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The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter's 'Treason'
Rigt Wing News ^ | unknown | Ann Coulter

Posted on 03/14/2008 9:01:16 PM PDT by smoothsailing

The Best Quotes From Ann Coulter's 'Treason'

by Ann Coulter

"McCarthyism" means pointing out positions taken by liberals that are unpopular with the American people. As former President Bush said, "Liberals do not like me talking about liberals." The reason they sob about the dark night of fascism under McCarthy is to prevent Americans from ever noticing that liberals consistently attack their own country." -- Ann Coulter, P. 4

"Liberals don't mind discussing who is more patriotic if patriotism is defined as redistributing income and vetoing the Pledge of Allegiance. Only if patriotism is defined as supporting America do they get testy and drone on about 'McCarthyism.'" -- Ann Coulter, P. 6

"Whenever a liberal begins a statement with 'I don't know which is more frightening,' you know the answer is going to be pretty clear." -- Ann Coulter, P. 6

"The portrayal of Senator Joe McCarthy as a wild-eyed demagogue destroying innocent lives is sheer liberal hobgoblinism. Liberals weren't cowering in fear during the McCarthy era. They were systematically undermining the nation's ability to defend itself while waging a bellicose campaign of lies to blacken McCarthy's name. Everything you think you know about McCarthy is a hegemonic lie. Liberals denounced McCarthy because they were afraid of getting caught, so they fought back like animals to hide their own collaboration with a regime as evil as the Nazis." -- Ann Coulter, P. 10

"...(A)fter World War II, the Democratic Party suffered from the same sort of pusillanimous psychosis that seized all of France after World War I. The entire party began to lose its nerve for sacrifice, heroism, and bravery. Beginning in the fifties, there was a real fight for the soul of the Democratic Party. By the late sixties, the contest was over. The anti-Communist Democrats had lost. -- Ann Coulter, P. 11

"Democrats are on the precipice of securing their reputation as the Chamberlains of our time. In fact, today's appeasers are worse than Neville Chamberlain : Chamberlain didn't have himself as an example." -- Ann Coulter, P. 13

"The only subject fewer authentic Americans cared about than the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo was World Cup Soccer. America is an epic global battle with ruthless savages who seek our destruction, and liberals are feeling sorry for the terrorists." -- Ann Coulter, P. 15

"Whether they are defending the Soviet Union or bleating for Saddam Hussein, liberals are always against America. They are either traitors or idiots, and on the matter of America's self-preservation, the difference is irrelevant." -- Ann Coulter, P. 16

"A half century later, when the only people who call themselves Communists are harmless cranks, it is difficult to grasp the importance of McCarthy's crusade. But there's a reason 'Communist' now sounds about as threatening as 'monarchist' -- and it's not because of intrepid New York Times editorials denouncing McCarthy and praising Harvard educated Soviet spies. McCarthy made it a disgrace to be a Communist. Domestic Communism could never recover." -- Ann Coulter, P. 33

"Among the most notorious Soviet spies in high-level positions in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations -- now proved absolutely, beyond question by the Soviet cables -- were Alger Hiss at the State Department; Harry Dexter White, assistant secretary of the Treasury Department, later appointed to the International Monetary Fund by President Truman; Lauchlin Currie, personal assistant to President Roosevelt and White House liaison to the State Department under both Roosevelt and Truman; Laurence Duggan, head of the Latin American Desk at the State Department; Frank Coe, US representative on the International Monetary Fund; Solomon Adler, senior Treasury Department official; Klaus Fuchs, top atomic scientist; and Duncan Lee, senior aide to the head of the OSS." -- Ann Coulter, P. 44

"McCarthy was a popularizer, a brawler. Republican elitists abhor demagogic appeals to working-class Democrats. Fighting like a Democrat is a breach of etiquette worse than using the wrong fork. McCarthy is sniffed at for not playing by Marquis of Queensbury Rules -- rules of engagement demanded only of Republicans. Well without McCarthy, Republicans might be congratulating themselves on their excellent behavior from the gulag right now." -- Ann Coulter, P. 70

"The idea of a bowed and terrified liberal minority during McCarthy's 'reign of terror' is poppycock. Then as now, all elite opinion was against McCarthy." -- Ann Coulter, P. 92

"Contrary to today's image of McCarthy as a despised Torquemada, McCarthy was given a rare state funeral with a private memorial service in the Senate chamber, his seat covered with flowers. St. Matthew's Cathedral bestowed him with the highest honor the Catholic Church can confer, performing a Solemn Pontifical Requiem Mass before one hundred priests and two thousand well-wishers. Seventy senators attended his funeral, as did J. Edgar Hoover. Thirty thousand Americans lined up outside the Washington funeral home where McCarthy lay to pay their final respects from early in the morning until late at night. Condolences poured in to McCarthy's wife, amounting to more than seventy bags of mail." -- Ann Coulter, P. 123

