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Barack Hussein Obama: No friend of Israel. No friend of the Jews.
The Greater Evil ^ | 06/11/09 | Polarik

Posted on 06/11/2009 11:17:20 AM PDT by Polarik

D-day, the Six of June, is a date that the world forever remembers, as the beginning of the end of Nazi tyranny, and the beginning of a return to democracy. D-day, the Fourth of June, is a date that will also go down in history as the day we turned our backs on the only true democracy in the Middle East. The “D” here signifies the day that an American President “Delegitimized” the sovereign nation of Israel, the only nation in the world that we can count on as being our true ally. No region on Earth has been more hostile to the US and the rest of the world than the volatile Middle East. No other country in that region is so intimately tied to our own survival than Israel. Israel is the venerable "canary in the coal mine" in the war against Islamic terrorism, and is crucial to our own survival. Which is why every American President since Harry Truman has honored our country's commitment to the state of Israel. Everyone, except Barack Obama, who has trashed that commitment and sided with the enemies of Israel and the free world.

Last year, Barack Obama went to great lengths to tell Jewish groups that he was a friend of Israel, that America would always maintain a strong relationship with Israel as the Jewish State, and that Jerusalem would remain their undivided capital. Last year, Barack Obama went to great lengths to hide the fact that he is a Muslim. He went went to great lengths to hide his middle name, while his campaign spin masters and his fawning slobbering media did their best to hide his Muslim roots. His own website made sure to label anyone who dared to mention the M” word, a “Shameful, shadowy attacker,” who’s “been lying about Barack ‘s religion, claiming he is a Muslim, instead of a committed Christian."

Newsweek claimed that “Obama’s only personal contact with Islam came as a boy when he moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, with a stepfather who mixed his Islam with Hindu and Animist traditions.” Obama debunked that “anti-smear” when he proudly proclaimed he “was a Muslim on three continents” (not just Jakarta). This so-called, “committed Christian” previously assured the faithful (Muslims) that “America was not a Christian nation,” but “one of the largest Muslim nations in the world” – a total fabrication, of course, just like the one parroted in Egypt.

Why did Obama pick Egypt? You know, the country that built an entire brick wall separating Southern Gaza from them? The country that illegally occupied Gaza from 1948 until the 1956 War they waged against Israel, and again from 1957 until the 1967 War? The country that, during their illegal occupation, murdered thousands of Palestinians trying to escape from Gaza into Egypt? Why, yes, it is, and it's the same country that produced these cartoons:

Here's a delightful cartoon of Ariel Sharon. Nothing like those nasty, insulting Mohammed cartoons:

After six months of being in office, Obama has talked more about being a Muslim than Osama has in six years. We now are told (as if we didn't suspect it earlier) that Obama has been a Muslim on three continents, that he’s grown up in Muslim environments, that he’s learned the Muslim Qur’an, that he’s learned how to recite the Muslim call to prayer, and that he’s grown up to despise Israel and “Jews,” just like a Muslim. For 20 years, he’s listened to Rev. Wright preach hatred of Jews and Israel. He’s listened to a lot of people who hated Jews and Israel, like Louis Farrakan and Rashid Khalidi, and he “stacked the deck” in his Administration with so many Jew haters and terrorism supporters that they could easily be mistaken for the PLO.

If Obama really was a “committed Christian,” then he would know that the God of Israel gave the land to be Israel, not “Palestine.” If Obama was a “committed Christian,” then he would know that God blesses those who bless the Jews, and curses those who curse the Jews. To call Obama a Christian is a smear on all of Christianity. Make no mistake about it, Barack Obama, the first Muslim President, did not go to Cairo to give a speech but to issue an edict to the Children of God:

Jews can no longer live in the land God gave them or the land that the League of Nations gave them, or the land that King Abdullah of Jordan returned to them. Obama believes that Arab and Muslim terrorism should be rewarded, the same kind of terrorism that began 50 years before Israel became a sovereign nation. The new leader of the free world is more stuck on stupid than the leaders of the terrorist world, whose entire history of the Arab-Israeli conflict begins only 60 years ago.

Pharoah Obama ordered the Jews to halt all growth. No settlements in Judea or Samaria: two biblical nation-states in which Jews have lived, continuously, for 3,000 years before any “Palestinians” existed. No settlements beyond the “Green Line,” (the 1949 Armistice lines). No settlements on the “Green Line.” Not even for “natural growth.”

