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Dinosaurs, early relatives coexisted ^ | Friday, July 20, 2007 | David Perlman, Chronicle Science Editor

Posted on 07/20/2007 12:30:45 PM PDT by my_pointy_head_is_sharp

UC Berkeley scientists, digging deep into a remote New Mexico hillside, have discovered a trove of fossil bones that they say is evidence that dinosaurs and their early relatives lived side by side for tens of millions of years before the relatives slowly died off and left the dinosaurs to dominate the ancient world.

Until now many scientists had thought that dinosaur "precursors" -- perhaps their ancestors -- disappeared suddenly long before the dinosaurs themselves rose to prominence, but the bones dug up by Berkeley paleontologists show evidence of a different story.

The discovery of a wide variety of creatures all mingled together in layer upon layer of rocks dating from Earth's late Triassic period between 235 million and 200 million years ago, they say, shows that the strange relatives of the dinosaurs remained on the scene while the dinosaurs evolved into truly dominant creatures during the Jurassic period, between 120 million and 200 million years ago.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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KEYWORDS: crevo; evolution
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To: Riodacat
Paleontology, palaeontology or palæontology (from Greek: paleo, "ancient"; ontos, "being"; and λόγος, logos, "knowledge") is the study of prehistoric life forms on Earth through the examination of plant and animal fossils

Right! And the evidence does not show a gradual progression from one family, cats say, to another, horses or whatever. Cats stay cats, canines stay canines, etc.

201 posted on 07/21/2007 4:04:47 AM PDT by Greg F (<><)
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To: DallasMike
Amen to that. ALL of the evidence points to the universe being around 15 billion years old. Doing such a thing would basically make God a liar. The heavens declare God's glory and part of that glory is being able to see galaxies that are more than 12 billion years old. Besides, if God is out of space-time as an author is out of a book that he wrote, time in our universe means nothing to Him.

And I am a fundamentalist in that I believe that everything in the Bible is absolutely true and inspired by God. : )

202 posted on 07/21/2007 4:06:43 AM PDT by Greg F (<><)
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To: Rodney King
So adam wasn't the first man?

No, Adam wasn't the first human but he began the Adamic line that led to Christ. In that respect he was the "first man Adam".

There are many differences in the Genesis descriptions of man and Adam. Man(kind) was created on the 6th day,

So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (Gen.1:27)

On the seventh day He rested but then ...and there was not a man to till the ground.

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Gen.2:7)

And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made He a woman, and brought her unto the man. (Gen.2:21-22)

There were many differences in the two. One was created and one was formed. Mankind was created at the same time as woman. Eve was not formed at the same time. Mankind was given dominion over fish, fowl, etc. while Adam was to till the ground and keep the garden.

My belief is that mankind had an earlier start than the Adamic line. That is why Cain was able to find a wife and start a city when he was banned from the Garden - other people were already there. That is where the different races came from. God created them all but not from one man.

203 posted on 07/21/2007 4:33:33 AM PDT by Ping-Pong
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To: Resolute Conservative
I do not know him. I am not RC.

He used the Bible to pinpoint the exact moment of creation, which he put down as occuring in October 4004 BC. Can the Bible be wrong in this respect?

204 posted on 07/21/2007 6:09:09 AM PDT by Non-Sequitur (Save Fredericksburg. Support CVBT.)
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To: Rodney King
The earth is only 9,000 years old.


Come on, really...

205 posted on 07/21/2007 6:13:08 AM PDT by humblegunner (Word up!)
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To: Non-Sequitur; Resolute Conservative
Can the Bible be wrong in this respect?

The Bible is always correct (in it's original form) but man can be wrong in how they interpret it.

I believe Genesis tells us that the earth is millions or billions of years old but that this age started about 14,000 years ago.

Gen.1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
It didn't say when that was, just "in the begining".

1:2 (first 1/2) And the earth "was" without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
The word "was" was mistranslated and should be "became" - the earth became without form and void.

1:2 (last 1/2) And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

That was the beginning of the first day of this age. Then factor in that 1,000 years is as one day to God (2 Peter 3:8). So, the first 7,000 years went by, Adam was formed in the 8th. There were 4,000 years from Adam to Christ and then 2,000 years since His crucifixion = 14,000 years since the beginning of this age.

206 posted on 07/21/2007 6:42:05 AM PDT by Ping-Pong
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To: SlowBoat407

I AM getting old. I had that on vinyl.

207 posted on 07/21/2007 7:38:58 AM PDT by FixedandDilated
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To: my_pointy_head_is_sharp
Perhaps this is where the dinosaurs carried them to eat them after they killed them.
208 posted on 07/21/2007 7:42:03 AM PDT by U S Army EOD
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To: GunRunner

Federal Express, Post Office couldn’t have done it.

209 posted on 07/21/2007 7:46:34 AM PDT by U S Army EOD
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To: Ping-Pong
Then factor in that 1,000 years is as one day to God (2 Peter 3:8).

In that case, when the Bible says that Adam lived 930 years how long was that? Let's see...1 hour equals 1000 years...8,760 hours in a year....

210 posted on 07/21/2007 8:45:18 AM PDT by Non-Sequitur (Save Fredericksburg. Support CVBT.)
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To: ejonesie22
I know, but of course if you go on the 4350, you’d have to also go with the 6000-9000 year old earth theory also, which is bupkis. So exactly what happened. Well we don’t know except that there was some flood at some time. That is what it says. Not that the world was flooded at 8:43 AM, Monday, March whatever 2250 BC.

My response was to your post that stated:

Nothing in observed science contradicts anything in the Bible.