"Enragingly, liberals talk about Vietnam as if it proves something about the use of force generally rather than the Democrats own bungling incompetence in military affairs. Historical accounts of the Vietnam war are incomprehensible because liberals refuse to admit the failure of their own national security strategy. The only important lesson from the Vietnam War is this: Democrats lose wars." -- Ann Coulter, P. 125

"In another show of America's force to the world, when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, Carter responded by boycotting the Olympics. And thus was a fearsome blow struck at little fourteen-year-old American girls who had spent their lives training for the Olympics." -- Ann Coulter, P. 127

"No matter what the evidence, liberals insist that only their tender ministrations are capable of calming murderous dictators. Negotiation and engagement are said to "work" because, after Democrats spend years dillydallying with lunatic despots who threaten America, eventually a Republican president comes in and threatens aggressive military action. In a fascinating fifty-year pattern -- completely indiscernible to liberals -- murderous despots succumb to "engagement" shortly after a Republican president threatens to bomb them. This allows liberals to hail years of impotent negotiation and engagement as a foreign policy 'win'." -- Ann Coulter, P. 143

"For fifty years, America's foreign policy failures have not been problems of "national dialogue" or "preventative" action or the national psyche. There is one simple problem: Democrats can't handle foreign policy. You could almost forgive the Democrats for their spectacular record of failure in foreign policy. But then they have the audacity to cite their own derelict handling of the military to argue that it is always a fool's errand to deploy troops in defense of the nation. Remember Vietnam!" Ann Coulter, P. 144

"Liberals are very big on taking 'the long view' when evaluating their foreign policies. They create horrendous foreign policy disasters, but then eventually, a Republican is elected President and cleans up the mess. They said containment would work and, lo and behold, forty years later -- right at the end of the Reagan administration -- the Soviet Union was stopped dead in its tracks. That's taking 'the long view.' Praise God President Bush is not 'another Harry Truman.'" -- Ann Coulter, P. 155

"Reagan took an approach to the Cold War dramatically different from any other US President. To wit, he thought we should win. This was a fresh concept. At the time, it was widely ridiculed as a dangerous alteration of US policy. Only after it worked was Reagan's dangerous foreign policy recast as merely a continuation of the policies of his predecessors." -- Ann Coulter, P. 158

"When contemplating a shield that would protect America for incoming missiles, Democrats suddenly became hardheaded fiscal conservatives. For the first time in recorded history, liberals were concerned about the cost and usefulness of a government program. These people believe federally funded art therapy for the homeless will pay for itself. That you can take to the bank. But a shield to repel incoming nuclear missiles from American soil they said, was too expensive and wouldn't work." -- Ann Coulter, P. 162

"Judging by their positions at the time, rather than their post hoc allegations, Democrats adored the Soviet Union. Congressional Democrats repeatedly opposed funding anti-Communist rebels, they opposed Reagan's military build-up, they opposed building a shield to protect America from incoming missiles, they opposed putting missiles in Europe. As a rule, Democrats opposed anything opposed by their cherished Soviet Union." -- Ann Coulter, P. 171

"Even if corners were cut, (Iran-Contra) was a brilliant scheme. There is no possibility that anyone in any Democratic administration would have gone to such lengths to fund anti-Communist forces. When Democrats scheme from the White House, it's to cover up the President's affair with an intern. When Republicans scheme, it's to support embattled anti-Communist freedom fighters sold out by the Democrats." -- Ann Coulter, P. 179

"Whenever liberals start to droning on about 'complex issues' for which there are no 'simple solutions,' hide Grandma and the kids: Rancid policy proposals are coming." -- Ann Coulter, P. 182

"Liberals said Reagan was dangerous and his rhetoric scary. They ridiculed him as an idiot for believing the Soviet Union could be toppled. They opposed him on every front -- strengthening the military, aiding and arming anti-Communist rebels around the world, invading Grenada, preparing to win a nuclear war, building a nuclear shield, and waging a spiritual crusade against Soviet totalitarianism. Reagan said the Soviet Union was an evil empire and we would prevail. He called the ball, the shot, and the pocket, and he won the game. But now we're supposed to believe he was lucky. Liberals lie about Reagan's victory because when Reagan won the Cold War, he proved them wrong on everything they had done and said throughout the Cold War." -- Ann Coulter, P. 190