Do you know what “natural growth” means? “No babies,” that is what it means. Jews are not allowed to have families, that’s what it means. Jews are not entitled to live in the land they created, cultivated, and made oases out of deserts. It wasn’t “Palestinians” who tilled the soil. It wasn’t “Palestinians” who drained the swamps. It wasn’t “Palestinians” who leveled the sand dunes. It wasn’t “Palestinians” who dug cisterns to bring in water from the sea.

If "Palestinians" really had an indelible tie to their land, as Arafat invented, and as all apologists for Arab terrorism maintain, they sure didn't give a crap about it. They let the land turn to dust, swamps, and camel dung. Ties to the land of "Palestine?" When most of the Arab populace in these areas were nomadic Bedoins?

This is the "wonderful swampland" that Jews purchased directly from the Arabs, at ten to 100 times their actual value.

Who among the "Palestinians" of today would actually want to live on this land, let alone buy any of it?

The people in this picture are draining the swamp. Is there any doubt that these are the dreaded "Zionists" who "stole" this "Palestinian" land?

Here is a photo, taken in 1909, of where Tel Aviv would be built. See any "Palestinians" on this land??

Here are the dreaded "Zionists" flattening the sand dunes that "Palestinians" claim was their "homeland."

Is this a photo of a elderly "Palestinian" with his son plowing a field? Uh...nope. They're just those treacherous "Zionists" again.

And, here are the dreaded "Zionists" ready to "steal" all of this plowed land, and built the most beautiful city in Israel."

Tel Aviv, seven years later.

Here's some more prime Palestinian real estate" that the PLO/PA, Hamas, Fatah, PFLP, and OBAMA claim was "stolen by the Jews."

What the media has never told you about are the hundreds of thousands of "Palestinian Arabs" who have built illegal settlements" on Jewish-purchased land. Why buy when they can squat on it for free?

Obama, and his "Palestinian" puppets have said, repeatedly, that "Arabs and Jews lived in peace" before the 1948 War.

The headline refers to the 1929 Arab massacre of 68 Jewish residents in Hebron. For some time, the 800 Jews in Hebron lived in peace with their tens of thousands of Arab neighbors. On the night of August 23, 1929, the massacre began when a RUMOR, spread by this man,

Haj Amin al-Husseini,
the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, that Jews were attacking the Al-Aksa mosque. The attacks lasted two days. Below is the aftermath.

This wasn't the only massacre of Jews perpetrated by Arabs. The Arab riots of 1936-1939 left a total of 415 Jewish deaths.

Here we see Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti, having a chat with another "concerned leader" about the "Jewish problem" in "Palestine." The Mufti met with Hitler on several occassions, given their mutual interest in exterminating the Jews in "Palestine." Al-Husseini headed up a group consisting of six prominent Arab leaders -- known as the Arab High Command -- and joined forces to protest the Jewish presence in "Palestine." You see, Mr. President, Al-Husseini represented more than just Arab interests in "Palestine" -- he went out of his way to court Nazi interest as well.

Haj Amin al-Husseini was the uncle of Rahman Abdul Rauf al-Qudwa al-Husseini. If this name does not sound familiar, it is because he changed it in 1951 to avoid being associated with his uncle, Amin al-Husseini. His new name was YASIR ARAFAT, supreme leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

He had inherited his uncle's aspirations for a unified "Palestine" from the Jordan River to the Mediteranean sea, a unified nation "Judenfrei," German for "Free of Jews." In 1964, Yasir Arafat and his PLO rewrote the history books and created the same "Palestinian" mythology that Barack Obama mouthed in Cairo.

Obama stood up in front of an Arabic audience, and recited the Big Lie that every Arab and Muslim have been told from the day they were born: that 60 years ago, post-Holocaust Jews from Europe swarmed into "Palestine" and displaced the entire "Palestinian population" from their "ancient homeland" into Gaza and the West Bank where they have sat in "refugee camps"waiting for the "liberation" of "Palestine."

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 was a "war of extermination" in which the invading five Arab armies were confident that they would "push all of the Jews into the Sea." When they lost their "War of Extermination," they called it the "Nakba," or "Catastrophe." Can you imagine Europe or the United States calling what would have been a second Holocaust, the "Catastrophe?"

On June 4, 2009, Barack Obama laid out his own vision of "catastrophe" for the Jewish population in Israel.

