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Will FR embrace socialism to make way for Rudy Giuliani as a Republican presidential candidate?
| April 21, 2007
| Jim Robinson
Posted on 04/21/2007 6:42:25 PM PDT by Jim Robinson
We've got some real challenges facing us. FR was established to fight against government corruption, overstepping, and abuse and to fight for a return to the limited constitutional government as envisioned and set forth by our founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and other founding documents.
One of the biggest cases of government corruption, overstepping and abuse that I know of is its disgraceful headlong slide into a socialist hell. Our founders never intended for abortion to be the law of the land. And they never intended the Supreme Court to be a legislative body. They never intended God or religion to be written out of public life. They never intended government to be used to deny God's existence or for government to be used to force sexual perversions onto our society or into our children's education curriculum. They never intend for government to disarm the people. They never intended for government to set up sanctuary cities for illegals. They never intended government to rule over the people and or to take their earnings or private property or to deprive them of their constitutional rights to free speech, free religion, private property, due process, etc. They never intended government to seize the private property of private citizens through draconian asset forfeiture laws or laws allowing government to take private property from lawful owners to give to developers. Or to seize wealth and redistribute it to others. Or to provide government forced health insurance or government forced retirement systems.
All of the above are examples of ever expanding socialism and tyranny brought to us by liberals/liberalism.
FR fights against the liberals/Democrats in all of these areas and always will. Now if liberalism infiltrates into the Republican party and Republicans start promoting all this socialist garbage, do you think that I or FR will suddenly stop fighting against it? Do you think I'm going to bow down and accept abortionism, feminism, homosexualism, global warming, illegal alien lawbreakers, gun control, asset forfeiture, socialism, tyranny, totalitarianism, etc, etc, etc, just so some fancy New York liberal lawyer can become president from the Republican party?
Do you really expect me to do that?
TOPICS: Extended News; Free Republic; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Alaska; US: Arizona; US: New York; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: 2008election; abortion; alaska; aliens; arizona; banglist; bernardkerik; bugzapper; bugzapperinventor; bugzapperthread; byebyerinos; bzzzt; classicthread; damties; dragqueens4rudy; election2008; elections; fr; freedom; freepercide; freepersturnedtroll; freepicide; giuliani; globalwarming; gojimgo; greatzot; gungrabber; herekitty; hizzoner; homosexualagenda; howlermonkeys; howlermonkeyzot; howlinzot; hsw; immaturity; johnmccain; jrrocks; julieannie; julieanniebotsmad; lemmings; liberty; lookatmenow; massresignation; newt; newyork; newyorkcity; no; nonopus; nopiapspleez; onepercentersgone; onepercentersrule; opus; opuscentral; peachcompost; piapers; pridegoethb4; prolife; propertyrights; propiaps; rabidfringeshame; realmenofgenius; rino; rinorudy; rinos; rossperot; rudolphgiuliani; rudy; rudygiuliani; rudyhasalisp; rudyinadress; rudymcromney; rudytherino; ruhroh; runfredrun; sarahpalin; savagegotitrite; selfimmolation; senatorjohnmccain; senatormccain; socialism; socialist; springcleaning; springhousecleaning; stoprudy; stoprudy2008; suicidebymod; supo; sweepuptime; takingoutthetrash; thanksjim; themanwhosavednyc; thtoprudy; travesty; undeadthread; vikingkitties; weneedfred; wideawake; wideawakes; zap; zapper; zot; zotbelt
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To: stephenjohnbanker
I agree, he may not cut taxes or be good on the WOT, I was just giving the other side the benefit of their best arguements. Even if what they say about Rudi is true, I could never vote for him.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:35:09 PM PDT
Mom MD
(The scorn of fools is music to the ears of the wise)
To: mware; dmw; NautiNurse
Do me a favor and check out NautiNurse homepage here at FR. They tell me she is not the kind of person we want and need here at FR.
