Pakistan has a lot of explaining to do (and it wont help them). A link to the map below:
The word “Outrageous” doesn’t begin to cover it.
Let’s hope they never identify the individual who actually delivered the candygram.
The w0n takes credit in 3..2..1..
Oddly enough, we’ve had reports of Pakistan harboring bin Laden for years. Years. The timing of his capture and death couldn’t be better for Zero if you’d scripted it in Hollywood. With his polls numbers bottoming out and his domestic/economic policies widely hated...’how’s hope and change working out for you?’...Zero needed something, and this breathes life in his reelection campaign. But Bin Laden’s followers will rally and commit acts of mass murder, and gas prices won’t fall until we drill for our own oil. Call me cynical, but I think Zero wouldn’t have done anything had his poll numbers looked better. That said, Bravo and well done, Navy seals and everyone who took part in this!
One more thing...Zero actually used the words: One Nation Under God...and God Bless the United States of America. He even hinted that we’re an exceptional nation. Nah, I must have been dreaming.
OH, mabye not.
If Obaama is so desperate for re-election that he threw Al-Qaeda under the bus, they're going to come back for vengeance in a big way. Muslim sleeper cells, anyone?
(Which *might* lead to chaos and a call for suspension of US elections, btw.)
NO cheers, unfortunately.
Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader. He was a mass murderer of Muslims, Obama said.
Obama more concerned about his fellow Muslims that Bin Laden killed than all our fellow Americans that were killed. And Obama made sure Bin Laden received a proper Muslim burial. Obama is a POS.
"The guy is an @sshole, do you think we want him down here?!?"
2 or 3 helicopters near a military academy caused fear and panic?
This story gets smellier and smellier.
God Bless the hard work of the American military and Intell forces!!
The information about where this scumbag was had been developed over a number of years. That said this is actually the first thing I can think of that Obama has done right.
Give Obama all the credit, he deserves it.
I believe Bin laden died of “natural causes” that is a serve over dose of lead in his brain!
I think it’s Bush’s fault.
If youd like to be on or off, please FR mail me.
Where are the hoards of people in Gaza handing out candy?
This is a wonderful accomplishment for the guys who did the actual capturing of Bin Laden. They are heroes. The operation reminds me of the Israeli rescue at En Geddie (sp.?).
But it’s mainly a symbolic victory. We haven’t put an end to terrorism. Another crazy will step in and take Bin Laden’s place.
Did anyone read that they are saying he was “buried at sea?”
BREAKING: Sharks at seas enjoy dinner with trashed Osama meat. Sharks gave a thumbs up to Navy Seals for throwing nice dinner out of the helicopter.
BREAKING: Fox News reports “Obama” bin Laden dead by mistake lol
Ok call me suspicious but, isn’t it weird that ol’ Bin was killed last week? Ok, yea, I have my tin foil hat on. How long did they know he was there? And who gave the go ahead to go in and get him? Was it really just last week, or did this happen a while ago and Obama is using it to divert attention away from something else? Everything coming out of Obama’s mouth last night sounded sincere but everything he does is contrary to what he was saying. He can’t even call these people terrorists. Just sayin.
When we first made them THE MOST STRATEGIC ALLY in the war on terror, Pakistan had no, nada, none intelligence system. We set them up...ran it...and apparently still do.
Frankly, I don't see any gain in Usama's death. He was no longer the leader of alqueda.