One more thing...Zero actually used the words: One Nation Under God...and God Bless the United States of America. He even hinted that we’re an exceptional nation. Nah, I must have been dreaming.
Bingo! I hope a Navy seal slid a ham sandwich in bin Laden’s mouth before they rolled him up in that white sheet and dumped him overboard.
Obama’s speech was awful. I never in my life heard anyone use so many words to say so little in my life. And his use of the first person and his credit taking, scene stealing and general self centered behavour was appalling. He made only what seemed to me the most perfunctory and minimal expressions of gratitude and appreciation of those who actually made it happen.
It was soooooo noticeable. His handlers made him do it to prove he is a Christian.....Not a Muzzie who a minute before said Usama was not a muzzie.
Obama will say anything to increase his chances of being re-elected. It’s always about him. It’s a shame that some people will think he is sincere.
He was just sleepy.