I have been providing info on vote fraud for my Fellow Freepers since 1996. Please add your own experiences and wisdom to my post. Thanks.
two main mwethods to combat voter fraud:
Photo ID
Ink Finger Dip.
Just be prepared for when the number of “actual” votes cast decreases immensely due to voter verification initiatives, one of the parties will present that as evidence of “disenfranchisement”.
Man. For a minute there I thought you were quitting Free Republic over vote fraud.
Now that I'm past the strange headline, I'll read your vanity.
Basically, you’re saying, “Be There”.
Thanks for this post. At the Repub Caucus here in CO, my husband signed up to be an election judge this fall. Hopefully they will call him. I’ll show him these tips.
Great post!
One of the most important things we can do is ensure that Democrats are Not Elected to Secretary of State positions. I believe that in every state (there may be a few exceptions) the Secretary of State is responsible for administering and overseeing elections. If Democrats hold these positions, you can be sure voter fraud will occur. ALL Secretaries of State Must Be Republican.
Love it!
You have some good suggestions. How would you address the absentee ballot fraud? I think that one is going to be more difficult to curtail.
We’ve known about the fraud and phony votes for decades thanks to people such as yourself. How many elections have actually been recorded for one party and then changed to the other party once fraud was proven?
None that I know of.
To prevent vote fraud AND get rid of the current campaign circus that drives most rational and competent people away from even running for office, we need to eliminate the direct popular vote concept. People should vote for a VERY local representative, for a district of a few square blocks max (population 2-300 adults max). That way they’d be voting for someone they can actually get first hand information about, and the candidate can have intelligent, direct discussions with small groups of voters and individual voters. Then have those elected representatives vote for a town/county officials and state legislators/senators. Have state legislators and senators vote for Governor, and for national House of Representatives and Senators. Have Representatives, and with population-based votes, Governors and Senators, elect the President and Vice President.
Nobody would be campaigning to huge masses via soundbites and stupid TV ads (much less spending huge amounts of time and energy raising money to run that sort of campaign). Nobody would be voting for anyone they hadn’t met and talked to in person. At the grass-roots level, nobody would be voting for someone without being able to ascertain what that person is really all about, because they could not only talk to the candidate directly, but also to other people in the immediate area who have worked with candidate, lived next door to the candidate, have kids who go to school with the candidate’s kids, etc. At the higher levels, everyone with a vote could at least have direct conversations with the candidate, and among each other.
Problem solved.