"While the form of treachery varies slightly from case to case, liberals always manage to take the position that most undermines American security." -- Ann Coulter, P. 203

"Whenever a liberal begins a peevish complaint with a throat-clearing equivocation like, "Of course, we all agree," your antennae should go up. This is how liberals couch statements they assume all Americans would demand they make, but which they secretly chafe at." -- Ann Coulter, P. 204

"Fascinatingly, liberal proposals for achieving goals -- about which 'of course, we all agree' -- are invariably the opposite of what any normal person might think would work. Instead of punishing bad behavior and rewarding good behavior, liberals often feel it is the better part of valor to reward bad behavior and punish good behavior. Of course we all agree that Fidel Castro is a bad man. That's why we need to lift travel restrictions and trade with Cuba. Of course, everyone would like to see Saddam Hussein removed from power. That's why we must not do anything to remove him from power." -- Ann Coulter, P. 205

"Only a war that serves no conceivable national interest gets the New York Time's endorsement. Liberals warm to the idea of American mothers weeping for their sons, but only if their deaths will not make America any safer." -- Ann Coulter, P. 212

"Democrats always assure us that deterrence will work, but when the time comes to deter, they're against it." -- Ann Coulter, P. 213

"Democrats couldn't care less if people in Indiana hate them. But if Europeans curl their lips, liberals can't look at themselves in the mirror." -- Ann Coulter, P. 228

"Only in the case of a terrorist attack on America are liberals consumed with the assailant's motive. How about: Until we understand why rapists would rather violently rape a woman than take her to dinner and a movie, we cannot respond to the crime of rape." -- Ann Coulter, P. 229

"Gore said foreigners are not worried about 'what the terrorist networks are going to do, but about what we're going to do.' Good. They should be worried. They hate us? We hate them. Americans don't want to make Islamic fanatics love us. We want to make them die. There's nothing like horrendous physical pain to quell anger. Japanese Kamikazes pilots hated us once, too. A couple of well-aimed nuclear weapons got their attention. Now they are gentle little lambs." -- Ann Coulter, P. 230

"Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said any assumption that the US would not use force against North Korea would be a mistake. Such bellicosity frightens liberals. The left's reaction to nutty despots is: he might hit me, so I'll be nice. Rumsfeld's idea is: He'll hit me? Maybe I'll hit him. The beauty of that approach cannot be denied." -- Ann Coulter, P. 243

"(Sheryl) Crow explained that the 'best way to solve problems is to not have enemies.' War solves that problem too: We won't have any enemies because we're going to kill them. Crow warned of 'huge karmic retributions that will follow.' She seemed not to understand that America going to war is huge karmic retribution. They killed three thousand Americans and now they're going to die." -- Ann Coulter, P. 248

"Fundamentalist Muslim terrorists kill three thousand Americans, but America isn't supposed to respond, because if we respond, they'll respond. We always hear about 'karmic retributions' and the 'cycle of violence' only after we've been hit." -- Ann Coulter, P. 249

"Being anti-war in Hollywood was an act of bravery on the order of the keynote speaker at a PLO dinner making jokes about Ariel Sharon." -- Ann Coulter, P. 255

"...Sean Penn claimed to be 'serv[ing] the country' by giving aid and comfort to an enemy about to be attacked by the US. He said it made him feel more patriotic to dissent from the war aims of his nation. It is at least a counterintuitive position. Most people would not instantly grasp how it is more patriotic to always root against America. White supremacists should try claiming that burning crosses is more supportive of civil rights than not burning them." -- Ann Coulter, P. 255

"In June 2002, airport security searched Al Gore. There's a lot not to like about Gore, but he's not a terrorist. Gore said he was glad he was searched. Why? To spare a terrorist the trouble? This is a serious national issue; why must liberals lie? Searching Al Gore is purely a religious act. It is the purposeless fetishistic performance of ritual in accordance with the civic religion of liberalism." -- Ann Coulter, P. 262

"There were precisely two groups of people who desperately wanted airport security to be browbeaten into giving suspicious passengers a pass: terrorists and Democrats." -- Ann Coulter, P. 264

"Americans cannot comprehend how their fellow countrymen could not love their country. But the left's anti-Americanism is intrinsic to their entire worldview. Liberals promote the right of Islamic fanatics for the same reason they promote the rights of adulterers, pornographers, abortionists, criminals, and Communists. They instinctively root for anarchy against civilization. The inevitable logic of the liberal position is to be for treason." -- Ann Coulter, P. 292

© Copyright 2001-2008 John Hawkins

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Miscellaneous; Philosophy; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: bookreview; coulter; mccarthy; quotes; tailgunnerjoe; treason
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To: Syncro
Hi, Syncro. Are you in D.C.?

