Well, they do get it more often.
As a rule I try to read the articles,but four pages of that drivel,no thanks...
The seldom talked about real issue here is that of “marrying up.” In our culture, for many centuries most women could marry up, to a man who was of higher social and economic status. This was because both the bottom and the top of the male ladder were higher than the female ladder.
Women demanded equality and got it. Now there are very few men available for the women at the top of the female status ladder. Meanwhile, many high status men are still quite happy “marrying down,” reducing the pickings for high-status females even more.
It seems most high-status females have reacted by getting POed at life in general and men in particular, rather than recognizing that they must reorder their priorities.
It would be best if these women hadn’t been taught in today’s educational system that
there is no objective standard (which there is)
so that they could not “settle” for “good enough”, but have a fixed yardstick by which to measure their potential mate.
If women were MORE choosy (about whom they marry, choose to have kids with, etc), men would have to have better character.
We have three children ranging from 16 to 9. We have spent the last three nights getting Valentine’s day candies and cards together to hand out at school and about 4 hours baking last night cupcakes and cookies for “boyfriends”.
We did it as a family - it is what the story misses - really what a family is by simply doing the little things that bond everyone together.
You don’t need to settle if you’re worth having. The secret is to live your life and value system to be worth having.
Too many times it’s thought of as the bride settling. Could be the groom is as well.
That said, halitosis is gross.
I’ve been married nearly 17 years so I’m a little out of the loop. However, via living vicariously thru friends I’ve seen that many of the folks who are single at this age for a reason. Some have horrendous personal habits, over inflated ego’s, or are unwilling to make any changes to their lives for the sake of a relationship.
How many men have settled for Miss “Oh my God I’ll never drink again”?
It degrades over time.
When we were first married, it was sex 3 or 4 times a day.
After a year it was sex 3 or 4 times a week.
After 5 years it was sex 3 or 4 times a month.
Now that we are 10 years along it's sex 3 or 4 times a year, and even then I need to make an appointment. - Anonymous
Another thing to consider:
I’m a VERY independent woman and have, and most likely always will, make my own living in this world. The idea of being less than an equal partner with my husband doesn’t appeal to me in the least. However, it occurred to me early on that I couldn’t have everything I wanted at the same time.
So, I had my career, then I married and gained an instant family (three young boys!) late, at age 35.
What women fail to realize is that we CAN have it all...just not ALL AT ONCE.
And I married “down” to a guy fresh out of college (he started late, too) with only a few years of work under his belt at the time. My military career would be ending when I was 37 and I had my twenty. Helping him in his career and taking care of the Home Front while HE succeeded was very satisfying, and he greatly appreciated it. It was a good balance. :)
Oh, for Ghu's sake, not another McCain thread....
Maybe I am a hopeless romantic, but when asked how our marriage has done so well (coming up on 25 years of marriage, 20 years of wedded bliss), I always say: Don’t marry the person you think you could spend the rest of your life with. Marry the person you could not spend the rest of your life WITHOUT. I did that. (And, of course, it goes without saying that babies ought to FOLLOW marriage, not precede it.— Just my opinion, but in this case, the correct one.)
Reading the headline, I assumed this to be a pro-McCain piece.
I think the problem is not that women have expectations that are too high; I think their expectations are just all off. If you’re expecting a guy with a trust fund, looks like a movie star, and the romantic qualities of a fictional character, you’ll be disappointed.
Having a long list of qualities you’re looking for in a spouse and then not settling is good. I had a long list. It had lots of weird things on it (Christian, conservative, homeschool friendly, likes anime, geekier than me) but I found an awesome guy who met all my requirements and more.
I met him on FreeRepublic!
Waiting to long to marry and raise kids is an option, but it comes with more heartache than is necessary, IMO. Life's short...
Another thing Gottlieb is missing in its entirety is the War on Men. We’ve learned NOT to get married and NOT to make babies because of the utter ruin we’ve seen male friends go through when they marry, have kids, get cheated on or otherwise dumped, get divorced, get almost no custody rights, and get financially crippling alimony and support payments.
Sorry, but by and large, marriage in my generation is seen as a suckers’ game for men...
Gottlieb is typical of the kind of liberal feminist women who thought they knew it all but in reality didn’t. Femi-nazis thought they could rewrite human nature...in fact they didn’t believe in human nature. But when Gloria Steinum got married, I guess fish started riding bicycles.
My advise to single women who want to find a mate...don’t have bastard children.
No self respecting man wants to provide for the progeny of another. He won’t love the progeny of another the way that he loves his own. He won’t make the sacrifices for the progeny of another the way he will for his own.
You want stability...don’t marry a man who has children with another woman.
Depressing thought, isn't it...