Obama quoted chapter and verse, not from the Qur'an, not from the Torah, not from the New Testament, and not from any holy book at all, but from the most unholy of sources: the charters and covenants of the PLO, Hamas, and Fatah. Despite their political or ideological differences, all of these terrorist groups have the same goal in mind:

Israel must be destroyed and all Jews must die

(The shield of the PLO)

In its Charter, Hamas calls for the destruction of Israel (Article 15) and the murder of Jews (Article 7). It claims to be fighting a world-wide anti-Muslim conspiracy led by Jews and cites in support of its ideology the classic anti-Semitic forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Article 32). It says that it is at war with the non-Muslim world as part of a global campaign of jihad (Introduction), and that Hamas respects and appreciates other jihad movements waging war on non-Muslims (Article 23). In short, it is a totalitarian movement bent on domination and, when it comes to Jews, extermination.

What about the “moderate” Palestinian, Mahmood Abbas, you ask? "Isn't he the 'peace partner' with Israel?"

What Moderate??

Mahmood Abbas took over the PLO after Arafat. Abbas was the person who bankrolled the kidnapping of eleven Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic games in Munich. He was also the mastermind behind the capture the cruise ship, Achille Lauro, and the murder of wheelchair-bound Jew, Leon Klinghoffer, who was then dumped into the sea.

Fatah is the party of Abbas and the Palestinian Authority (formerly known as the PLO). Fatah's Al-Aksa Martyers, along with Hamas, were responsible for every homicide bomber attack in Israel. Fatah's Constitution, like that of Hamas, still calls for the destruction of Israel and the eradication of Jewish national existence (Article 12), and for the use of terrorism as an indispensable part of the struggle for that goal (Article 19). In short, its goals are mainly similar to those of Hamas and virtually identical to those of the PLO/PA.

When Yasir Arafat and the PLO signed the Oslo Agreement with Israel in 1993, Israel, the US, the UN, and the print media insisted that the PLO revoke its Charter with its many clauses calling for Israel's destruction and the use of terrorism. Until this was done, the PLO was not fulfilling a necessary condition for peace.

Yet year after year, the world failed to demand the same charter revocation from Ismail Haniyeh's Hamas in Gaza, and Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah in the West Bank.

After the signing of that "peace agreement," both "Palestinian governments" Hamas and the military wing of Fatah sent waves of homicide bombers into Israel, to blow up buses, restaurants, schools, and other civilian areas, and massacre more Jewish men, women, and children than before the "peace agreement." In 2000, near the end of President Clinton's term, the Camp David accords hammered out an independent state for "Palestinians," on 98% of the land Arafat wanted, the land that was part of ancient Israel, and more land than in any previous "peace agreements," Arafat refused to sign it, and signalled for the 2nd Intifada to begin. The death toll in the next eight years would surpass all previous terror attacks combined.

This is recent history, not the revisionist history that Israel's enemies repeat, like a broken record, to where the word, "occupation," comprises every other word. Barack Obama remarked to his Muslim audience that he would "speak the truth as the Qur'an does."

In typical, Leftist fashion, with an ignorance of history as big as his inflated ego, Barack Obama proceeded to talk "taqiyya," throughout his campaign, aka, lying and deceiving the infidel, namely Americans, Israelis, and Jews, for the benefit of Islam. Obama knows what it means; whereas the American public doesn't and thinks it's listening to the truth.

"On the other hand," as he is fond of saying, OBama had been lying and deceiving the American public and its allies long before that "rumor" of him being a Muslim ever surfaced.

If Barack Obama knows nothing about the true history of Israel and the Jewish people, his knowledge of recent history is equally as empty. The Internet-savvy President never looked at the Palestinian National Authority's own website. While the website is replete with oft-heard phrases like "Israeli occupation," and "Israeli human rights violations," the site offers practically nothing on the history of the so-called "Palestinian people." The only article on the site with any historical content is called "Palestinian History - 20th Century Milestones." Essentially, the leadership of the "Palestinian people" confirm that prior to 1900 there was no such concept as the Palestinian People.

They say that, "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it," but in the case of Obama, and the terrorist entities and countries that he wants to prop up, the saying should be, "Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to be ignorant." For a politician whom the media adore as the most enlightened American President since John F. Kennedy, Obama has adopted the 7th Century mentality, vis-a-vis, "Palestine."

As Yehezkel Bin-Nun wrote:

The modern media is filled with stories about the Palestinians, their plight, their dilemmas and their struggles. All aspects of their lives seem to have been put under the microscope. Only one question never seems to be addressed: Who are the "Palestinians?" Who are these people who claim the Holy Land as their own? What is their history? Where did they come from? How did they arrive in the country they call "Palestine."

