Posted on 04/21/2007 6:42:25 PM PDT by Jim Robinson
We've got some real challenges facing us. FR was established to fight against government corruption, overstepping, and abuse and to fight for a return to the limited constitutional government as envisioned and set forth by our founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and other founding documents.
One of the biggest cases of government corruption, overstepping and abuse that I know of is its disgraceful headlong slide into a socialist hell. Our founders never intended for abortion to be the law of the land. And they never intended the Supreme Court to be a legislative body. They never intended God or religion to be written out of public life. They never intended government to be used to deny God's existence or for government to be used to force sexual perversions onto our society or into our children's education curriculum. They never intend for government to disarm the people. They never intended for government to set up sanctuary cities for illegals. They never intended government to rule over the people and or to take their earnings or private property or to deprive them of their constitutional rights to free speech, free religion, private property, due process, etc. They never intended government to seize the private property of private citizens through draconian asset forfeiture laws or laws allowing government to take private property from lawful owners to give to developers. Or to seize wealth and redistribute it to others. Or to provide government forced health insurance or government forced retirement systems.
All of the above are examples of ever expanding socialism and tyranny brought to us by liberals/liberalism.
FR fights against the liberals/Democrats in all of these areas and always will. Now if liberalism infiltrates into the Republican party and Republicans start promoting all this socialist garbage, do you think that I or FR will suddenly stop fighting against it? Do you think I'm going to bow down and accept abortionism, feminism, homosexualism, global warming, illegal alien lawbreakers, gun control, asset forfeiture, socialism, tyranny, totalitarianism, etc, etc, etc, just so some fancy New York liberal lawyer can become president from the Republican party?
Do you really expect me to do that?
“It is amusing to hear your concern about truth and integrity when your side” yeah the conservative side
“makes every effort to distort Giulianis positions”
No. Why distort when he supports abortion, restricting the 2nd Amendment, he has no record or experience in national security, and belives in open borders and sanctuary cities.
Maybe you could try to spice up your smears with Pack, or Herd, or Gang, or Horde.
Anything to break up the tedium of mob."
Or maybe you could start salting lynch in with mob to change thing up a bit.”
Since this is a Rooty thread, how about throwing Kerik in to go with the word Mob ?
If would fit and before you know it, it would be like a real conversation.
I have no idea what you are babbling about.
I thought I will you in on some of the gaps in your knowledge.
But why bother?
I’d rather go down fighting, then waiting for socialism to take full hold on America.
No it does not, I'm pro-choice.
There is NO SUCH THING AS PRO-CHOICE, the baby has no choice, it is wantonly sentenced to die. You are PRO-ABORTION, you support the murder of 50 MILLION innocents over a 34 year period. You support wholesale genocide on a scale that outranks Hitler, Stalin and Saddam COMBINED.
I'd be happy to debate abortion on another thread, I don't think this would be a very good place to debate it.
Why not? Jim specifically mentioned it in his original post. Or do you just prefer to "debate" infanticide with the other pro-abortionists at Wide Awakes?
Thanks. It’s just the difference between theory and reality. I live in the real world, not some bubble world where I invent theories about how the real world might be. And of course it helps to put a little bit of thought into the situation, instead of seeing that Americans aren’t picking tomatoes, and deciding that’s all there is to the story.
“I thought I will you in” = “I thought I would try to fill you in”
“...We call for the repeal of the 17th amendment...”
I second that emotion.
Wow! Looks like I missed quite a few important posts. I’ll never, ever, ever catch up now. But I’ll still post once in a while anyway, just to satisfy the addiction. Thanks for staying on top of it.
I'm not sure if mine could be called the best but it's probably a one of a kind.
Might even be the first of its kind. I dunno......
Why would he form an exploratory committee if he is already planning to declare in May? It would have so little time to gear up before becoming defunct.
Only to those of us willing to look, and able to comprehend. Libs are lacking in both. They're eager to cause the same chaos again, and once again deny the existence of the chaos they cause.
Got a link? I didn’t think so.
Stonewall Mr Bush [Free Republic]
I’ll throw myself on the mercy of the FR court and ask what others have asked...who else can beat her?
I’m as dismayed as you are and Rush is that we have apparently lost the ideological battle for capitalism, decency, personal responsibility and limited government and this is where we have come to...looking for a NY City liberal to bail us out. I didn’t create the problem and neither did you. I don’t disagree with you. Frankly, by creating FR you have done a lot for the right wing. (I’m not an ass kisser and if I disagreed with you I would be brave enough to tell you so)
I don’t have the answer. What the heck do I know. I’ve read every book about Barry Goldwater in the library including his autobiography. He did a lot to advance the conservative movement even while going down in a blaze of glory in 1964.
It just seems to me as a pragmatist that there is a time and place for a guy like Goldwater. I’m not convinced that this is the time nor the place for a martyr to the cause.
I curse the MSM that propped up socialism and liberalism and put us and the American people in this position to decide between the bubonic plague (Hillary) and cholera (Rudy).
Me too. With Rudy out of the way, we will be opening up to a good conservative candidate
Willie Green! I remember him. (But from more recently, since I'm Class of 2005)
Willie was the class of ‘98. He’s still posting over at LP.
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