Posted on 04/21/2007 6:42:25 PM PDT by Jim Robinson
We've got some real challenges facing us. FR was established to fight against government corruption, overstepping, and abuse and to fight for a return to the limited constitutional government as envisioned and set forth by our founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and other founding documents.
One of the biggest cases of government corruption, overstepping and abuse that I know of is its disgraceful headlong slide into a socialist hell. Our founders never intended for abortion to be the law of the land. And they never intended the Supreme Court to be a legislative body. They never intended God or religion to be written out of public life. They never intended government to be used to deny God's existence or for government to be used to force sexual perversions onto our society or into our children's education curriculum. They never intend for government to disarm the people. They never intended for government to set up sanctuary cities for illegals. They never intended government to rule over the people and or to take their earnings or private property or to deprive them of their constitutional rights to free speech, free religion, private property, due process, etc. They never intended government to seize the private property of private citizens through draconian asset forfeiture laws or laws allowing government to take private property from lawful owners to give to developers. Or to seize wealth and redistribute it to others. Or to provide government forced health insurance or government forced retirement systems.
All of the above are examples of ever expanding socialism and tyranny brought to us by liberals/liberalism.
FR fights against the liberals/Democrats in all of these areas and always will. Now if liberalism infiltrates into the Republican party and Republicans start promoting all this socialist garbage, do you think that I or FR will suddenly stop fighting against it? Do you think I'm going to bow down and accept abortionism, feminism, homosexualism, global warming, illegal alien lawbreakers, gun control, asset forfeiture, socialism, tyranny, totalitarianism, etc, etc, etc, just so some fancy New York liberal lawyer can become president from the Republican party?
Do you really expect me to do that?
What about the conservatives who don’t know who they are going to vote for yet?
Can we openly discuss the ideas of each candidate and make our decisions?
It goes even deeper than that, IMO.
It would be one thing if the GOP had retained power in the 2006 elections. The GOP leadership at least would have a basis to claim they had a winning strategy for 2008.
But the GOP drifted away from its roots, cavorted with lobbyists and dabbled with petty corruption - and got spanked as a result.
Subsequently, certain factions of the GOP (and FR) went around blaming conservatives. Those people are the Han Solo wing of the GOP ("It's not my fault!") - even though many of the misgivings conservatives had about Bush and GOP Leaders such as Hastert and Frist and DeLay came to pass and those cost the GOP in 2006.
So the efforts of the GOP leadership to move leftward in response to the losses in 2006 shows their solution to failure is to do more of what has failed. Which is absurd. And a recipe for disaster.
Far from being 100 percenters, unappeasables and all the other nonsense being thrown at them by Rudy boosters, the overwhelming support for Fred on FR shows conservatives are pragamatic and willing to make some compromises. But supporting Rudy would not represent compromise but utter capitulation. We won't go there. And those pushing Rudy already played their role in the 2006 losses. So they ain't worth listening to anyway.
You made your comment before she opused.
What about the conservatives who dont know who they are going to vote for yet?
...I’m one of them
Can we openly discuss the ideas of each candidate and make our decisions?
Certainly. Jim is only banning people that are disparaging conservative candidates and icons like Reagan as part of a tactic to support liberal Giuliani. At least that is my impression of what I see.
I could see it coming.
I am leaving this THREAD.
Tolsti seems to have a low IQ in addition to being an obvious troll. Junior here seems to be itching for a fight with someone on his side.
No reason to deal with either of them.
I'm a conservative political activist............I'm not a fool.
“I have long ago decided that I want conservative values.”
Yes. I understand that.
“And those include the sanctity of life, first and foremost, but they also include honesty, decency (which does not include vulgarity) and morality.”
My goals as well.
“I have already explained ad nauseum that I do not support Rudy, BUT, if Hillary takes office one of the first things she will do is to make sure that American tax dollars kill more babies. Her record is clear, and it is unfathomable for me, as a conservative, to help her get back into the White House.”
Yes. She will and because of Rudy’s record, I think he would also. I don’t see any moral difference between them.
Like I said. There will be sacrifice to achieve what is right. And as scary as it is, it must not dictate or compromise your values.
Yes. It will be a hard pill to swallow. But with steadfastness and determination, it can be overcome in the end.
Thanks, Sandy. I appreciate your standing up against the troll.
Who is the DU troll? You’re the one acting like it.
Figures, you can’t even really leave the thread. Doubt you could the site ever, no matter that you trashed it by saying you’re not optimistic about its future.
I permitted myself to “settle” for Ahnold here in California instead of voting for the man who I believed to be the best candidate (knowing that Ahnold would get the win). I will never compromise my principles again - so, Rudy will never get my vote as long as he accepts liberal positions on matters of grave importance to humanity. If he wins the Primary (highly unlikely) I will change to Independent and vote for the third party conservative candidate (or write in Fred Thompson). Rudy has not earned my vote, and from where I presently sit, he is doing nothing to earn my vote.
That's where we disagree. I do, because she is pure evil, through and through, marxist, anxious to kill babies, and hostile to our precious military.
But I've said that before, and I believe reasonable people can disagree.
Now, I have been having serious problems getting off this thread, so I hope you don't mind if I don't respond to your reply. :)
It has NOTHING to do with you. Thanks for the healthy conversation.
They are on other threads whining about being banned for supporting Giuliani and sending daily Kos links by FReepmail to “prove” there’s a “purge”.
Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them.Take heed, ye who wrongly and dishonorably occupy the Senatorial chambers and all other positions of public trust. Take heed, Citizens!!
Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833
Hugs! And we’ll man the battle stations while you catch your breath.
Thanks again, Knitting.
Prayer is our strongest tool here. We HAVE to keep Rudy from getting the nomination, and have someone who can beat any Dem in his place.
THAT is our goal! Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!
Our job is to make it clear what’s going on to the best of our ability.
Have a great day Ohio!
“Subsequently, certain factions of the GOP (and FR) went around blaming conservatives.”
Yes. Which is the main reason I stopped posting on FR.
I got tired of the “It’s your fault for not voting” mentality that overtook people, who, because of the loss, became more committed to get back control ‘no matter what’.
“So the efforts of the GOP leadership to move leftward in response to the losses in 2006 shows their solution to failure is to do more of what has failed. Which is absurd. And a recipe for disaster.’
Yes, which, in my round about way, was my point.
If you are willing to compromise your principals for a ‘win’ , what else are you willing to compromise?
I’m not giving up, just because some think this is the only way to win.
I wanted to tell you that your posts are most eloquent and thoughtful. I enjoy your updates. Thanks for your efforts here.
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