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Obama Is Serious About a Civilian National Security Force
Townhall Blog ^ | March 15, 2009

Posted on 03/15/2009 5:06:02 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet

One thing about President Barack Hussein Obama, he usually means what he says, at least initially that is. He is always having to back track to cover up the things he really meant when he said it the first time. For example, he said the Rearend Wright was his spirtual mentor. Anyone who has studied the guy knows that this was truly what he meant, but of course Obama had to eventually dump the Rearend when he continued to hear flack about that asscociation of twenty years. Then there are many things he has spoken that are so unfamiliar with the typical American lexicon that they have been shrugged off as just campaign rhetoric. When he mentioned about having a "civilian national security force" that was just as strong and equally funded as the military, it went without hardly a mention by the major news outlets. Obama has never been pressed on this, and so he has not had to do his kabuki dance around what he meant. Oh, you heard about it in conservative pockets, like on Townhall, and on my blog on Yahoo 360. The thing is, this President is serious about what he says. In the video from July when he said it, the people just clapped on cue like a bunch of Obamatons while their beloved candidate was telling them that he will have a federal security force within our own country to enforce the coming federal mandates upon the states and the people.

Here's the comments from July, along with a well done illustration using the music from the "Sing for Change" kiddies that were used during the campaign. Thanks to Brain Dead Republican on youtube.


Well, Mr. President Obama repeated his remarks just the other day at the dedication of Abraham Lincoln Hall at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C..

"And that’s why my administration is committed to renewing diplomacy as a tool of American power, and to developing our civilian nationanl security capabilities… … We have to enlist our civilians in the same way that we enlist those members of the armed services in understanding this broad mission that we have."

You can read more extensively by going to a great site called . Their post has extensive links on this topic, including an audio clip from the Mark Levin show that has the above comments by Obama. During the campaign, I kept steering people to Investor's Business Daily and their series Audacity of Socialism. RightReborn also mentions IBD and one of the articles of that series. What good is information if it is never received and acted on in wisdom? The past couple of years have been a frustrating exercise for those who seek to truly inform others. There just does not seem to be much reception until everything goes to hell in a handbasket.

TOPICS: Editorial; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: acorn; agenda; alinsky; barackobama; bho2009; bho44; brownshirts; civiliansecurity; cnsf; democrat; democrats; fascism; first100days; gestapo; impeachobama; obama; publicallies; saulalinsky; secretpolice; thoughtpolice
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To: callisto
81 posted on 03/15/2009 9:16:11 PM PDT by odin2008 (EVIL TRIUMPHS WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING)
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To: Star Traveler
I don’t see it possible for Obama or the Democrat Congress to be able to get a 3/4 ratification vote by the states to give Obama a ‘lifetime presidency”... LOL...
I'll bet there was a time when you didn't see it possible for Obama to get elected too.
82 posted on 03/15/2009 9:38:22 PM PDT by lewislynn (What does the global warming movement and the Fairtax movement have in common? Disinformation)
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To: stockpirate
They still do

Take a look at the oath for military folks

For Officers

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States

against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;

and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

So the Prez (current or in former times) comes in - what - 4th place and then only if regulations and the UCMJ is obeyed.

Lots of interesting fiction based on a variation of these as a premise.

I don't think we have a lot to worry about until we see the outcome of the next set of Congressional races. You all, of course, may chose the think otherwise, as is your right.

83 posted on 03/15/2009 10:40:34 PM PDT by ASOC (On strike until Congress lowers THEIR wages)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

His Gestapo will be in every city, town, and hamlet in America, spying on citizens and reporting back to their ACORN Oberfuhrers.

84 posted on 03/15/2009 10:43:36 PM PDT by Palladin (Mr. Geithner, we don't need advice from a tax cheat.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Thanks for posting...Any thots on how to get word out on this...did hear Levin talked about it, but hope Fox news & others pick it up!

85 posted on 03/15/2009 10:46:49 PM PDT by Freedom56v2
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

All I can think is “Politically correct...........Ideologically Vacant”

86 posted on 03/15/2009 10:54:31 PM PDT by Kakaze (Exterminate Islamofacism and apologize for nothing.....except not doing it sooner!)
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To: Diogenesis

the perfect image of that sickening snob.

87 posted on 03/15/2009 11:17:27 PM PDT by prophetic (God, let 0Bama and his evil plans for this country fail & let him be utterly disgraced like HAMAN!!)
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To: lewislynn

You said — “I’ll bet there was a time when you didn’t see it possible for Obama to get elected too.”

When he was running in the primaries, I thought that Clinton would get the nomination, at first, but then it became apparent that he was really “pulling it off”. But, that wasn’t so strange, considering it was the “Democrats”. However, when it came to the election, no..., I was *not* so certain that Obama would lose. I was *hoping* that he would lose, but it was also “appearing” that he had a big chance of winning, too — which we now see was very true.

Thus, it was *not* that far-fetched for Obama to win, not in terms of “all the signs” that were given, running up to the election.

HOWEVER, the difference here is in one case, we’re talking about an *election* in which Obama seems to “fit” very nicely the “mindset” of many Democrats. Thus, it’s not surprising. On the other hand, with a Constitutional Amendment, that’s another story all together.

Obama only had to get a “win” (meaning “majority”) in a state where he wanted to get the electoral votes. That’s just slightly over 50% — and that’s all.

