevitably Pauls campaign will take down the page and claim the situation was a mere innocent mistake with which Paul (who of course hopes to lend his managerial skills to the entire nation) had nothing to do, a la the controversy over his newsletters in the 1990s. This of course despite the fact that the page with the link has now been up for over three years.,+to+neutralize+me+and+to+get+the+link+to+the+Protocols+of+the+Elders+of+Zion+off+my+site.+He+stepped+into+the+picture+after+the+ADL&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=safari
Perhaps a useful thread....
Sure, Ron. Whatever.