Posted on 03/03/2009 1:34:52 PM PST by governsleastgovernsbest
The graphic below David Gregorys speaks of despair over rescue efforts. Theres evidence this morning that the hopelessness has reached the MSMand that it is largely directed at the president himself. Earlier, I noted how Jim Cramer, appearing on Today, accused President Obama of promoting a radical agenda that is the greatest wealth destruction Ive seen by a president.
Over on Good Morning America, venerable Wall Street hand Art Cashin, chatting with Chris Cuomo, similarly pointed a finger in the White Houses direction.
CHRIS CUOMO: You look at this situation, and you point a finger at the government. Their inability to get it right has let us down. Why?
ART CASHIN: I think the AIG problem yesterday was another example. We put in $30 billion on top of $150 billion, and yet nobody in the government, or even at the company, seems to have a real grasp of what the problem is . . . This seems to be addressing the problem in an ad hoc fashion without a comprehensive plan.
Ouch! But OK, Cashin is a Wall Street guy, as is Cramer. Perhaps its natural for them not to be big fans of Pres. Obamas big-government designs. But then, David Gregory, who nowadays is in the moderating business and not normally given to stating strong personal opinions, expressed surprising skepticism about the Obama administrations plans during a Morning Joe appearance . . .
View video here.
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here they find out that some one is actually trying to redistribute their wealth instead of just talking about it . Now, they are scared. since Obama got 70% of Wall street money I think they should sweat it out as well.
“CHRIS CUOMO: You look at this situation, and you point a finger at the government. Their inability to get it right has let us down. Why?”
The local Chicago media is now using this generalized term “the government”. They used to say “the Bush Administration” in Bush’s War, Bush’s economy, etc. When I start hearing the MSM refer to Obama’s economy, then I’ll know the worm is starting to turn....
What I can not understand is how Gallup can have Obama with a 62% approval rate and a 26% disapproval rate while Rasmussen says that 60% approve but 39% disapprove. This has been the trend for weeks.
Ol’ David’s got a face that’s just made for a left hook to smash into.....
I see it as the media also has investments and are watching their retirment fund evaporate too. They are not immune to what is happening and now that newsrooms and TV are also cutting back some may be beginning to see the light. Obama better hope they cover him because if they turn on him now and start pointing out how unemployment and market drops follow Obama’s rise his “Bush’s fault” excuse will fall on deaf ears.
recue efforts are the attempts to rewrite history, from his removing name on earmarks, to signing last years business bill with billions in it...
recue... like a do-over
If they are looking at their 401k statements they just might.
Rush pretty much laid it out today. Are they so committed to Obama’s vision of a socialit Utopia that they will overlook their own economic crisis being caused by his policies? The market has reached a point even they must be starting to feel it now. You add this to the loss of jobs in their market and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they were starting to panic. I guess we’ll find out how committed they are to their principles vs their own survival by their coverage of Obama in coming weeks.
No, we can’t let the MSM act as if they were just bystanders.
Obama’s election was THEIR FAULT!
Every statement must refer to the MSM who are responsible for the disaster that is Obama. They put him there. He’s their ball and chain.
Never let them wiggle away from Obama. They will try as things get worse.
That’s what I was thinking! Recue==start over.
I think when Odumbo’s cap and trade scam sends gas prices skyrocketing,there will be a LOT of guilt-ridden white liberals who will rue the day they voted for “change.”
I thought Cramer was a lib - not true?
“The MSM will stay in this dysfunctional situation like an abused spouse.”
Too true. I wait for the day the MSM says, “It was our fault he’s not doing well.”
Quote: “Dont get too excited, folks. When the chips are down, it will all be Bushs fault and Hussein will be doing a heroic, Herculean job of working for the good of the people in the face of overwhelming odds.”
First of all, I am not too excited at all, just bummed at what I am seeing. Secondly, “it is Bush’s fault” and Hussein’s best efforts will simply not overcome two facts: 1)Obama is the POTUS; and 2) He is failing to correct this economic mess and is in fact making it worse.
In short order nobody will care how it started as there is nothing they can do about that now, i.e. crying over spilt milk. Instead they will turn to the ONE who they elected specifically to get us out of the mess that existed when Obama took office. Failure is failure and there is no running from it. When Joe Six Pack is out of a job, be he a loyal union supporter or not, he will care little that Obama is eloquent or that Obama is really trying, hard. Where do you think the concept of so called “Reagan democrats” came from? It came from the utter failure of the democrats in the 1970’s. That failure lead many of their rank and file NO CHOICE but to vote for the other guy. Well, this failure is shaping up to make the 1970’s look like good times.
I would say sit back and enjoy the show, but there is nothing to enjoy.
That depends on the meaning of the word "it".
Great graphic!
Oh no , back a year or so when the market was at near highs unemployment was at lows for 27 years , Those were bad times .
kNow the the market has lost half or more it’s value and unemployment is coming towards highs .
This is good times . Good good times ...
Same old deal Republican = Doom and gloom . Rat = Rosy rosy rosy
I’m going to puke now .
But somehow we need to fight this . I guess all the newspapers going out of business will help .
Thanks...stolen ;)
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