Well, I suppose she no longer has to use abortion as birth control.
Recent conversation that I heard:
BL: I wish you didn’t oppose Planned Parenthood so much, they do so much good.
TC: Really... well, you’re going to have to tell me about some of these good things they do, because I haven’t heard any.
It’s not all that rare an event.
Now she is unable to conceive of children that she will eventually murder.
So she got her wish then.
A serial abortion seeker—let me cry for her-—NOT.
I just can’t find a lot of sympathy in my heart for this woman who committed premeditated murder of a child and is now paying a horrible price for her own actions.
I hope this woman does not get one damn dime in compensation, medical or otherwise.
On the other hand I’d love to hear the doctor and his whole clinic bankrupted and unable to do this ever again.
And may all the parties to this abomination burn in teh hell they made for themselves.
“Our client has filed these complaints to bring to light the negligent actions of Planned Parenthood and Dr. (Meryl) Severson,” Downing said in a statement.
Attorney James Snowden filed a response to the lawsuit on Planned Parenthood’s behalf and claimed the woman was informed of the risks of having an abortion beforehand and that Severson did the abortion “with great care.”
Severson resigned form the University of Nebraska Medical Center in March 2001 after doing an abortion there outside college policy. He subsequently joined Planned Parenthood as an abortion practitioner.
There is no way to perform an abortion *WITH CARE*.
This was also her SECOND ABORTION!!!!
A match made in hell for all concerned.
1) Just because Planned Parenthood deserves it, I hope she is able to sue them into oblivion.
2)snip, the woman in question had a previous abortion / snip, she is now unable to have children. One might confer this was her desire all along since this was her second unborn child she killed... er.. exercised her reproductive rights.
The butchers are still among us. The only difference now is that they have moved from the back alleys to the front office of Planned Parenthood.
Well, considering the fact this was her SECOND abortion and she paid these people to do this, how could she have been "violated"?! I hate these women who cheapen rape by using rape-type terms to describe their problems.
Besides, if you hadn't gone into the clinic to kill your baby, the "doctor" wouldn't have been there putting foreign objects inside you!
I think if it as cheap birth control. They saved her a lot of money because she doesn't have to take the pill or other rx for birth control and she will never have another abortion again. I'd say it's a win/win situation.
She won’t have to pay for any more abortions. Sounds like she got a good deal, IMO.
Not to worry, the baby killers were smart enough to get their money up front, but in this case it’s going to cost them a bundle.
But with all those babies to murder they will recope their loss very soon.
Just another “safe” abortion.
“and she is now unable to have children.”
Should have had that taken care of a long time ago. Second abortion?! What a sick situation.
And because PP receives federal money (Title X), it means that the taxpayers get to pay the settlement.