When Yasir Arafat signed the Oslo Accords in 1993, he embarked on a seven-year plan to thoroughly indoctrinate the entire population of "Palestinians," and the succeeding generations as well, with the idea of "armed struggle," against the evil "Zionist entity." "Palestinian" children were given a daily dose of anti-Semitic books, cartoons, TV, stage plays, and speeches about how the Jews were descended from apes and pigs, how Jews eat Arab children and use their blood for bread, about why you can never trust a Jew, and about how becoming a shadid, blowing yourself up among Jews for the "cause," was the greatest thing that a "Palestinian" could aspire be in life.

Today, after fifteen years of indoctrination, the Palestinian" people, as well as the Arab and Muslim world, are still being fed a steady diet of anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, and revisionist history. It can be found everywhere you go, on TV, radio, in movies, and in print, the "non-governmental organizations" of Hamas, Fatah, and Hezbollah, and the countries of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, UAE, and Kuwait are all disseminating the same old lies and propaganda that the Nazis produced with the same effect.

The general impression that this endless stream of Palestinian propaganda has left in the mindless US media and in Western countries, is that Palestinians have lived in the Holy Land for thousands of years. Every single picture and drawing of Israel was replaced by a picture of an undivided "Palestine," and the majority of people in the world now falsely believe that, prior to the establishment of the State of Israel, an independent Arab Palestinian state existed in its place.

This is the stark reality of our Muslim President, ignorant of US history and world history, forcing the fraud of the century down the throats of Israelis, Jews, and Christian supporters everywhere in the world. Obama's Cairo speech of 2009, eerily mirrors in every way the White Paper of 1939, the document issued by the British Government that condemned millions of Jews to the gas chambers of the Nazis.

As Moshe Dann reports:

"Attempting to appease Arabs who had been attacking Jews and rioting throughout Palestine during the late 1930s, Britain, the Mandatory Power, issued a cruel policy statement - a "White Paper" - in 1939. Britain restricted the number of Jews allowed to immigrate to Palestine, who were desperately trying to escape the Nazis, to 75,000 spread over five years, after which time no Jews would be allowed to immigrate (without Arab approval); the White Paper also prohibited Jews from buying land in Palestine. This directly violated the purpose and conditions of the Mandate and condemned millions of Jews trapped in European savagery.

Despite this draconian "law", however, many Jews were smuggled illegally into Palestine, a rescue mission that became a defining symbol in Israel's (and Jewish) history.

Seventy years later, President Barack Obama has issued a new "White Paper" against Jewish settlements.

Directed only against Jews, Obama's policy is clearly anti-Semitic and blatantly discriminatory. He does not even mention the issues of incitement and terrorism officially sponsored by the Palestinian Authority and most Arab and Muslim countries. Jihadism is not on his agenda; Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria (the "West Bank") are his obsession.

Obama has no effective policy on the on-going atrocities in Sudan, Somalia or other Muslim countries that oppress and slaughter their own populations. Israeli Jews are in his crosshairs.

He cannot and will not prevent North Korea and Iran from pursuing their nuclear ambitions. He can't secure Pakistan. He is determined, however, to defeat Israeli Jews.

This is an issue that strikes at the heart of American values and ideals - as well as common sense. No American political leader has enunciated and carried out a policy intended to destroy the State of Israel, the direction Obama's policies surely lead.

No American President would dare violate basic American interests - the support of the only democracy in the entire region. And no American President would retreat from the battle against terrorism.

Obama's White Paper against the Jews, like that of the British in 1939, is a sign of moral depravity, not only because it means Jews will be murdered, but because it contradicts fundamental American beliefs in human rights. If Obama would subject his policies to review by Congress or the Supreme Court, he would be ridiculed, not because he doesn't have the Constitutional right to make such policies, but because what he proposes violates values embodied in the Constitution.

Obama's anti-Israel policy, unlike those of some of his predecessors, like Jimmy Carter, lacks even the pretense of "even-handedness" - the code words for "punish Israel" - since there is no reciprocity. Israel has nothing to gain and everything to lose. Obama's anti-Israel policies are un-American because they are unfair.

Obama's anti-Israel policies are un-American because Israel is America's only reliable ally in the entire region. A danger to American interests, Obama's policies should be of deep concern to Americans, not because they put Israel at risk, but because they damage America.