I provided an example where science does contradict something in the bible.

My statement relies on two things.

The first is the date of a global flood. I have listed some interpretations for that below. They generally center around 2350 BC or 4350 years ago. I have no independent opinion on this, so must rely on scholars and their opinions.

Second, is the lack of evidence for a global flood at that date in archaeology and sedimentology. I have spent a lot of years doing archaeology and reading archaeological journals. My colleagues and I have not found evidence for a global flood at the time it should have occurred. Instead, we find a number of kinds of evidence which show continuity from before, during, and after that date. In my area we have continuity of prehistoric cultures, mtDNA, fauna and flora, soil deposition, etc. No break 4350 years ago.

But if you want to see evidence for a large flood (actually a series of floods), google "channeled scablands" and see what happened in central and southern Washington at the end of the last ice age. Ice dams held glacial meltwater in the Idaho panhandle area, creating a series of lakes in western Montana. Periodically these dams released the water, and it scoured parts of Washington. The point I want to make here is that a large flood leaves evidence. A global flood much more recently would have erased that evidence and left other, much more visible evidence. And archaeologists and other -ologists are pretty good at finding that evidence--if it is there.


The date of the global flood:

2252 BC --

2304 BC -- Answers in Genesis (+/- 11 years).

2350 BC -- Morris, H. Biblical Creationism. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1993.

2370 BC --

2500 BC --

2522 BC -- Dr. Gerhard Hasel

2978-3128 BC --

3300 BC --

3537 BC -- Setterfield (1999)

211 posted on 07/21/2007 9:16:24 AM PDT by Coyoteman (Religious belief does not constitute scientific evidence, nor does it convey scientific knowledge.)
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To: al baby; Allegra; Auntbee; BJClinton; Dashing Dasher; dfwddr; exile; feinswinesuksass; ...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket TaЯd ping!

212 posted on 07/21/2007 9:24:51 AM PDT by EveningStar
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To: Riodacat
Proof positive that Man & Dinosaurs lived together 8K years ago

How is this "proof positive"?

213 posted on 07/21/2007 9:30:40 AM PDT by EveningStar
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To: Non-Sequitur
In that case, when the Bible says that Adam lived 930 years how long was that? Let's see...1 hour equals 1000 years...8,760 hours in a year....

There are God's days and there are our days. There are also the days of Daniel that differ from ours.

The creation was His so could the time there be reckoned by His time? The years of Adam belonged to him so could it be reckoned by human time? Just something to think about but it certainly can be the answer to some puzzling questions.

214 posted on 07/21/2007 9:48:08 AM PDT by Ping-Pong
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To: Ping-Pong

Not to mention it cannot possibly refer to earth days since the earth sun wasn’t created til day three.

215 posted on 07/21/2007 11:07:07 AM PDT by gondramB (Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words)
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To: Non-Sequitur

>>He used the Bible to pinpoint the exact moment of creation, which he put down as occuring in October 4004 BC. Can the Bible be wrong in this respect?<<

Man can surely be wrong.

And revelations to man are limited by the man and the times.

216 posted on 07/21/2007 11:28:45 AM PDT by gondramB (Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words)
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To: Coyoteman
I don’t disagree. I don’t hold the whole 6000 year old Earth theory. 4-5 Billion is that last figure I have seen and has been that way for some time. I am good with that until we discover something more. The Earth is very old.

I have faith, I also have the intelligence to know the is a lot more to it than what the Bible holds. If they had or National Geographic back then maybe they would have been more detailed. The frame of reference used in writing the narratives was time/knowledge based. The flood may well have been local in scope but globe in perception. The Roman’s used to think the “world” was their empire. The dates at the end of your post to be from the creationist sites. It could be that some local catastrophic event became the narrative that passed down the line, maybe it occurred much earlier, who knows.

I don’t hold the over simplified explanation that the Creation Scientist hold. I had a minister friend who was also a geologist by trade, he’s the one I got the “Jesus Flintstone” line from. He used to hate those publications that would show man, much less Christ petting Brontosaurs. I got my take from him many years ago. If you truly believe in an all powerful and all knowing God, he can make anything he wants, and time he wants, anyway he wants. To turn your back on or dismiss obvious results is ignorant and an insult to the very power you say you worship.

To me the work you and other scientist do does not prove or disprove God as fact. Like I said that’s too easy anyways. If God was sitting down and showing ID to everybody then there would be no point.

When I look at the complexity of a double star system, the beauty of a nebula, the majesty of the mountains, the mysteries of the deep ocean, mind knows what I have read of the mechanics and properties, my heart and my faith tell that it is good for me to enjoy the gift...

217 posted on 07/21/2007 12:59:42 PM PDT by ejonesie22 (Hillary has already beat Rudy, She is the better cross-dresser.)
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To: ejonesie22
I see we have very little about which to disagree.

Thanks for the good reply.

218 posted on 07/21/2007 1:37:06 PM PDT by Coyoteman (Religious belief does not constitute scientific evidence, nor does it convey scientific knowledge.)
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To: Coyoteman

I too enjoyed it. I have a soft for those who dig in the dirt to rediscover our history. Was a history major myself and enjoyed the results of being able to reach back and “touch” the people, places and things I studied.

Keep digging.

You know what I mean...

219 posted on 07/21/2007 2:18:15 PM PDT by ejonesie22 (Hillary has already beat Rudy, She is the better cross-dresser.)
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To: Ping-Pong

Don’t forget about Adam’s first wife, Lilith.

220 posted on 07/21/2007 2:27:32 PM PDT by GunRunner (Come on Fred, how long are you going to wait?)
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