I have a lot of respect for
Roy Reinhold
Interesting. I didn’t know those details or have any recent info on him.
I used to have some respect for Kim Clement. Loved watching him worship.
At some point, I began to feel disturbed in my spirit about him. Not sure if it seemed to be a pride issue or what . . . just felt disturbed and doubtful about what he said.
And his contention that OThuga will be converted miraculously into a Spirit-filled Believer doing Godly things—well—color me more than skeptical.
I haven’t monitored enough sites to have noticed the silencing aspect. Good observation.
Sure seems to be an element of hunkering down in the air, at least.
Have you monitored Bill Sommers’ WHAT’S NEW site? I used to but have let it fall more by the wayside amidst other priorities. It’s such a mixed bag, imho.
Would greatly appreciate keeping more in touch on these issues.
I’ve looked at Bill Sommer’s ETPV site many times. It’s one of the ones now filled with “prophetic” abstraction prattling about “moves” and “shifts” to which I alluded. It strikes me as regurgitation of thematic words and concepts from some teaching I do not know, with little apparent Biblical grounding. There are a few I pay attention to, nearly all from outside the US. That Beadsworth woman has a surprising ability to find vision in the everyday and relate it to scripture. Several from the continent of Africa have been striking and I’ve taken note. The rest seem caught up in something I’ve not yet been able to understand.