I saved this part for last, in response to the flurry of comments, mostly snide remarks, about how could 78% of American Jews vote for the man who wants to destroy Israel, and by extension, endanger the safety of Jews, here and abroad? Just as the children of "Palestine," and Muslim children around the world, continue to be indoctrinated by their media in the hatred of Jews and Israel, so, too, is our media saturated with one-sided stories about Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon.

These are fallacious and incredulous stories, carefully crafted by the diabolical masters of propaganda, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Fatah, for the "Palestinians" they indoctrinate, and for the Arab and Muslim "street," so to speak.

At the same time, our liberal leftist media made Barack Obama into a 21st Century Messiah, at whose feet the reporters and talking heads groveled. All of the falsehoods and empty promises Obama made to Jews were instantly translated by the media into "self-evident truths" and "Yes we can," mantras. Since Jewish Americans are liberal, they watch and learn from the liberal media.

P. T. Barnum once said that "A sucker is born, every minute," and nobody suckered in the Jewish-Americans better than Barack Hussein Obama. While you promised the moon to everyone else, you promised them the land of Israel with an undivided Jerusalem at its capital. Little did they know that you, Mr. President, made the same promise to the "Palestinian" PACs and Muslim "civil rights organizations."

Yes, you "won," but, nobody lost more than the Jewish people

Not only are you, Mr. Obama, forcing Israel to commit national suicide, you are allowing a messianic madman in Iran to develop nuclear weapons of mass destruction after he's promised to "wipe Israel off the map." Last year, while campaigning and speaking to Arab-American groups, you, Mr. Obama, remarked that the "Palestinian people" are the "most oppressed people in the world." Sorry to burst your bubble, Mr. President, but Jews have been oppressed for 2,000 years before a "Palestinian ever existed. No "Palestinian" was ever killed just for being a "Palestinian." In what you call, "the 60 year history of 'Palestinians', in seach of their homeland," fewer "Palestinians" died as a consequence of alleged Israeli "Aggression," than the number of Jews murdered in one day at Auschwitz.

Yet, you have the unmitigated gall to equate the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust with the "plight of the Palestinians," a plight brought on by the selfishness of Arab nationalism and imperialism, in their quest to drive "Jews of Israel into the Sea" sixty years ago: long before there ever was a "Palestinian people," or the "Nation of Palestine," or any other Arab machination about the land of Israel.

Yet, the men with whom Obama wants to make peace are unrepentant Holocaust deniers: the two Mahmoud's, Abbas of the PA and Ahmadinejad of Iran. The first dignitary with whom Obama spoke after his inauguration, was the same man who wrote a thesis on the "myth of the Holocaust," namely Mahmoud Abbas, the "moderate" leader of the "Palestinian Authority" -- but leading only in Judea and Samaria. Abbas formerly controlled Gaza, but a bloody coup launched by Hamas drove him and Fatah out of power. Hamas, as you may recall, is the terrorist entity sworn to the destruction of Israel and America, as well. Obama wants to open talks with these terrorists, with no preconditions.

Last year, in criticizing Obama for his ties to William Ayers, the unrepentant domestic terrorist, Sarah Palin remarked that Obama was "paling around with terrorists." This year, Obama is doing a lot more than "paling around." He has aligned himself squarely along the side of Hamas and Fatah, in their endless jihad to destroy Israel.

And why not? Pharoah Obama placed no preconditions on Hamas or the Palestinian Authority, while subsequently shoving indefensible borders down Israel's throats. Hamas is responsible for more "Palestinian" deaths than Israel was ever alleged to cause, but when you tell that to Obama, all you hear is the sound of silence.

Hamas is responsible for firing 7,900 rockets and mortars from homes, schools, hospitals, and mosques (major war crimes) directly at Israeli homes, schools, hospitals, and synagogues (major war crime), before and during cease fires (major war crime), while dressed as civilians (major war crime). These projectiles are filled with explosives, nails, razors, ball bearings, and rat poison to cause maximum carnage to Israeli civilians (huge war crime). Pity that he wasn't there during an air raid warning of incoming rockets, so that he could see and understand, first-hand, that women and children have, at most, 15 seconds to find shelter and avoid being another casualty of Hamas' "peace" process. He would have experienced in a New York minute what Israelis in Sderot have had to endure 24/7, 365 days a year, for five years!

However, his visit was last year while he was posturing for the media and promising the world to Jewish voters just to get their vote. Take away the Israeli spin he put on his vote pimping talks, and what you have left is a man who smooth-talked his way into the White House with outright lies, fabricated falsehoods, empty promises, a phony birth certificate, and a war chest of $850 million -- more than the GDP of 16 countries.

