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To: cycle of discernment; rocco55; thouworm; rxsid; GOPJ; Fred Nerks; null and void; stockpirate; ...
CongressMEN. Plural.
2 posted on
12/04/2009 4:50:34 PM PST by
null and void
(We are now in day 317 of our national holiday from reality. - 0bama really isn't one of US.)
To: cycle of discernment
Obama has been effectively checkmated
That's true. If he produces it now and it is kosher, he'll look like a turd for concealing it all this time. And if it contains info that damages his political career, well, justice will be served.
3 posted on
12/04/2009 4:50:50 PM PST by
(Bring lawyers, guns and money.)
To: cycle of discernment
Please, please, please, please, PLEASE! Let this be so!
4 posted on
12/04/2009 4:53:07 PM PST by
Diana in Wisconsin
( "When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both." - James Davidson)
To: cycle of discernment
bookmark to read later comments. Sounds vvverrry interrresting......
5 posted on
12/04/2009 4:53:27 PM PST by
( The Constitution needs No interpreting, only APPLICATION!)
To: cycle of discernment
To: cycle of discernment; sushiman
7 posted on
12/04/2009 4:53:42 PM PST by
genetic homophobe
(They hate Sarah because she lovingly carries a failed abortion on her hip.)
To: cycle of discernment
Deal is MY Congressman :)
8 posted on
12/04/2009 4:54:18 PM PST by
(Get the capital back! NRST!)
To: cycle of discernment
The political momentum of the nation now follows diverse roads to the same destination, and the resulting fireworks are going to be much brighter and invigorating than those of any Fourth of July in many a year!
Well said! and it will devastate the liberal agenda for decades to come!
9 posted on
12/04/2009 4:57:33 PM PST by
ronnie raygun
(Leaders who refuse to lead will be lead by the people)
To: cycle of discernment; RaceBannon
11 posted on
12/04/2009 4:58:18 PM PST by
("Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve standing army, enslaved press & disarmed populace.")
To: RaceBannon
the testimony of the U.S. Marine, who goes by the nik, Race Bannon, What did you do, now?
12 posted on
12/04/2009 4:58:50 PM PST by
To: mlo; Non-Sequitur; parsifal; Pilsner; Drew68; curiosity; Sibre Fan; El Sordo; MilspecRob; ...
Ping to an article regarding a request from congressional representatives to see Obama’s BC. Since he’s been sworn into office, I bet he can invoke executive privilege. If they wanted to see proof, they should have asked for it before certifying the electoral vote. However, I don’t think Cheney asked for or allowed objections as per the official certification process. I wonder if and how that would affect a ruling on whether or not he has to submit the BC.
14 posted on
12/04/2009 5:00:39 PM PST by
(Integrity, Honesty, Character, & Loyalty still matter)
To: cycle of discernment
We will see...John Charlton has been wrong in the we’ll see...I among many would love to see the implosion happen...soon this month...out of our WH in hand cuffs...
15 posted on
12/04/2009 5:01:10 PM PST by
(A wise man's heart is at his RIGHT hand;but a fool's heart at his LEFT. Ecc 10:2)
To: cycle of discernment
Nice to see a conservative GOP member with guts and the guts to defend the Constitution.
17 posted on
12/04/2009 5:01:58 PM PST by
(Judge David Carter - democrat & dishonorable Marine like John Murtha.)
To: cycle of discernment
18 posted on
12/04/2009 5:02:09 PM PST by
(Clean the RAT/RINO Sewer in 2010 and 2012)
To: cycle of discernment
There is a rule that pertains to lying.
“Never lie, but if you do.... never stop.”
Obama will follow this rule, in that he will never stop.
I don’t care how much heat is turned up over this BC stuff, he will stay silent or simply shine it on.
20 posted on
12/04/2009 5:03:55 PM PST by
(Obama is America's First Failed Black Pres-dent.....)
To: All
21 posted on
12/04/2009 5:04:14 PM PST by
To: cycle of discernment
Short of a wayback machine, how is this accomplished?
25 posted on
12/04/2009 5:06:10 PM PST by
John W
(The more predictable we are, the more vulnerable we are.)
To: cycle of discernment
I predict Obama will never present his original long-form birth certificate.
26 posted on
12/04/2009 5:06:14 PM PST by
(NO Foreign Nationals as our President!!)
To: cycle of discernment
bookmarking along with prayers!
29 posted on
12/04/2009 5:06:55 PM PST by
("Regime Change USA".... 2010-2012 ~~Let's Roll !!)
To: cycle of discernment
40 posted on
12/04/2009 5:13:08 PM PST by
(If you can accept losing, you can't win. ~ Vince Lombardi)
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