Posted on 06/14/2009 10:06:21 AM PDT by OneVike
In today's technological age, it might seem silly for intelligent people to consider a spiritual world where beings we cannot see might exist. Oh it's fine to read books and watch Hollywood movies about the afterlife and spirits that roam the netherworld but that's all make believe, not the real world. In the real world we are taught that reality consists of what we can touch, taste, see, hear, smell, and that the spirit world is for those weak minded individuals who use religion as a crutch to get through the day. But what if I told you that scientists have concluded that there is a strong possibility that a parallel universe really does exist? Now, as a Christian I do not need proof that a spirit world exists, but it is my belief that God wants us to do our utmost to understand what it is He has Created. That being said, the Spirit World is an aspect of God's Creation that we can only speculate upon just as Rene Descartes, the father of modern day philosophy did. Descartes admitted that God was the Creator of the world, but he believed that the spiritual world existed solely in the minds of men. So I guess the question would be, does a parallel spirit world exist, or is it just a figment of our fertile imaginations?
I would suggest that in order to properly answer that question, we need to first realize that God gave us a mind and the ability to think on a level with Him, if only we allow ourselves to put the silly notions of men aside. One silly notion is that reality
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Some interesting wording in some of the recent crop of Bible Codes:
If you have not heard of this book, __the Temple in the Center of Time__ He continues the work of Sir Isaac Newton Very very interesting.
shalom b'SHEM Yah'shua HaMashiach
it is well worth the read.
by David Flynn
with the help of Google Earth.
Have you ever rewad the fiftht chapter of Daniel, Old Testament?
No. I haven’t heard of it.
Thanks. Sounds interesting.
Did you think the translations were reasonable?
They usually use some top level Jewish scholars for the translation polishing etc. . . . some in Israel, IIRC.
Five senses (that we have the capacity to name) out of an infinite number of possibilites certainly leaves open the door that there are an infinite number of parallel "realities" that we do not (under "normal" circumstances) have the capacity to perceive. This is why silly talk of "extraterrestrials" always cracks me up - - what are the odds that any beings that may exist in what humans know as "outer space" share even one human sense?
There are "beings" that we cannot normally perceive all around us right here (and, of course, "beings" is the right description only if "they" share the human concepts of space, time, and existence).
They usually use some top level Jewish scholars for the translation polishing etc. . . . some in Israel, IIRC.
They appear to be well done on the face.
shalom b'SHEM Yah'shua HaMashiach
I found myself getting a little disturbed by what I perceived as occasionally overwrought interpretations from BCD. I still subscribe and get e-mail updates frequently, though. Watch the surface text where a given code is found. There should be a contextual relationship. If not, someone’s straining for sensationalism.
Most of the noted, advanced codes researchers I once followed, who published their findings to the web regularly at one time, have fallen silent. My personal favorite, Roy Reinhold, has begun to seriously question a few things our government has done over the past three administrations, which is quite a switch for him. He’s become rather cryptic about his ongoing codes research, and has hinted that God has told him through prayer not to make it public. Whether that is “not yet,” or “never,” I can’t say.
I continue to observe and take note, but it’s awfully still of late. Even the modern day prophecy sites, from which I’ve long collected purported prophecies to test for future accuracy, seem to have been taken over by a combination of “latter rain” types with their new-agey “moves” and their “shifts” (think Chuck Pierce, whom I’ve long suspected of being something other than what he purports to be), or that other guy, long haired goth type, weird purple and black stage set with candles for his tv show. I know his name well, having denounced him enough, but it escapes me ... oh, wait a minute, it’s Kim Clement. Bad occult vibe for me, but he does have a following, and purports to be Christian.
Can’t help but think something’s up. Now of all times is no time for silence.
If one believes the teachings of Jesus, we all will be resurrected in new, immortal, perfected bodies as He was. The mistake of modern thinking is in the dualistic notion that body and mind (or thought,or soul,etc) are separated, whereas they are unity.
