Posted on 07/30/2009 8:35:25 PM PDT by Edward Watson
The entire birther argument, that Obama was actually born in Kenya instead of the US, making him ineligible for holding the office of the President of the US, is a spurious argument. It plays into Obama and the liberals hands - they want this to continue since it makes regular conservatives and opponents into fringe wackos.
Not one of us would've looked harder at his legitimacy than Hilary Clinton and the entire Clinton smear machine during the Democratic primaries. That magic bullet would've given Hilary the presidency - and yet nada, bupkis.
There are many valid reasons to oppose Obama and the liberals, but his birthplace isn't one of them.
“There is no comparison because THERE IS NO BIRTHER CONSPIRACY THEORY, only the simple request for informaation that the public deserves.”
You cannot be that naive. It isn’t possible that the allegations that Obama was born in Kenya, with no hard evidence whatsoever, has been advanced, again and again.
By the way, the Truthers, the Kennedy guys too, always boil their arguments down to a quest for openness and the truth. That is, when they’re not advancing their crackpot theories. Like Kennedy being shot with a poison dart from the Umbrella Man, or the occupants of the flights we all think crashed into the twin towers lying in rest deep in the earth, beneath Dick Cheney’s secret bunker. But directly afterwards, they say, “Hey, we’re just askling the questions nobody else in interested in answering.”
By the way, it’s not that the demand for openness and for the American people to know, not simply accept, that they’re commander-in-chief is Constitutionally legitimate is nutty. Nor is debating what constitutes a “natural born citizen”. Insisting he was born abroad, with no evidence is. And it is a huge part of the Birther movement. I’d call it their center, in fact.
Just yesterday one of the Hawaiian stooges (at the vital records department) proclaimed she had been into the archives and seen the long form and could confirm Obama was born in Hawaii
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'Obama born US citizen' - Hawaii's health director Mr Chiyome Fukino said he has personally seen Obama's birth certificate in the department's archives which says he was born in ... The Statesman - 906 related articles » |
People need to stop pulling out the "noob" card on those who ask legitimate, intelligent questions. How about just answering the questions with facts and sources?
So his paternal grandmother is a liar?
Pretty smart of the family to put a fake announcement in the paper in 1961, just on the off chance that someday he would be elected president.
BTW, Oswald shot Kennedy, we went to the moon, and 911 was caused by radical islamists.
Thanks for killing conservatism.
You're far worse than a newb. A deep sleeper troll defines you.
What a drag, we both have opinions. God bless America.
Ok, then you make the case for O being a Natural Born citizen.
If you can’t then you demonstrate that you don’t really give a fig about the Constitution.
The Obama rumpswab trolls got their clarion call tonight.....LMAO
Panties in a bunch and soiling themselves-—they’re losing control.
If anything Hussein will keep the publishers rich for a long time coming...
“no one can present a coherent reason why he should not release his complete birth certificate data as well as his college records.”
I think there is more than a birth certificate that Obama wants to hie. He might have defrauded the government on student loans, or his radical affiliations may become public. Bush released all his data including his years as an undergraduate and graduate student. I expect no less from this Lying Marxist turd!
“I have no idea where he was born but I’ve a good sense that it wasn’t here. Nothing verifiable has been presented, documentation has been erased or fabricated.”
Nonsense. Look, if you believe documentary evidence and statements on the record are fabricated just for the sake of believing powers-that-be lie, you end up in conspiracy-land.
Getting back to reality, we have this stack of evidence validating his birth in Hawaii:
1. Common sense - Stanley Dunham and Barack Obama Sr lived, met and were students in Honolulu. That was there hometown. As students, they had little money, so the natural conclusion would be that they would have very likely had their baby in Honolulu.
2. Marriage in Feb (shotgun wedding?), baby in August; honeymoon was on another hawaiian island; if they were going to travel anywhere else, THAT would have been the time to do it.
3. Newspaper announcement of birth one week after birth, Aug 4. Two newspapers had birth announcements on Aug 13 and Aug 14th, and they were in turn gotten from State of Hawaii records office ...