I couldn't make it this year. If you are there, give Just A Nobody a hug for me, will you.

21 posted on 03/14/2008 10:02:50 PM PDT by smoothsailing
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To: smoothsailing
In a fascinating fifty-year pattern -- completely indiscernible to liberals -- murderous despots succumb to "engagement" shortly after a Republican president threatens to bomb them. This allows liberals to hail years of impotent negotiation and engagement as a foreign policy 'win'.

Damn, that chick can write.

22 posted on 03/14/2008 10:02:54 PM PDT by T. Buzzard Trueblood ("a wee bit silly." -Lord Trimble on Hillary Clinton's claim of foreign policy "experience".)
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To: smoothsailing

The vilification of McCarthy was the model that has been applied repeatedly and pretty much perfected at this point. It worked very well on the Bush administration, and will always be effective when and where the media is a willing conspirator.

It really comes from Lenin in “State and Revolution” and elsewhere. You’ll see it used on McCain in such way to neutralize this “Obama and his preacher” flare-up, which I’m betting will first end up a net-gain for the Obamites in their battle with the Clintonistas and then a wash later on when up against McCain.

The other interesting aspect of the McCarthy era was his effect on Moscow and KGB tradecraft in colonizing the West.

The act of identifying signed-up communists in Hollywood and elsewhere forced Moscow to abandon the straight-forward effort to register people in CPUSA. The movement went underground and surreptitious as a response to McCarthy.

In 1972, Hillary Rodham didn’t have to join CPUSA to get her law clerking job with Red Robert Treuhaft. In 1952, even 1960, she probably would have been forced to sign up. Thus, she might have been eliminated from electoral politics thereafter.

Like someone else here said, McCarthy was on to more than he realized or was prepared to deal with.

23 posted on 03/14/2008 10:03:53 PM PDT by CZB
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To: Tailgunner Joe
Hi Buddy!
24 posted on 03/14/2008 10:04:57 PM PDT by smoothsailing
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It's still with us, CZB, without a doubt.

Joe bought some time, but now it's up to us.

25 posted on 03/14/2008 10:09:54 PM PDT by smoothsailing
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To: smoothsailing
"(Sheryl) Crow explained that the 'best way to solve problems is to not have enemies.' War solves that problem too: We won't have any enemies because we're going to kill them. Crow warned of 'huge karmic retributions that will follow.' She seemed not to understand that America going to war is huge karmic retribution. They killed three thousand Americans and now they're going to die."

Well, first a disclaimer - Sheryl Crow vs Ann Coulter is like throwing retarded kittens to an alligator. You know how it's going to end and it ain't gonna be pretty.

That said, I'm with Ann on this one - not all of them, but this one to be sure. People who arrogate to themselves the right to kill 3000 innocent people to make a point have already dictated the terms of the relationship. It is neither irrational nor "unfair" to happen to be better at killing them than they are at killing us. While desperate cries of moral equivalency and invocations of past sins serve to muddy the water they really don't address the main point - if they're dead they can't do it again.

One wonders sometimes at the weird moral asymmetry that results in the notion that them killing us is justified where our killing them back is not. The rules regarding justification turn out to be incredibly plastic, but not the rule of a 500-lb bomb impacting the goat dip at a terrorist soiree. It's a little difficult to re-frame that one. The inherent inflexibility of that is no doubt anathema to the enlightened liberal mind but it works wonders for making Abdul aware that two can play at his game but that only one can win. What is most difficult to understand is why this seems to be so difficult to understand.

26 posted on 03/14/2008 10:14:09 PM PDT by Billthedrill
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To: smoothsailing


27 posted on 03/14/2008 10:18:49 PM PDT by Christian4Bush ("41-David, you are clear for end of watch." Rest in Peace, SWAT Officer Randall Simmons.)
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To: smoothsailing; carlo3b; stanz; gakrak; massfreeper; hosepipe; Donald Rumsfeld Fan; MadLibDisease; ..
"Whenever liberals start to droning on about 'complex issues' for which there are no 'simple solutions,' hide Grandma and the kids: Rancid policy proposals are coming." -- Ann Coulter, P. 182

I need to re-read Treason. Great book!

Let me or knews_hound know if you'd like to be added to the Ann Coulter ping list.

28 posted on 03/14/2008 10:23:58 PM PDT by jellybean (I brought the popcorn for the Battle of The Rinos - Proud Ann-droid and a Steyn-aholic)
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To: smoothsailing
I was really getting tired of all the Obama threads.

