Posted on 04/21/2007 6:42:25 PM PDT by Jim Robinson
We've got some real challenges facing us. FR was established to fight against government corruption, overstepping, and abuse and to fight for a return to the limited constitutional government as envisioned and set forth by our founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and other founding documents.
One of the biggest cases of government corruption, overstepping and abuse that I know of is its disgraceful headlong slide into a socialist hell. Our founders never intended for abortion to be the law of the land. And they never intended the Supreme Court to be a legislative body. They never intended God or religion to be written out of public life. They never intended government to be used to deny God's existence or for government to be used to force sexual perversions onto our society or into our children's education curriculum. They never intend for government to disarm the people. They never intended for government to set up sanctuary cities for illegals. They never intended government to rule over the people and or to take their earnings or private property or to deprive them of their constitutional rights to free speech, free religion, private property, due process, etc. They never intended government to seize the private property of private citizens through draconian asset forfeiture laws or laws allowing government to take private property from lawful owners to give to developers. Or to seize wealth and redistribute it to others. Or to provide government forced health insurance or government forced retirement systems.
All of the above are examples of ever expanding socialism and tyranny brought to us by liberals/liberalism.
FR fights against the liberals/Democrats in all of these areas and always will. Now if liberalism infiltrates into the Republican party and Republicans start promoting all this socialist garbage, do you think that I or FR will suddenly stop fighting against it? Do you think I'm going to bow down and accept abortionism, feminism, homosexualism, global warming, illegal alien lawbreakers, gun control, asset forfeiture, socialism, tyranny, totalitarianism, etc, etc, etc, just so some fancy New York liberal lawyer can become president from the Republican party?
Do you really expect me to do that?
You’re embarrassing yourself again. I know 16 year olds that have a better grasp on science than you do. You have more knowledge, it is true, but their minds aren’t rusted shut.
— change my underwear daily. My principles are not boxer shorts. Sorry. Just trying to be a little original here. Evrything has already been said.
don-o, what is this obsession with clothing?! (grins)
>>It was much worse with Trent Lott back in the December 2002<<
That was the first big rift between FReepers after 9/11.
What are some others? Harriet Miers comes to mind. And Dubai Ports.
Watch your mouth, Loser.
Loser, that's your territory. Are you m thatcher?
Nobody tells me to watch my mouth. The owner of this site can because it's his site. But certainly not you.
You must be! Ive tried! have to run up and down the stairs! good work out, but i get tired:) how far have you come?
It is hard work to keep up.
Then you miss the entire meaning of the post.
I am born and raised in NYC and I lived in NYC through both of Rudy’s terms. I voted for him 3 times for mayor. He also almost had me sold on the same kind of tripe you just regurgitated here tonight.
Let’s just throw out Rudy’s liberalness for a second.
But look back, if you really were in NYC during his tenure as mayor. Remember the power grabs. Remember trying to take people’s cars for traffic infractions. Remember the way he ran roughshod over EVERYONE, not Democrats only, but ANYONE to do what he wanted. Will he fight Dems? You betcha, but he’ll be fighting all of us as well, because it’s all about him. If Rudy were elected as leader of the free world, he would be everything that the left fantasizes that Bush is times 100.
Add that to the fact that he’s nationally a clueless politican, as evidenced by his recent abortion remarks that not only brought up that particular topic, but in a single paragraph made everyone think ‘Well, if that’s a constitutional right that’s not in the constitution, how come he doesn’t believe in what the constitution says about my right to bear arms????’.
Add those and you have a guy who WILL lose via a 3rd party challenge, and you are supporting a sure loser. Heck, I don’t even know if it’ll take a 3rd party by the time it’s over.
But the point is moot, because Thompson makes Rudy look like a child running for class president.
Tnank you. Her version on the IPOD was bizarre to say the least. That lesbo on the runway reminded me of Rudy.
“That’s the game plan here. Accuse non-Rudy supporters of being Rudy supporters.”
Your words, correct? Well they are totally false. The people who have been zapped here all admitted they were Giuliani supporters. Then they attempted to besmirch the reputations of good conservatives and were disrespectful to the owner of the site.
So, by your above quote you are clearly telling untruths.
Yep...I had to too...but hubby helped...
The Trent Lott debate was unreal. Every article on the sidebar dealth with that issue with Freepers taking sides. I was compelled to register for FR instead of lurking, hence my start date here.
But when he answered “both” HE should’ve been embarrassed and ashamed of what he did.
Truth is, he is an embarrassment to himself, and should be ashamed. He never admits he is wrong. I had long convos with him in person and in fr mail and he just doesn’t get it.
He supports many of FR’s enemies.
He doesn’t have it in him though to debate from his lame statements. So he quits the thread.
Oh, and yea I didn’t ping him. He went over the line with me this am, and I have no respect for him. Let him complain..
Drinks are on me.
People forget, or are too young to really remember how unhappy he made people...and how authoritarian he behaved. I knew that from the news stories, and I didn’t even live there.
No, he's Gothic.
This post is an in her face call the law. If you can't put yourself in the line of fire for the things you believe in, get down.
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