However, all that pro-Israel talk came before Obama filled his Administration with Israel and Jew haters. Now that he's revealed his Muslim roots, and his dastardly intentions for Israel, Obama will continue to throw American Judeo-Christian values under the bus as he bends to kiss the a** of the leaders whose country originated the radical Islamic doctrine of "Wahabbism." They use the $billions of petrodollars that we provie them, to spread this poison across the globe, and inside our prisons and "public institutions of higher learning." They are also Ground Zero for the Nazi-inspired, anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli "sentiments," that exemplify racial hatred of Jews.

After Israel declared her independence in 1948, the Arab world promptly expelled one million Jews from their homes, with just the clothes they had on their backs. The fledgling state of Israel absorbed them all along with one million "Palestinian Arabs." By contrast, in the same 60 year period that Obama labeled the "displacement of Palestinians by Holocaust survivors," none of the Arab countries wanted to absorb them into their lands. They preferred instead to let them rot in "refugee camps" run by the only permanent "refugee resettlement program" in the history of mankind, and to use that "open sore" as Obama called it, as a way to divert attention away from the suffering of its own populations.

When Arafat died, he left behind a personal fortune worth at least $3 billion, that he got mainly from skimming money off the top of "refugee aid" from Western countries and the UN's discredited "Oil for food" program (which became the "Oil for weapons purchases and personal gains" program).

When Obama bowed and kissed the ring of Saudi King Abdullah, I could almost hear Marlon Brando saying "I'll make you an offer you can't refuse?" That offer was to follow the "Saudi plan" for the destruction of Israel.

As pithy statements go, however, nothing tops the one that Obama's AG, Eric Holder, made when he called Americans, a "nation of cowards." I submit to you, Mr. President, and to the entire world, that no act was more cowardly than your "Triumph of the Will" speech in Cairo, in which you sold Israel, and the homeland of the Jewish people, into eternal suffering and final destruction.

That is a hard act to follow, but your new Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, was up to the task, and more than happy to deliver the death blow to Netanyahu.

Now that he's back home, Mr. Obama has also handed his foreign policy "troops" their "marching orders" -- "Go and draw up a two-state solution by next month. Or else!!" Just like that. Not even Hitler moved after Czechoslovakia with such alacrity and audacity. Yasir Arafat waited seven years before springing his trap, and in the time it took me to write this article, Barack Hussein Obama sold away the birthright of the Jewish people, wherever they may live.

Yes, most of the Jews here voted for you, and this is the thanks they get from you. You've proven that you can break all promises to Jews and Israel every bit as easily as their enemies can. When Gazans voted democratically for Hamas, they never expected that they would be getting a radical Islamic, Taliban-style government. Hamas did win the election, but with the help of massive voter fraud and threats of bodily harm -- and death. Just like Arafat and his fat cronies, Haniyeh and Hamas stole everything that the "(sym)pathetic" World meant only for Gazans.

As a cover story to hide their outright theft, Hamas manufactured crises to blame on Israel, and the brain-dead dolts in the worldwide media bought into it, hook, line, and sinker.

Just like they bought into your cover stories about "Being a committed Christian," and "Being a friend of Israel," and "Being a natural-born US citizen." We still don't know from where you came, but we know now, for sure, where you stand.

At the 2004 Democratic National Convention, you told the American public that you would "Stand with them should the political winds take an ugly turn." We know now exactly what you meant by them even though your website denied it had anything to do with Muslims.

Yet, it was no surprise to me that the political winds would "take an ugly turn" toward Israel and the Jews, and not in the direction of their enemies. You kept your promise to them, not us.

And you did this for only thirty pieces of silver, just as another "committed Christian" did 2,000 years before you.

You might even know his name: it begins with a "J."

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: bho44; crushislam; democrats; dhimmicrats; islam; islamicagenda; israel; obama; palestinians; peace
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To: Polarik

HOLOCAUST PING! Very Informative and Must Read Post!
Thank you greatly for this Post!

21 posted on 06/11/2009 12:58:29 PM PDT by True Republican Patriot (GOD BLESS AMERICA and Our Last Great President George W. Bush)
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To: Polarik

Ping please.

22 posted on 06/11/2009 1:01:45 PM PDT by SkyDancer ('Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not..' ~ Thomas Jefferson)
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To: Ancesthntr

Maybe the number of Jews that supported Obama were really phantom votes for propaganda. There was a lot of voter fraud. Not all the states were in compliance with the HAVA Act.

Maybe some of those Jews need to be traced to see if they were a real person.

