“There is no comparison because THERE IS NO BIRTHER CONSPIRACY THEORY, only the simple request for informaation that the public deserves.”
You cannot be that naive. It isn’t possible that the allegations that Obama was born in Kenya, with no hard evidence whatsoever, has been advanced, again and again.
By the way, the Truthers, the Kennedy guys too, always boil their arguments down to a quest for openness and the truth. That is, when they’re not advancing their crackpot theories. Like Kennedy being shot with a poison dart from the Umbrella Man, or the occupants of the flights we all think crashed into the twin towers lying in rest deep in the earth, beneath Dick Cheney’s secret bunker. But directly afterwards, they say, “Hey, we’re just askling the questions nobody else in interested in answering.”
By the way, it’s not that the demand for openness and for the American people to know, not simply accept, that they’re commander-in-chief is Constitutionally legitimate is nutty. Nor is debating what constitutes a “natural born citizen”. Insisting he was born abroad, with no evidence is. And it is a huge part of the Birther movement. I’d call it their center, in fact.
So his paternal grandmother is a liar?
You can frame the birther movement whatever way you want, and you can use your straw man arguments to your hearts content, hey, that is all you got, but labeling those who demand that Obama provide important information about his past as nuts, is absolutely and unequivocally nutty in itself. I have never seen such freaking out over a simple request for a 12 dollar birth certificate....its insane and you know it.
He is obviously fighting this simple request so much because he has something to hide, we have a right to know what that is.