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Salinas Teacher Calls This Drawing "Offensive" (U.S. Flag, 'God Bless America')
NBC11 ^ | Tue, May 11, 2010 | LORI PREUITT and SHAWN BROUWER

Posted on 05/12/2010 11:49:55 AM PDT by nickcarraway

A week after a school Morgan Hill made national news for sending five students home for wearing American flag T-shirts on Cinco de Mayo, a school in Monterey County finds itself in the flag spotlight.

This one involves an art project. A Salinas middle school student said her teacher stopped her from drawing the American flag, while another student's picture of President Obama was praised.

Tracy Hathaway said the art teacher at Gavilan View Middle School told her daughter she couldn't draw the American flag because it was offensive.

Hathaway said they were shocked when they heard what happened. They have met with the teacher and principal at Gavilan View Middle School, but were not satisfied with outcome of that meeting. When the parents asked the teacher what she thought was offensive about drawing, the teacher didn't answer them, Hathaway said.

The Hathaways now want a "real" apology.

"My daughter wasn’t trying to break any rules and she wasn’t trying to create a scene," Hathaway told Fox radio. "She was just expressing her view and saying this is America and I want God to bless it."

The Hathaways said the issue isn't about race, adding that the teacher is white.

Racism crept into the discussion following the Fox report. The school says it has received more than 200 e-mails and phone messages in recent days, most of them containing hateful and racist comments. "(Messages say) that we have violated that student's First Amendment rights and the so-called teacher needs to 'get the hell out of my country,'" said District Superintendent Mike Brusa.

Brusa said another meeting is planned for later his week between the teacher, parents and Hathaway, and that an apology may be in order.

Although Brusa wouldn't discuss whether any disciplinary action has been taken, or will be, the teacher involved wasn't on campus Monday.

The incident actually happened several weeks ago, but KSBW television covered the story Monday night. At the time of the Fox report, School District Superintendent Mike Brusa sent Fox the following statement:

When we were aware there may be additional concerns, I asked the administration to contact parents again to see if there is any expectations from prior contact that have not been met. The Principal did so, and indicated the parents were satisfied that the situation had been handled. They told the Principal they had twittered Fox and had indicated that the situation had been handled. Secondly, there are 3,000 students in the district, 250 employees, and parents that go with the students. Every day there are many interactions that occur between all these individuals. As I indicated, this event occurred several weeks ago, and in that time there would be literally thousands of events large and small between the people involved with the school. This was one small event that did not even come to the level of my office. There is an informal and formal process that is used to resolve issues. The school administration and the parents did not view this as significant enough to bring it to the Superintendent’s office. Thank you for allowing me to clarify this situation.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Extended News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: democrats; donttreadonme; flag; immigrants; liberalfascism; obama; obamanation; patriotism; schools; teaparty; teapartyexress
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To: avacado

No reason to attack those states that want to remain under subjugation.

Simply “disallow” any federal statute from being enforced, and “disallow” any federal agent from enforcing them.

61 posted on 05/12/2010 12:51:19 PM PDT by MrB (The difference between a (de)humanist and a Satanist is that the latter knows who he's working for.)
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To: righttackle44
Pal, are you living in a World War 2 time warp? Best military force in the world?? Based on what? Beating the same incompetent, Saddam-led Iraq twice?

Since WW2, every time the US has come up against any semblance of determined opposition, we have either agreed to an armistice (Korea), or we did not have the will to do what was required to win, we abandoned our allies, and we turned tail and ran like a little bitch (Vietnam).

A strong military is comprised of much more than fighting men and machines of war. And it is even debatable whether we still lead in those areas anymore. Our military is way too small now to fight a real war, and we are not modernizing our forces except for a few token examples. We are even unilaterally giving up the old nuclear deterrent that we still possess.

God help us if the US ever has to go to war with a country or coalition fielding even a semblance of a modern military force. The USA will get annihilated. I fear that is exactly what will happen when we finally come to blows with the Russians and Chinese.

Your braggadocio is about 65 years behind reality.

62 posted on 05/12/2010 12:51:26 PM PDT by MGMSwordsman
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To: MGMSwordsman

I think he’d rather nuke the “states in rebellion” than let them be outside of federal control.