23 posted on 06/11/2009 1:06:27 PM PDT by Calpernia (DefendOurFreedoms.Org)
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To: Polarik

That was beyond excellence. What a wonderful job you did. A very enjoyable read and very informative. I learned several things. Thank you for such a wonderful thread.

24 posted on 06/11/2009 1:13:41 PM PDT by mojitojoe (All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.)
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To: Calpernia
Maybe some of those Jews need to be traced to see if they were a real person.

I know that there was a lot of fraud, but I don't think enough to sway the election (the media swayed it more than ACORN, IMHO). As for Jewish voters, polls have 78% voting for the new Pharaoh, and I believe it (from talking with family and people I know, as well as from history).

The more pertinent investigation would be to see if any of those people is actually mentally competent.

25 posted on 06/11/2009 1:15:51 PM PDT by Ancesthntr (Tyrant: "Spartans, lay down your weapons." Free man: "Persian, come and get them!")
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To: Calpernia

Jews (78%) were second only to blacks in voting for Obama.
The Holocaust Museum shooter, Von Brunn says that “Obama was created by Jews.”
From Von Brunn’s handwritten note: “You want my weapons—this is how you’ll get them. The Holocaust is a lie. Obama was created by Jews. Obama does what his Jew owners tell him to do. Jews captured America’s money. Jews control the mass media. The 1st Amendment is abrogated—henceforth.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu:
President Obama thank you for your friendship to Israel and your friendship to me. You are a great leader—a great leader of the United States, a great leader of the world, a great friend of Israel, and someone who is acutely cognizant of our security concerns. The entire people of Israel appreciate it, and I speak on their behalf.”— May 18, 2009

26 posted on 06/11/2009 1:22:03 PM PDT by jamese777
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To: SJackson

Jihadists have never had a better friend in the White House.

27 posted on 06/11/2009 1:23:03 PM PDT by M. Espinola (Freedom is not 'free'.)
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To: Ancesthntr

The media was absolutely a pertinent part of the propaganda shoveled during this past election.

>>>I know that there was a lot of fraud, but I don’t think enough to sway the election

Well, the Justice Department felt differently when they issued orders to quite a number of states to not have any other federal elections until they came into compliance with the HAVA Act. Because they all had found issues of fraud. Too bad no one followed up on those orders.

George Bush felt the issue was pertinent too and ordered the DOJ attorneys fired for not following up on those orders:
Attorney firings had genesis in White House

The White House suggested two years ago that the Justice Department fire all 93 U.S. attorneys, a proposal that eventually resulted in the dismissals of eight prosecutors last year, according to e-mails and internal documents that the administration will provide to Congress today.

The dismissals took place after President Bush told Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales that he had received complaints that some prosecutors had not energetically pursued voter-fraud investigations, according to White House spokeswoman Dana Perino.


All of the phantom votes have identity information attached to them for propaganda purposes. Hence, a number of Jews supporting Obama is needed to show support for his actions or blame to be assigned.

28 posted on 06/11/2009 1:27:56 PM PDT by Calpernia (DefendOurFreedoms.Org)
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To: jamese777

>>>Von Brunn says that “Obama was created by Jews.”

Goebbels would be proud.

29 posted on 06/11/2009 1:29:10 PM PDT by Calpernia (DefendOurFreedoms.Org)
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To: Polarik

The Empty Suit is no friend to anyone at all, save two. Himself first, and for all the posturing before Radical Islam, they come in a distant second, but they’re still there. Remember, he’s The One — possessed as he is with the inability to play second fiddle.

30 posted on 06/11/2009 1:50:11 PM PDT by Category Four (Joy, Fun, the Joke Proper, and Flippancy ... Flippancy is the best of all.)
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To: Polarik

Those of us that know, those of us who care, know these facts all too well. My problem is with those who DON’T CARE!

31 posted on 06/11/2009 1:52:20 PM PDT by MestaMachine (What goes up must come down...or not.)
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To: rmlew; Yehuda


32 posted on 06/11/2009 2:46:32 PM PDT by Cacique (quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat ( Islamia Delenda Est ))
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To: Polarik

Excellent post, Polarik! Will bookmark it. There are so many that I would love to send this to but I know they’d never read it. Some are family members and it breaks my heart that they are so blinded by BO’s hope and change crap.

On the other hand, if I don’t send it out I’ll feel guilty so what the heck...I only see them once a year anyway.