I already did. I have no problem with NautiNurse, or are you forgetting that she was the first to flare up with her judgmental shrieking?
Let's review, she said to me:
"I certainly dont agree with a fair collection of Peachs comments, but your dancing on her grave is not only incredibly immature, your post degrades the value of this forum....
You do not speak for conservatives. Your twisted glee (e.g. "ADIOS TWIT!", "Go screw yourself, you little twit,""dont let the cat cover you up when you head back to your sandbox", and "you can follow Miss Katie right on out the door bucko") sanctioned by FReepmail ballot LOLs does not make your behavior appropriate or conservative. Nor does it resemble anything Christ-like. Hypocrisy such as yours is defenseless for a conservative, and in the eyes of God."
Then she had some nice words for dmw:
"Humor is my friend. I know humor very well...and I know when your snarky posts dont resemble humor at all. Dont patronize me or pretend to know what JimRob will or will not do in the future. State your political case for what you believe, and spare me your brown-nosing prognosticating. Plenty of us are mature enough to sort through the BS...
Don't get your hormones hopping to dance on my grave. Jackals like you live for discord. You crave it. While you are a sociopathic keyboard commando, I am one who lives and breathes conservatism. Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often"
Now if you really want to get down to brass tacks here mware, NONE of this has anything to do with NautiNurse's fine work at Walter Reed, that is a straw man faux-shield you've invoked as a pre-defense for your friend, and I understand that. I also understand that in the context of this discussion, and THIS thread, that it is irrelevant.
What IS relevant is NautiNurse's comments, and I hardly think that someone who calls another Freeper a 'brownnosing...sociopathic keyboard commando' has any room whining about some well deserved chuckling and celebration about the demise of trolls, misfits and disruptors.
Care to take another swing at this mware? I'll be here for a while.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:35:29 PM PDT
(Jan 20, 2009 - "We Don't Know. Where Rudy Went. Just Glad He's Not. The President. Burma Shave.")
To: 68 grunt; Reagan Man
Reagan Man is an obvious Leftist troll. It’s how they operate. Register a “True Conservative” screenname then start factioning people off.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:35:51 PM PDT
(Politics is the art of the possible)
To: trussell
What you said was true. Fierce was continually being baited, his mistake was in falling for it. I find it easier for me to just ignore the Rudybots rantings. I won’t say they don’t get me mad, I just don’t want to get into a mindless pissing match. And too many of them are quite humorless, which is a liberal trait.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:35:56 PM PDT
To: ohioWfan
I am a principled conservative.........and I see from this thread that I am in a small minority on this forum. So, earlier in this thread you said that conservative FReepers who refused to vote for Giuliani were "irresponsible". And now you're saying that they are "unprincipled." You point at this thread - started by Jim Robinson (your host by the way) - wherein he proceeds to tear up the liberal Rudybots and send a handful of them into exile - as the example that YOU are more "principled" and the he and the rest of the thread's participants (except for those on your side, of course) are "unprincipled".
Beyond "irresponsible" and "unprincipled", do you have anything else you'd like to get off your chest about how you feel about Free Republic, our host, and the rest of the FReepers here?
posted on
04/22/2007 7:37:11 PM PDT
(Rudy Giuliani Quote (NY Post, 1996) "Most of Clinton's policies are very similar to most of mine.")
To: mkjessup
I hope you do stick around, your entertainment value is priceless.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:37:24 PM PDT
(Politics is the art of the possible)
To: don-o
I can see where you misunderstood my comment.
Not a good thing to post when upset.
I meant to say,
"Read her homepage here at FR and THEN tell me she is not the kind of person we want and need here.?"
posted on
04/22/2007 7:37:31 PM PDT
(By all that you hold dear..Doing real on this good earth... I bid you stand! Men of the West!)
To: mware
Sorry. I misunderstood your remarks.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:37:36 PM PDT
To: BykrBayb
Btw, could you fill me in on the hundreds of posts Ive skipped? We've got trouble, right here in River City!!