63 posted on 05/12/2010 12:52:36 PM PDT by MrB (The difference between a (de)humanist and a Satanist is that the latter knows who he's working for.)
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To: madamemayhem
my brother says that when he is elected president, he will order all stupid people to be removed to california. then he will order strategic underground nuking of the san andreas fault to excise the stupidity from the mainland and let the whole island country of california rot.

Tell your brother that that is a great idea, but unfortunately, only a sliver of the west coast of California is along the San Andreas fault so that would leave most of the rest of conservative eastern and northern California still attached to the other lower 48.

64 posted on 05/12/2010 12:55:32 PM PDT by Inyo-Mono (Had God not driven man from the Garden of Eden the Sierra Club surely would have.)
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To: MGMSwordsman

Also, ol’ “we will crush you” Kruschev over there


that the US military members would fire on people from their own home states.

The US military is made up mostly of people from southern and conservative states - the ones that would seek a separation.

65 posted on 05/12/2010 12:56:27 PM PDT by MrB (The difference between a (de)humanist and a Satanist is that the latter knows who he's working for.)
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To: nickcarraway

The “so called teacher” does need to “get the Hell out of my country”!

66 posted on 05/12/2010 12:57:25 PM PDT by SWAMPSNIPER (The Second Amendment, A Matter Of Fact, Not A Matter Of Opinion)
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To: Fred
This would make a great tea party banner...

How many of you would buy T-shirts with this on it?
67 posted on 05/12/2010 12:59:05 PM PDT by rottndog (WOOF!!! Be prepared for what's coming AFTER America.....)
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To: I still care

Actually, the Cross was allowed to stay. But, someone came in and tore it down anyway.

68 posted on 05/12/2010 1:04:42 PM PDT by Thunder90 (Fighting for truth and the American way...
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To: nickcarraway

I wonder what the original would pull in bidwise on the Bay?

69 posted on 05/12/2010 1:06:51 PM PDT by atomic_dog
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To: nickcarraway
Obama's Pastor:" and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, not God Bless America. God damn America — that's in the Bible — for killing innocent people. God damn America, for treating our citizens as less than human"

Obama at a rally before the primary during the National Anthem:

70 posted on 05/12/2010 1:09:26 PM PDT by Thunder90 (Fighting for truth and the American way...
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To: MGMSwordsman

The Soviets (Yes, I say Soviets and not just Russians, look at ETL’s page for more info) and Chinese have it out for us, and they enjoy the damage that 0 is doing to this country.

71 posted on 05/12/2010 1:11:47 PM PDT by Thunder90 (Fighting for truth and the American way...
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To: nickcarraway

ping so I’ll be on MY computer at home when I download that glorious pic! God bless that little girl and her family! And may He safely gather them up and deliver them from Babylon.

72 posted on 05/12/2010 1:11:48 PM PDT by BelegStrongbow (Ey, Paolo! uh-Clem just broke the Presideng...)
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To: BelegStrongbow


73 posted on 05/12/2010 1:21:57 PM PDT by Truth is a Weapon (Truth, it hurts soooo good!)
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To: righttackle44

A big chunk of that “best military force in the world” is already a member of Oathkeepers, and a whole lot more are likely to take that side if the remaining sane states secede from the increasingly Soviet America. Secession is only illegal until they succeed.

74 posted on 05/12/2010 1:23:03 PM PDT by Little Pig (Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici.)
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To: nickcarraway

They shoulda checked with Ira Hayes and his buddys.

75 posted on 05/12/2010 1:29:02 PM PDT by Waco (Kalifonia don't need no stenkin oil and no stenkin revenues)
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To: StormEye
I believe that the coming economic collapse that is spreading through Europe (as they try to bail out each other with diminishing assets) and inevitably coming to America, wreaking severe financial distress on an already attenuated economy (thanks to Obama and the Democrats in congress) along with the distinct possibility of a successful terrorist attack that takes numerous lives, will turn the tide against, not only Obama and the liberals that control congress (for now), but will include the media, the education system as well as most government offices.

