Debate on church doctrine and or threads on specific religious matters may be best posted in the religion forum, but the defense of religious freedom, especially against those who wish to deprive us of same belongs front and center on FR....They banned God and prayer and creationism from public schools and public places, but Ill be damned if theyre gonna ban Him or it from FR!
Jim Robinson
So, is it capable of being cloned? It may have been a “baby” and the full adult was 36 feet long!................
No...its not 18 Million years old.
Where’s the required Helen pic?
Better source here:.
We noticed that there had been very little degradation since it was originally fossilised about 18 million years ago, making it the highest quality soft tissue preservation ever documented in the fossil record.
In other words, these were soft tissue fossils, not "fresh meat".
Tastes like chicken!
Have you been leaving your tissues laying around again?
"Fresh crow flesh found in ancient asphalt!!"
The fossil structures, however, have been reinterpreted as the remains of recent biofilms that lined, but did not infill completely, voids inside the bone, thus generating hollow structures with a similar geometry to blood vessels and osteocytes..
Again, not "fresh meat" but fossils of soft tissue.
We noticed that there had been very little degradation since it was originally fossilised about 18 million years ago, making it the highest quality soft tissue preservation ever documented in the fossil record.
Emphasis added. All the tissue was fossilized, including the blood; what the excitement was about was the fact the cell walls were fossilized in 3 dimensions, so that we have an accurate "stone" replica of the original cell structure.
A bit different than ICR and you are trying to pass off, isn't it?
Are you OK?
Why you should not post from ICR and expect to be taken seriously. Pay attention to the last sentence particularly.
ICR claims it met or exceeded the 21 Standards of Certificates of Authority. In fact, ICR did not meet several of those standards which was the basis of the THECBs refusal to grant the Certificate of Authority. Three of those unmet standards were faculty qualifications, the curriculum, and academic freedom of the faculty and students.
ICRs claim that it suffers from anti-accommodational evolution-only-science enforcement policy practices is frankly absurd. ICR has every right in the world to teach its Creationist pseudoscience to paying students and can continue to do that, so that falsifies its claim of illegal victimization by the State of Texas. It has no right, however, to demand that its graduating students be awarded a Texas-certified Master of Science degree, since under no definition of science or practice of legitimate science education in the United States is ICRs curriculum science.
This needs to go in religion. There is nothing here that is about “defense of religion”.
My goodness girl, how long have you had that cold?
This-is-not-a-biker-thread ping!
: > )
From the source: We noticed that there had been very little degradation since it was originally fossilised about 18 million years ago, making it the highest quality soft tissue preservation ever documented in the fossil record.
So quit being stupid. It’s not “fresh tissue” its not even tissue - its a fossil.
So you and all your “creation science” fawning fan club can put your “fresh meat” analogies away. A fossil is not meat.