I know just what you mean, I've been looking for anything but him or the beast. :)

I want to thank you for those links on McCarthy too, now I've got some reading to do.

29 posted on 03/14/2008 10:25:25 PM PDT by jazusamo ( |
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To: The_Republican
By engaging in that kind of rhetoric

We agree of her brilliance and because of it, I believe she has little patience. Have you ever been around a group of people who are truly clueless -and they won't listen to just plain ole common sense? How long can you stay in their presence before your insides gets the best of you and you either have to lash out or you will explode or walk away. Now magnify that to a national level as she witnesses the stupidity/cluelessness of those in power directing our country and she's a constitutional lawyer.

We, also, have been watered down with PC. Truth and PC are enemies, where one lives the other cannot exist. While Ann speaks truth, most say she didn't have to be nasty about it or she could have said it in a round about way - in a more pleasant way - to get her point across. What they want is for her to be PC. While they appreciate the truth, they prefer it to be wrapped in PC to be more palatable. She's not a politician, so we ain't going to get her to act like one. She isn't looking to be liked which is rare these days.
30 posted on 03/14/2008 10:26:53 PM PDT by presently no screen name
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To: Billthedrill
Wow Bill, you are truly waxing eloquent tonight!

March on brother!


31 posted on 03/14/2008 10:29:22 PM PDT by smoothsailing
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To: smoothsailing

Lovely drawing...

32 posted on 03/14/2008 10:32:17 PM PDT by hosepipe (CAUTION: This propaganda is laced with hyperbole....)
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To: jazusamo
There's alot there, Jaz, but it's well worth the time.

I'm hanging around for awhile, because this thread is fun. :-)

33 posted on 03/14/2008 10:33:32 PM PDT by smoothsailing
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To: smoothsailing

Spot on. Way to go Ann.

34 posted on 03/14/2008 10:36:51 PM PDT by calex59
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To: smoothsailing

Yes, it’s fun and interesting. I was on the phone in between posts. I filed the links so I’ll just read them at my leisure.

35 posted on 03/14/2008 10:42:45 PM PDT by jazusamo ( |
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To: smoothsailing
McCarth: In a minute I will ask you if you are now or ever have been a member of the Communist Party. If you have not you may say No,If you are or have been you may say yes or you may use the 5th Amendment.
36 posted on 03/14/2008 10:52:15 PM PDT by Peacekeeper357 (God provided food for every bird but he didn't put it in their nest.)
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To: presently no screen name

I would never be so arrogant as to think I could be on the same level as Ann - she just keeps knockin’ ‘em out, and it’s wondnerful - but I recall a boyfriend I had many years ago who constantly reminded me “you don’t have any patience with stupid people.” I never understood why I should.

37 posted on 03/14/2008 11:05:45 PM PDT by smalltownslick (All)
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To: jazusamo
I hear you, it took me a while to wade through it all when I first found it.

The bottom line for me is simple.

Joe McCarthy was an American Patriot. Because of that fact, the Leftists of that day were hellbent on destroying him.

They killed him before his time, but they didn't destroy his message.

The very thought of that still drives the Leftists of today into their blind rage.

I don't know if we'll ever beat the Leftists, but we will keep on beating them up, and maybe, just maybe, they'll stop whining and realize their freedom depends on us.

Nah, probably not, they would never understand.

38 posted on 03/14/2008 11:19:00 PM PDT by smoothsailing
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To: smoothsailing
A libtard I once ran into was going on about how McCarthy and "the committee" were instrumental in causing fear throughout America... I asked her, "are you talking about the 'House Unamerican Activities Committee?" and she said yes. I simply said, "Are you aware that McCarthy had nothing to do with the committee, since he was a senator, and the HUAC was a HofR committee?"

Besides, McCarthy was more concerned with communist infiltration into the higher levels of military and civilian command, and time has proven that he was correct.

The really sad (and scary) thing is that there's an active campaign to whitewash and even rehabilitate the reputations of known communist operatives! The best example would be of the Rosenbergs.


39 posted on 03/14/2008 11:24:27 PM PDT by MarkL
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To: smoothsailing

I can remember the McCarthy hearings on TV in the 50’s. I didn’t really pay much attention to them at the time. It must have been on the evening news because I doubt if they were covered live.

There was a strong anti-communist feeling by most people we knew and my Dad always said McCarthy was a real man for fighting communism and the people in our country connected to it.

Over the years I’ve read some on him but never a book so I’m looking forward to reading this.

Going to hang it up for the night, Smooth. Talk at you tomorrow.

40 posted on 03/14/2008 11:31:22 PM PDT by jazusamo ( |
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