Reagan was better than Dubya.
Dubya is better than Reagan.
Some people here like each other.
Some people here hate each other.
Some people speedread through the whole thread and then rub it in...:)
Definition of conservatism is clear to conservatives.
Definition of conservatism is "unclear" to libs (as if they cared).
What did Rudy know about Bernie Kerik and when?
Calcowgirl has outlined a plan of action for taking the lib out of Republican contention.
Somebody's Wife said Goodbye but didn't leave, kept posting.
Occasional humor... the mark of a good FR thread, imo...
Can't understand why a certain "grunt" is allowed to post here.
Appointment of judges is supremely important.
We are a nation of laws founded on God's laws.
OhioWFan went outside for some fresh air.
Well, that is some of it but not all of it and I am still 500 posts behind....:)
posted on
04/22/2007 7:38:08 PM PDT
La Enchiladita
(Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us, and grant us Your peace.)
To: mware
Suggest you proof your posts for spelling. Your typos skew what you are trying to say.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:38:27 PM PDT
(Proudly posting without reading the thread since 1998.)
To: Mom MD
Rudy has a very sordid personal life, and his pro abortion
stance is anathema to everything we stand for.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:38:52 PM PDT
( Hunter/Thompson/Thompson/Hunter in 08! Or Rudy/Hillary if you want to murder conservatism)
To: Registered
Too funny! I remember your posts before you went off the deep end...
posted on
04/22/2007 7:38:57 PM PDT
(Never argue with a man who buys ammo in bulk...)
To: EnquiringMind; Jim Robinson
Sneeringly bring up my religious beliefs
"Go screw yourself, you little twit"........ Is that how good Christians talk to one another? Just curious.
No, you're not 'curious', you're just out here trying to be provocative again.
My response to the now banned Katie-O is exactly what she deserved as a response, and my beliefs have absolutely nothing to do with it.
Go back and read her post 3110 and see if you think she had anything appropriately 'Christian' to say to Jim Robinson. You want to defend that?
By all means, please do.
The night is still young.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:39:04 PM PDT
(Jan 20, 2009 - "We Don't Know. Where Rudy Went. Just Glad He's Not. The President. Burma Shave.")
To: flashbunny; Iwo Jima
posted on
04/22/2007 7:39:21 PM PDT
("Liberalism is just Communism sold by the drink." P. J. O'Rourke)
To: gpapa
gpapa, the error was mine. Sorry.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:39:25 PM PDT
(By all that you hold dear..Doing real on this good earth... I bid you stand! Men of the West!)
To: mware
Has Nautical Nurse been banned?
To: mware; NautiNurse
At least get the screen name right. NautiNurse.
A delightful lady.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:39:55 PM PDT
(Proudly posting without reading the thread since 1998.)
To: Jim Robinson
Rudy Giuliani is about to be Swift Boat Vetted right outta here! Thank you. Thank you so very much.
I was off FreeRepublic this weekend, and I read all 3,500+ posts on this thread with a mix of astonishment, disgust, and (mostly) delight. It has not been pleasant to wake up to FreeRepublic every day for months and see my most cherished beliefs belittled by the Rudybots, and especially by the Rudybots who have been FReepers as long as I have.
But I know the problem isn't solved by stopping Rudy on this forum; the problem can only be solved by stopping him in the primaries (or possibly, the general election) before he and the "centrists" succeed in turning social conservatism in the 21st century version of Prohibition.
Swiftboating has often crossed my mind, and I could not be happier that it has crossed yours as well. God bless you!
posted on
04/22/2007 7:40:24 PM PDT
("moritur et ridet" - salvianus)
To: La Enchiladita
You are getting close : )
posted on
04/22/2007 7:40:26 PM PDT
( Hunter/Thompson/Thompson/Hunter in 08! Or Rudy/Hillary if you want to murder conservatism)
To: Rex Anderson
Not yet, they are laying the foundation.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:40:33 PM PDT
(Politics is the art of the possible)
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