4. Family recollections that he was born in Honolulu.
5. The COLB - The Certification of Live Birth, that people get from the State of Hawaii when they request birth records. This document has an embossed seal and stamp and is sufficient documentation for getting a passport or a drivers license. The COLB ...
6. Obama obtained US passports for overseas travel. He needed valid birth certification that proved US citizenship to do so. While the above COLB is from 2007, he needed a prior one to get his passport to go to Kenya.
7. State officials from Hawaii vouched for his birth records being on file and him being born in Hawaii.
I ... have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen, Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino
Well, I mostly agree with you that Obama hates America and is doing his best to destroy it and change it into something he thinks is better.
I personally believe, in Obama’s mind, America is inherently a racist nation and doesn’t give blacks their rightful due. In the interest of fairness, the rich will be forced to give a certain amount of their wealth to the poor, especially to African-Americans. I fully expect to see the confiscation of properties and assets of the successful white citizens that are then given to the “downtrodden and oppressed” blacks and other specific minorities in the interest of fairness before too long.
It doesn’t matter that virtually all of the endemic poverty and socio-economic retardation within the African-American community is self-inflicted - the horrible illegitimacy rates, crime, violence, aggression, hatred towards education, authority, and those who get ahead by their own diligent labors are all cancers that destroy a people.
Why is it an African immigrant from Jamaica or Ghana can come to America with $20 in his pocket and own his own home in a nice neighborhood within six years whereas an African-American cannot after five generations in America?
It’s a matter of attitude - one works hard, gets an education, and respects the law while the other thinks he is above the law, deserves what others have without discipline or effort on his part, and expects everything to be handed to him on a silver platter.
It wasn’t always this way. It’s well-known fact that many African-Americans had grandparents who were educated, law-abiding, and owned their own homes while their grandchildren can’t even read or speak English properly, live on welfare, and reside in dilapidated homes in terrible neighborhoods.
I see the same thing here in Vancouver. A new immigrant from China or Vietnam, who can’t even speak English when he arrives, has a great house and life after just a few years whereas a First Nations person (a Native Indian), with a lifetime of opportunity and constant government handouts, ends up living on the streets in Skid Row on the Downtown Eastside, addicted, and pitiful.
My maternal grandfather lost everything twice when he came to Canada - first when he was fresh off the boat from Japan when he was robbed of all his possessions, and second when the government confiscated his property and interned him and his family during the War.
And yet, he was never bitter, and always expressed his gratitude and happiness for living in Canada. He picked himself back up and became successful. All his children and grandchildren have university degrees. Not one of us has ever been arrested. And all of us have what we have due to our hard work.
Going back on target, IINM, I expect to see targeted asset confiscation of Obama’s opponents soon, after the groundwork has been laid by his administration and his liberal allies in congress and the media. His primary target will be conservatives and the wealthy, who aren’t in his pocket.
We will know when this comes when we hear of cases of seizures of homes of whites that are then given to blacks or Hispanics ala Zimbabwe.
I hope I’m wrong but let’s see what happens ...
Oh, you mean the party that had majorities in both Houses of Congress AND the White House but lost that control because one of their own subverted the President, THEN THEY NOMINATED THE GUY WHO RUINED THEIR MAJORITY FOR PRESIDENT?
Yeah, that party?
And you're afraid some of us will make y'all look bad?
You're the kook! LOL
Geeez friend, give it a rest already. You’ve been defending Obama on these bc threads since last November, and your arguments and reasoning haven’t improved one iota.
If you honestly feel that the issue has no merit, then why on earth do you bother to participate in discussions that have moved well beyond the questioning stage, and into full-blown accusatory mode?
What you Certifigate deniers don’t seem to understand, is that this issue has evolved well past the point of theorizing and conjecture. There’s now no doubt whatsoever in most people’s minds that Barack Obama is withholding all of his personal documentation for nefarious purposes.
So, I ask you. Just what is the point of dropping your ineffective naysaying here, if you’re not going to change anyone’s mind?
At this particular point even finding out he was born in the Lincoln Bedroom would not stop me from wanting to see what is on that birth certificate that is so dangerous that he is willing to spend more than a half million dollars to keep it secret.
Factcheck? You must be kidding! Next time go straight to the DNC and MoveOn websites.
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