The libs won't give up their power or their Utopian dreams and will use rigged elections, leftist judges, federal rules and regulations and fear tactics, aided wholeheartedly by the corrupt leftist media that will lie and lie, just as they do today - only with greater motivation. This will not succeed.

Millions of 'average' Americans - the people the left hate and despise, with a vengeance - seeing their jobs and/or savings and investments disappear and a comfortable lifestyle along with them, while men with unpronounceable names from distant lands willfully murder innocent Americans, claiming to do so in the service a god that is incomprehensible to most Americans while our left-wing government dithers and media hacks make excuses for them, will finally spur Americans to rebel against the leftist power structure.

This toxic atmosphere will turn millions of Americans against the leftist cadre that has managed to lull most Americans into a stupor, of sorts, convinced many that bad is good and good is bad while turning our beloved country, the best force for good on the planet, from a strong, prosperous, generous nation of proud people working hard and enjoying the fruits of their labor while helping the least able among us and defending freedom around the world with our treasure and the blood of our brave young men and women. It has been said that the only thing standing between global chaos and relative peace and prosperity is the United States of America, it's wealth, it's innovations and it's military might. I agree with that statement.

I don't look forward to this coming collapse of our society, but I fear it is inevitable. Our nation's moral compass is out of whack, the media cannot be trusted and our education system is little more than an establishment for leftist indoctrination. Add to that the Democrat's insane fiscal polices that are killing our economy and the ever-present threat of some rogue nation such as Iran, governed by demented religious zealots seeking to rule the world by force and then impose their 'religion' on the survivors while the U.S. government under Obama and the western nations, collectively, sit by, pretending that there isn't a problem and that Islamic terrorism is simply a slight annoyance. Obama apparently believes that Islamic terrorism can be 'handled' by making nice speeches about Islam, bowing to Arab 'kings' and letting our defenses down in a pathetic, naive attempt to 'show' the terrorist-supporting nations that the U.S. is really not an enemy of Islam, when that is a basic tenet of the terrorist belief system and, in fact, their prime motivation. None of this childish denial of reality will come to any good for the U.S.

My greatest fear is not a citizen revolt but that it will come too late to 'save' America. I pray that I'm wrong.

76 posted on 05/12/2010 1:31:12 PM PDT by Jim Scott (re much)
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To: righttackle44
Have you been introduced to the Declaration of Independence? Specifically,

That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

77 posted on 05/12/2010 1:36:21 PM PDT by dware (3 prohibited topics in mixed company: politics, religion and operating systems...)
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To: Inyo-Mono

excellent! we keep the conservative parts! this could really work people. lol.

78 posted on 05/12/2010 2:06:44 PM PDT by madamemayhem (defeat isn't getting knocked down, it's not getting back up)
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To: righttackle44
What is proposed as liberty by separating is in fact sedition.

Two national sedition acts had been passed in the United States by the end of the twentieth century. The first, passed by the Federalist-dominated Congress (democrats) of 1798, (John Adams, President, big government guy) aimed to halt Republican (yep, Republican) criticism of the government.

The Sedition Act of 1918 was passed by a Democrat Congress and Woodrow Wilson, (Federal Reserve Act, Federal Trade Commission and America's first-ever federal progressive income tax in the Revenue Act of 1913).

The Sedition Act hastened the spread of wartime xenophobic hysteria, climaxing in the red scare and the Palmer Raids. The scare had run its course by the early 1920s, and the Sedition Act was repealed in 1921 by the REPUBLICANS who then controlled the House and Senate.

In this instance I am hesitant to refer to the invasion of the united States by 30 million criminal illegal alien border and immigration law violators as "xenophobic hysteria." I consider it to be the equivalent of war.

"Sedition." Created by democrats, repealed by Republicans, gone for 89 years yet the label is still being pasted on Republican American Citizens.

Soooo, one - more - time.

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another...

deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...

it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security...

If that means kicking them out or just plain leaving, so be it. It is our right and duty.

It is NOT a permission from a government.


79 posted on 05/12/2010 2:23:44 PM PDT by TLI ( ITINERIS IMPENDEO VALHALLA)
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To: rottndog

I would buy an auto sticker

80 posted on 05/12/2010 2:33:35 PM PDT by Fred (Vote for a REID FREE NEVADA....)
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