Modern quantum physics obviates the theory of parallel worlds.
I can’t resist this story: Rene Descartes walks into a bar and orders a double scotch and downs it. The bartender says “would you care for another?” Descartes says “I think not”. And disappears.
Check out the TV program “TAPS”, on Discovery or History Channel. May help you realize what you are dealing with. One way of dealing with a poltergeist (German for ‘noisy ghost’) is to ask it out loud “what is it you want from me?” The activity is to get your attention. If that fails simply demand in the name of God that it leave you alone. Unless it is really hardcore that should work. However, even Jesus said some spirits, or whatever else you call them, only come out with fasting and hard prayer. Should that be your case call a priest or minister.
Live for today, the way you believe that you should, and tomorrow will take care of itself, including the afterlife...
The exact opposite of the statement in your #109 might be the better view.
But first, let me remove the word “spirit” from my statement.
You did not challenge that aspect, of course, but it makes me feel better because to the extent it implies more than one God or Holy Trinity it should not have been included.
It seems to me modern quantum physics is all about additional and yet to be quantified dimensions - some have speculated we could be dealing with more than 16 dimensions, while for the moment most of us are like children learning to count on one hand.
Further, there are non-local attachments not limited by vast distances, and there is consensus on a host of other relative concepts.
Such theories seem to preclude rejecting out-of-hand the possibilities of multiple parallel worlds - at least as we contemplate those terms.
Once we open that door of understanding, getting to an infinite number of worlds might be a walk on the beach.
My grandother’s pastor won’t even address the subject in any way and our parish priest seemed frightened that I even brought it up.
And the TAPS people were the ones I talked to. They then referred me to WV paranormal, who talked with me at length about it.
It’s been quiet the last couple of days, so maybe whatever it is/was has moved on.
I wish I still had a copy of the email these folks sent to me where they went into length explaining what a poltergeist was and how to deal with it.
Oddly enough, they told me the best course of action was to tell it to get essence.
The nice lady said to say in a commanding voice “In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, you are commanded to leave this house and leave this family alone and to never return.”
I still don’t know what to make of a lot of such.
The mathematics in terms of probability at some point seems to leave little question about such things being by chance.
Yet, the wording . . . perhaps an artifact of the encoding ‘limitations’ . . . is often more cryptic, even, than some mysterious cryptic Biblical surface prophecies.
However, I do recall when reading some years ago of the Code about a Bibi assassination attempt when he was in office . . . and the implications it would be a 2nd future term . . . I recall a quickening in my spirit that it was a true Code.
IIRC, the state of the art/science at this point requires a code of 30 or more letters to be considered seriously statistically significant.
I haven’t been keeping up much with the Digests for many months. I do believe the Codes are something LIKE THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB loves to do. And, it may well be at least in the ball park of Daniel’s hidden-until-the-end stuff.
I have a lot of respect for
Roy Reinhold
Interesting. I didn’t know those details or have any recent info on him.
I used to have some respect for Kim Clement. Loved watching him worship.
At some point, I began to feel disturbed in my spirit about him. Not sure if it seemed to be a pride issue or what . . . just felt disturbed and doubtful about what he said.
And his contention that OThuga will be converted miraculously into a Spirit-filled Believer doing Godly things—well—color me more than skeptical.
I haven’t monitored enough sites to have noticed the silencing aspect. Good observation.
Sure seems to be an element of hunkering down in the air, at least.
Have you monitored Bill Sommers’ WHAT’S NEW site? I used to but have let it fall more by the wayside amidst other priorities. It’s such a mixed bag, imho.
Would greatly appreciate keeping more in touch on these issues.
Please elaborate.
Have usually not found it fruitful nor wise to dialogue with evil spirits much at all.
Just tell them to be gone in the Name and Blood of Jesus.
If reinforcements and spiritual horsepower are needed via prayer and fasting and others gifted in such, then go that route.
Good points, imho.
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