33 posted on 06/11/2009 2:48:31 PM PDT by azishot
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To: yarddog

I think that there are those naive of all faiths. I am not Jewish, but I love the Jewish heritage, and I ache for those who suffered and suffer from pure hate. I truly believe that we have elected a trojan horse of some kind. He certainly lies more freely than any president in modern history. He certainly seems to have a disdain for Jews. The Jew’s only hope now is in America’s next two national elections. Obama is no friend on anyone, even poor people. His radical agenda is born of hatred and racism.

34 posted on 06/11/2009 3:16:58 PM PDT by romanbrass (Obama hates Jews)
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To: Polarik
Major PING.

Who was the ringleader or the Rab Kook machine gunning of innocents, the bulldozer attacks...argh too many...Mumbai...Great read!

Rab Kook's Yeshiv murders

35 posted on 06/11/2009 3:39:08 PM PDT by Karliner (Things are more like they are now than they have ever been before. DDE)
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To: Polarik

Terrific post, thank you!

36 posted on 06/11/2009 3:52:44 PM PDT by Attention Surplus Disorder (What kind of organization answers the phone if you call a suicide hotline in Gaza City?)
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To: Polarik
Thanks for this post, Palrik.

I'm a Christian that has long studied the biblical implications of the nation of Israel, particularly their return to their rightful homeland - and the naming of it as Israel. Biblical prophesy was vague and misunderstood without the land, then suddenly in 1948 prophesy took on stark and unavoidable meaning.

That the fool now sitting at the top of this nation may now be racing toward a direct confrontation with the Creator of all things is just as clearly unavoidable.

How it will all play out was long ago written, and many have already identified 'The One' as the probable combatant who dares challenge the Creator himself.

From my perspective, I can find no reason of any kind whatsoever to believe otherwise, because this man has moved quickly to end US protection of the nation of Israel - setting the stage for Armageddon.

About that word...

'Armageddon' "occurs only in #Re 16:16 (R.V., "Har-Magedon"), as symbolically designating the place where the "battle of that great day of God Almighty" #Re 16:14 shall be fought. The word properly means the "mount of Megiddo." It is the scene of the final conflict between Christ and Antichrist. The idea of such a scene was suggested by the Old Testament great battle-field, the plain of Esdraelon (q.v.)."


'Esdraelon " [is] "14 miles from north to south, and 9 miles from east to west. It is drained by "that ancient river" the Kishon, which flows westward to the Mediterranean. From the foot of Mount Tabor it branches out into three valleys, that on the north passing between Tabor and Little Hermon #Jud 4:14 that on the south between Mount Gilboa and En-gannim #2Ki 9:27 while the central portion, the "valley of Jezreel" proper, runs into the Jordan valley (which is about 1,000 feet lower than Esdraelon) by Bethshean. Here Gideon gained his great victory over the Midianites #Jud 7:1-25 Here also Barak defeated Sisera, and Saul’s army was defeated by the Philistines, and king Josiah, while fighting in disguise against Necho, king of Egypt, was slain #2Ch 35:20-27 2Ki 23:29 This plain has been well called the "battle-field of Palestine." "It has been a chosen place for encampment in every contest carried on in this country, from the days of Nebuchadnezzar, king of the Assyrians, in the history of whose wars with Arphaxad it is mentioned as the Great Plain of Esdraelon, until the disastrous march of Napoleon Bonaparte from Egypt into Syria. Jews, Gentiles, Saracens, Crusaders, Frenchmen, Egyptians, Persians, Druses, Turks, and Arabs, warriors out of every nation which is under heaven, have pitched their tents in the plain, and have beheld the various banners of their nations wet with the dews of Tabor and Hermon" (Dr. Clark)."

That bold section is particularly persuasive to me...

Is this were 'The One' is heading? Some believe it just might be, and I wouldn't be surprised if they are right.

37 posted on 06/11/2009 4:03:00 PM PDT by Ron C.
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To: Polarik


38 posted on 06/11/2009 4:21:29 PM PDT by jackv (Just shakin' my head!!)
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To: Polarik

This all may be true. But I’m more worried that he is not a friend of America.

39 posted on 06/11/2009 6:49:44 PM PDT by pissant (THE Conservative party:
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Wright Says ‘Them Jews’ Won’t Let Obama Talk to Him | 6/10/2009
Posted on 06/10/2009 9:44:55 AM PDT by SonOfDarkSkies

40 posted on 06/11/2009 6:59:24 PM PDT by SunkenCiv ( Jan 3, 2004__Profile updated Monday, January 12, 2009)
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