Posted on 06/01/2010 9:34:53 PM PDT by Texas Fossil
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says she believes she must pursue public policies "in keeping with the values" of Jesus Christ, "The Word made Flesh."
Pelosi, who is a Catholic and who favors legalized abortion, voted against the ban on partial-birth abortion that was enacted into law in 2003.
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Too often . . . aiding and abetting them.
I’d be willing to bet that she has absolutely no clue who Jesus is.
Not to worry, however. Her constituents have the IQ of the Easter Bunny. I know, my ex-Mother-in-Law and ex-Sister-in-Law are two of them!
Pelosi is a senile old cat lady. She has her cats jumping around her House office. Video is on youtube
Obviously true.
the Catholic Church moved pedophile priest around to inflect damage on the masses
NOT obviously true. Come up with incontrovertible evidence this is done on purpose, or admit it's bigotry.
big·ot·ry /ˈbɪgətri/ Show Spelled[big-uh-tree] Show IPA noun,plural-ries. 1. stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own. -- from
It's her last stand.
Thanks for the ping.
We’re living in the timeline where Biff got the Sports Almanac.
I really don't think Jesus was too keen on murdering babies in the womb or on promoting sexual perversion.
Well, her Jesus is obviously not the one of the NT.
This is a really transparent bid to boost her ratings.
I think it’s finally sinking in to her that she’s toast with most of the voters and this is her lying appeal and tactic to win votes back.
Problem is, we’re not as stupid or naive as she thinks (or wishes) us to be.
Can you believe this?
Thank you, Glenn, for introducing me to that phrase!
Oh, the Jebbies of today bear little resemblance to their founder. I’m sure he’s spinning in his grave.
DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND ME!! I think any priest who was accused of such abuse should have been turned over to the authorities for a full investigation. In some cases that was done, but the parents of the boys (because it was overwhelmingly boys) chose not to pursue charges, because they didn't want their sons to suffer the embarrassment of a public trial, or even hearing. These young men are now, rightfully, calling out the Bishops for not stripping those men of their collars, and kicking them out of the Church. Of course, that would only have meant they'd have been unleased on the general public.
But the Bishops were listening to the experts, and following the psychology of the times, which said that abusers could be 'cured', so they sent them to clinics for that reason. Sadly, as we NOW know, that doesn't work. Also, you might note that since the late 1980s, there have been almost no new cases of abuse. Most of these abusive priests came through the Seminary during the time just following Vatican II, and unfortunately, were taught by folks who had created their own version of Vatican II, which to them said that 'anything goes', as long as you put a veneer of religion on it.
We're only now beginning to recover from that, as the older Bishops retire, and are replaced by Bishops who might have attended those same Seminaries, but recognized that frap for what it was, the liberals' pipe dream of their own compassionate, loving, non-judgmental religion. These younger Bishops have studied their older Brothers in Christ, and have seen the mistakes they made, and already are moving to change policies in Dioceses so as to put JESUS back in the center, not human beings, and their 'social justice' religion.
I think God wants us to prosper. I don’t think he wants our government to take over everything. As long as we prosper, support our church, and remember those less fortunate, I think we’re doing our duty.
She wants us to lose everything to the government, and that government to execute largess. When it gets to that place, a lot more is being stolen than our money or property. Our ability to exercise our free will to help others is destroyed. That is unforgivable for a government to do.
These people are out of control, and as wrong headed as can be.
I’d be the last to defend the liberal nonsense these Catholic sects have adopted in recent years, especially the “social justice” BS, but the Jesuits are the counter reformation movement of the Catholic Church, urging a return to the fundamental principals of Catholicism and that has been recently mutually enforced by an exchange of official communiques between the Pope and the Superior General of the Society of Jesus. Pick on the Franciscans.
Oh I get it. She must think O is Jesus.
If they've begun to turn away from those lines of thinking, I'm thrilled, but they created massive confusion during that time, and many Catholics were led astray because of their influence.
Blame Vatican 2. That’s the root of the problem.
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