With a Constitutional Amendment, you’ve got to go through several hurdles which have a “higher bar” than the 50% marker. You’ve got to get over 66% of the Senate — and — the House of Representatives to even get a Constitutional Amendment started in the first place. If you can’t pass the “high bar” of 66%, you’re not going anywhere.

Then next — you’ve got an *even higher bar* of — 75% — to ratify it. Along with that usually goes a “time frame” too, which is another “bar” to the passage of an Amendment.

Heck! If they couldn’t even get the ERA passed and the deadline was extended, trying to get it passed, I don’t know how anyone expects to get a Constitutional Amendment passed, giving Obama a “lifetime Presidency”.... LOL...

To even “hear” someone even suggest that this is a “rational possibility” makes me question the mental stability of someone suggesting it... :-)

88 posted on 03/16/2009 12:03:31 AM PDT by Star Traveler
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That every citizen, so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or firelock, ...............Ah Ha! See no mention of automatic weapons! No mention of having a SKS, Mauser, Springfield 03, M-1, AK 47, etc. etc.etc.. Wait till the SCOTUS gets the Obama Judges. You will be allowed only the Musket. Sarc/

89 posted on 03/16/2009 5:03:33 AM PDT by Bringbackthedraft (Liberals fear the return of The Cleaver Family.)
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To: Gandalf_The_Gray
If he gets his nose any further up he'll drown in the first spring rain!

That is a problem with Turkeys...

90 posted on 03/16/2009 5:42:16 AM PDT by American in Israel (A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.)
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Free elections in th e US are a thing of the past. IMHO the last free election was in 2004.

When you consider ACORN, money from Arab countries to democrats and the WH incharge of the 2010 census we are toast.

I think the order’s need to be constitutional.

91 posted on 03/16/2009 5:48:09 AM PDT by stockpirate (A people unwilling to use extreme violence to preserve liberty, deserves the tyrant that rules them.)
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To: NonValueAdded
Committees for the Defense of the Revolution

Worthy of repeating to avoid the same evil!

92 posted on 03/16/2009 5:53:41 AM PDT by newfreep ("Liberalism is just Communism sold by the drink." - P.J. O'Rourke)
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To: Diogenesis

Having sat through “manadatory formations” like this as a young Marine many years ago I will say that they look much less than enthusiastic at having to sit in front of BO Plenty and hear him spew.

93 posted on 03/16/2009 6:02:01 AM PDT by RJS1950 (The democrats are the "enemies foreign and domestic" cited in the federal oath)
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To: stockpirate

LOL. You are the one making the assertion without the slightest substantiation except some vague recollection. I was serving in the USN at the time. After the fact, Kissinger wrote about his concern about Nixon’s mental health given the stress he was under. I cannot recall that there was any formal agreement within the JCS to ignore or subvert the orders of the President/CIC. Any JCS member would be insane to sign on to such an agreement. Moreover, they would be violating the law.

94 posted on 03/16/2009 6:21:35 AM PDT by kabar
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To: KC_Conspirator

I was sent this

via email. It’s LONG, but I’ve watched a bit of it so far.

The “stepping” militant ‘bamsters are featured.

95 posted on 03/16/2009 6:23:56 AM PDT by MrB (The 0bamanation: Marxism, Infanticide, Appeasement, Depression, Thuggery, and Censorship)
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To: Texas Fossil

I can see it -

it would be within the realm of someone raised in a victimhood/vengeance oriented, racist culture

to put gov’t legitimacy (legal use of deadly force) behind a militant racist organization

and use it to get back at “whitey”.

96 posted on 03/16/2009 6:25:58 AM PDT by MrB (The 0bamanation: Marxism, Infanticide, Appeasement, Depression, Thuggery, and Censorship)
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To: auntyfemenist

That mentality and the implementation is


in America. Those who were prudent and bought a house they could afford are now paying for the imprudent decisions of others.

And this is the #1 basic tenet of liberalism - forcing the responsible to pay for the irresponsible choices of others. And then condemning the responsible as greedy.

97 posted on 03/16/2009 6:29:40 AM PDT by MrB (The 0bamanation: Marxism, Infanticide, Appeasement, Depression, Thuggery, and Censorship)
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To: callisto

I told many others about that speech,
but all I got from the glassy eyed bamsters
was excuses and “perhaps she meant...”

98 posted on 03/16/2009 6:31:25 AM PDT by MrB (The 0bamanation: Marxism, Infanticide, Appeasement, Depression, Thuggery, and Censorship)
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To: tgusa; kabar

As an officer, you swear an oath to the constitution, not the president. Now, the phrase “not in the best interest of the United States” is subject to a lot of interpretation, but if it really meant “unconstitutional”, then the JCS generals were spot-on.

If it meant “contrary to the generals’ wishes”, it was mutiny in the planning.

99 posted on 03/16/2009 6:31:40 AM PDT by MortMan (Power without responsibility-the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages. - Rudyard Kipling)
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To: kabar

It matters not to me if you have any recollection of the events surrounding these events.

I stated what I recall from, now if the article was true or not I have no way of knowing.

But on a side note, the person carrying the football, if the president for no apparent reason wants to launch an attack, does he have to do it regrardless of the facts surrounding the events?

100 posted on 03/16/2009 6:45:02 AM PDT by stockpirate (A people unwilling to use extreme violence to preserve liberty, deserves the tyrant that rules them.)
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