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O'Donnell Right About 'Separation of Church and State'
The American Spectator ^
| 10.19.10
| John R. Guardiano
Posted on 10/19/2010 11:12:13 AM PDT by This Just In
O'Donnell Right About 'Separation of Church and State'
By John R. Guardiano on 10.19.10 @ 1:02PM
The political and pundit class is in a tizzy because Delaware Senate Christine O'Donnell had the effrontery to question Supreme Court jurisprudence that has established a "wall of separation between Church and State."
But while O'Donnell may not have been as articulate as she should have been, she's nonetheless right: The phrase "separation of church and state" appears nowhere in the Constitution. It was penned, instead, by President Thomas Jefferson in a letter that Jefferson sent to the Baptist Association of Danbury, Connecticut.
And, as the Heritage Foundation has observed, far from being a "principled statement on the prudential and constitutional relationship between church and state," Jefferson's missive, in fact, was "a political statement written to reassure pious Baptist constituents that Jefferson was, indeed, a friend of religion."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Delaware
KEYWORDS: christineodonnell; churchandstate; constitution; delaware; obama; palin; politics; senate
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The ACLU is a Communist organization. Its founder, Roger Baldwin, was a card carrying Communist.
"I joined. I dont regret being a part of the Communist tactic, which increased the effectiveness of a good cause. I knew what I was doing. I was not an innocent liberal. I wanted what the Communists wanted".
- Roger Baldwin
To: This Just In
posted on
10/19/2010 11:15:36 AM PDT
( <--- My Fiction/ Science Fiction Board)
To: This Just In
If there is a “wall of separation between church and state” then why do we have government-employed chaplains?
posted on
10/19/2010 11:15:52 AM PDT
To: This Just In
I like to read the comments on yahoo and I read some for this story. We have some really stupid people out there and they vote. Very scary.
posted on
10/19/2010 11:26:20 AM PDT
To: tellw
If there is a wall of separation between church and state then why do we have government-employed chaplains?
Dang good question! Why do we have United States Military personnel SPECIFICALLY assigned and hired to handle "church-based" tasks?!?!? We need to get ALL of them off the payroll - NOW!!! /sarc
posted on
10/19/2010 11:29:45 AM PDT
(Hey Congress: Go Conservative or Go home!)
To: ExTxMarine
Rush right now has given an eloquent defense of Christine O’. Coons doesn’t know what else is in the 1st Amendment, and that needs to go viral.
posted on
10/19/2010 11:32:56 AM PDT
(Now there ARE 1,000,000 regrets - but it may be too late.)
To: This Just In
Christine was absolutely correct. She has a much better handle on the Constitution than Coons does. When discussing the Constitution Coons was pleading with the moderator to move on. What a piss poor performance by Coons. Christine was great and her knowledge of the Constitution was far superior to Coons from I gather does not give a damn about it.
To: BigEdLB
“Coons doesnt know what else is in the 1st Amendment, and that needs to go viral.”
Yes to that. It can go along with the October surprise too. There are two things that potentially resonate as a possible October surprise. Mayors around the country have discovered privatization. They have found a way to defund the golden pensions of over bloated 90% of wage retirement entitlements and the higher than average wage scale pricing that they are currently mandated to provide. The other surprise is the companies opting out of providing heath care under the current requirements as provided in the Obamacare laws. This was promised never to happen. We were promised that you could keep your health care if you wanted to. Now, the wheels are falling off, just as predicted.
posted on
10/19/2010 11:48:42 AM PDT
("Beware of the next big scary thing: Wobble Globing.")
To: This Just In
Government shall make no establishment of religion, Coons responded,
To: BigEdLB; dangthis; unspun; SunkenCiv; IMissPresidentReagan; LucyT; Impy; TigersEye
posted on
10/19/2010 3:30:18 PM PDT
Arthur Wildfire! March
(Economic reform without education reform and originalism is a penny in the fuse box.)
To: GeronL
You are so right! I wish a blog could post the text of how Coons flunked the “rights” question she asked him.
posted on
10/19/2010 3:32:33 PM PDT
Arthur Wildfire! March
(Economic reform without education reform and originalism is a penny in the fuse box.)
To: onyx
Please note post 10 — O’Donnell is in position to be another rising star over this!
posted on
10/19/2010 3:36:46 PM PDT
Arthur Wildfire! March
(Economic reform without education reform and originalism is a penny in the fuse box.)
To: Arthur Wildfire! March
Yes, thanks for the ping.
I read about it this morning and she deserves to WIN ELECTION to the US SENATE!
Their radio debate was at 8:00 in the morning.
Maybe Delaware voters heard it on the drive to work?
She needs to go viral with ads.
Coons is a Marxist, dunce, pet of Harry Reid’s.
posted on
10/19/2010 3:49:13 PM PDT
(If you sYou betcha!upport Sarah and want on her Ping List, let me know!)
To: Arthur Wildfire! March; AdmSmith; Berosus; bigheadfred; Convert from ECUSA; Delacon; dervish; ...
Thanks Arthur Wildfire! March.
posted on
10/19/2010 3:54:42 PM PDT
(The 2nd Amendment follows right behind the 1st because some people are hard of hearing.)
To: This Just In; theothercheek; Red Steel; GreatOne; SunkenCiv; American Constitutionalist; ...
Not mentioned in the posted article, but pointed out by Rush Limbaugh on his radio show today, was the fact that the debate took place at a law school, which meant that, presumably, much of the audience in attendance was composed of law students. Yet O'Donnell's statement to the effect that "separation of church and state" was not in the Constitution drew plenty of laughs - which indicates how poorly law students are being educated these days! Maybe O'Donnell knew more about the Constitution than the law students because she had never attended law school herself. (LOL!)
To: This Just In
To: GeronL; BigEdLB; dangthis; Arthur Wildfire! March; SunkenCiv; Clintonfatigued; theothercheek; ...
Coons doesn’t know the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment because, as a Marxist lefty, he’s not particularly interested in preserving them for most Americans when the left is in power, as it is currently. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to petition for redress of grievances, freedom to peaceably assemble: they all enable forces in opposition to the regime to mobilize and express their views, which troubles him.
To: justiceseeker93
posted on
10/19/2010 6:16:58 PM PDT
( <--- My Fiction/ Science Fiction Board)
To: This Just In
Yeah, and we will get some who will call her a " Kook " or " Fringe " for just knowing the Constitution and stating the truth.
There seems to be a pattern going on of those who would speak for the Constitution and uphold the Constitution and those who would call those who want to uphold the Constitution " Kooks " or " Fringe " , and the laughter of the audience proves it.
A lie often said enough, will eventually become a pseudo truth.
Maybe now, she has opened up the door for those who want to challenge the so called " Separation of Church and State " error whenever a law suit or the issue pops up in a court battle.
To: justiceseeker93
Yet O'Donnell's statement to the effect that "separation of church and state" was not in the Constitution drew plenty of laughs - which indicates how poorly law students are being educated these days! Maybe O'Donnell knew more about the Constitution than the law students because she had never attended law school herself. (LOL!)
Actually, they didn't start laughing until after she asked whether the Establishment Clause - or rather how Coons stated it, "Congress shall make no establishment of religion" - was in the 1st Amendment.
I sure hope she was just nitpicking Coons' poor quote and that she is not actually ignorant of the fact that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion". Frankly, it seemed like the latter, and that's why the law students laughed.
posted on
10/19/2010 6:48:38 PM PDT
The Pack Knight
(Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Weep, and the world laughs at you.)
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